8 research outputs found

    The Methodological Basis of Management of Enterprise Economic Resilience

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    The article necessitates studying methodology as a system of principles and tools for organizing activities for further research on the process of managing the economic resilience of an enterprise. The aim of the article is the formation of a methodological basis for managing economic resiliency of an enterprise based on a combination of a set of concepts and theories, principles, scientific approaches and methods for systematizing elements of the methodology of economic resilience at the level of enterprise as an object of promising scientific research. It is established that for Ukrainian enterprises the problem of ensuring sustainability of their socio-economic systems resulting from a significant environmental uncertainty is extremely urgent. In view of this, the main goal of managing economic resilience of an enterprise is its sustainable functioning, the key criterion of which is ensuring the target level of economic resilience in a certain time period. It is proved that the basis for sustainable functioning of an enterprise is the implementation of managing functional subsystems of economic resilience, the level of which for each subsystem may be different, but integrally ensure the economically safe functioning of enterprises at different phases of their economic development. Based on the definition of the main goal and criterion of management of enterprise economic resilience, a methodological basis for this process is proposed. It presents a consolidation of concepts and theories concerning the functional subsystems of economic resilience, scientific approaches, specific and fundamental principles and methods, the hierarchical structuring of which allows systematizing the methodology of scientific cognition of management of enterprise economic resilience and form a certain set of scientific views on the organization of theoretical and practical activities aimed at improving efficiency of this process and ensuring a stable functioning of an enterprise in the face of uncertainty


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    In today’s economic realities, achieving the necessary level of financial security of enterprises is a prerequisite for ensuring their sustainable operation and the formation of competitive development parameters in the internal and external market environment. The effectiveness of this process depends on building a high-quality financial architecture as the basic structural element of the company’s financial security system. In this regard, the subject of the study is an analysis of existing theoretical approaches to the definition of financial architecture and its relationship with the financial security of the enterprise. The methodological basis of the research is the scientific development of domestic and foreign scientists, the fundamental theoretical positions of economic science in the field of financial architecture formation, financial risk management, and financial security of the enterprise. The purpose of the article is to study the essence of financial architecture in order to substantiate its determining influence on the financial security of the enterprise and ensure its sustainable functioning in an unstable development of economic processes. The article analyses the theoretical aspects of financial architecture and finds that the interpretation of this economic category is due to the existence of clear causal relationships between its constituent elements and their impact on the financial support. Proceeding from this, the definition of financial architecture is drawn as a set of interconnected structural elements such as capital structure, ownership structure and quality of corporate governance, which accumulate and mobilize financial resources, increase control over the activity of the enterprise, solve conflicts of interest between owners and other stakeholders. It is determined that the choice of principles and methods for constructing financial architecture depends on such financial interests of economic entities as forming a flexible financial potential, optimizing the structure of capital, increasing investment attractiveness, maximizing profits, and increasing the market value of the enterprise. It is proved that the result of building a flexible financial architecture is to provide the appropriate level of financial security of an enterprise by identifying, quantifying, neutralizing, minimizing, and monitoring its financial risks. It is proposed to systematize indicators of financial security level assessment on the most typical of its functional components, among which investment, credit, emission, innovation, and currency can be distinguished. It has been established that ensuring the appropriate level of financial security will contribute to achieving financial sustainability, forming qualitative financial potential, providing competitive advantages, harmonizing interests of economic entities, and creating an effective system of economic security of the enterprise. It is concluded that the construction of high-quality financial architecture is the basis of financial security of an enterprise, the level of which depends on the proper management of financial risks and ensuring an adequate level of safety of all its functional components. As a criterion for the effectiveness of the process of ensuring the financial security of the company, sustainable development of the enterprise was determined in the conditions of an unstable economic environment

    Analyzing the Methods of Estimation of the Economic Security of Enterprises

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    The article is aimed at researching the basic methodological approaches of estimation of the economic security of enterprises. The basic methods of estimation of the level of economic security of the enterprises which are expedient for grouping according to such approaches are suggested: the resource-functional approach based on the estimation of economic security of enterprise by its functional components and for enterprise as a whole; indicator approach, which involves the estimation of the level of economic security of enterprise based on the use of an aggregate of indicators in various functional areas and comparison of their actual values with thresholds (indicators); expert approach based on the use of expert estimations of the level of economic security of enterprise; matrix approaches, involving the use of matrices to estimate the level of economic security of enterprise, built on the basis of clear and logical algorithms; methods of economic-mathematical modelling, implying the use of mathematical models and showing the influence of individual indicators (factors) on the level of security of enterprise, allowing to foresee different scenarios of the enterprise development subject to change of any given factor

    Current Threats to Personnel Security of Modern Enterprises

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    The aim of the article is to study personnel security as a subsystem of economic security of enterprises, its role in ensuring organizational and management activities of an enterprise in view of the current situation, structural specifics, and personnel fraud, as its significant subjective threat. The article defines the dominance of the personnel security subsystem in relation to other subsystems of an enterprise’s economic security as a fundamental principle in any of its activities. The structural components of personnel security of an enterprise, which are the cause of the existence of a large number of threats, are identified. Objective and subjective threats to its provision are highlighted. The topicality of corporate fraud as a significant subjective global threat to personnel security of an enterprise is substantiated. Two main approaches to defining the concept of corporate fraud are highlighted: the legal (Ukrainian) approach and the broad (world) one. The main trends of the most common types of economic crimes and their impact on Ukrainian organizations are analyzed. The key factors and their influence on committing an economic crime and / or fraud by an employee (fraudster) in Ukraine in 2018 are identified. There proved the necessity of influencing each of the factors that cause economic crimes by encouraging a culture of openness at all levels of the organization, introducing effective control mechanisms and developing a positive corporate culture. According to the 2018 Report to the Nations “Global study on occupational fraud and abuse”, the types and number of cases of corporate fraud in the world are determined, and their structural analysis carried out


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    The article considers the strategic directions of development of the financial architecture of the Ukrainian economy. It is proved that it is necessary to pay close attention to the following areas: the use of specific accounting standards; promoting the increase of the level of transparency of domestic capital markets in the context of introduction of complex market segments and financial instruments for coordinated regulation, first of all, including relevant derivatives; organization of effective prudential regulation and control over banking institutions; systemic risk management of the banking sector; increasing the effectiveness of control over institutions that are insured in a single system of insurance of their deposits; consolidation of supervision in the context of the use of a wider range of diversified instruments in order to control and limit the relevant financial risks that are directly related to the activities of a particular consolidated group; development of special programs to control companies with a complex structure, on the basis of using a system of indicators to identify possible problems and imbalances, corporate risks that arise directly, the formation of a strict regime of control over all functionally strategic financial organizations

    Analyzing the Impact of Modern Global Risks on the Operation of National Communication Enterprises

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    The article analyzes the impact of current contemporary risks on the operation of domestic telecommunication enterprises in the context of dynamic development of the global economy. It is determined that the key risks of information-communication industry in recent years are: increased competition; loss of reputation of the company’s brand; mismatch with innovative needs of customers; lack of professional human resources; cybercrime; temporary unevenness of economic cycles; loss of intellectual property; instability of the legal and regulatory framework; imperfection of information technologies and disruption of supply chains of products. It is identified that the manifestation of these risks impacts the quantitative performance of enterprises. On the basis of analysis of modern tendencies of activity of enterprises, a systematization of actual risks of operation of national communication enterprises on the groups of information, financial, personnel and innovative-investment risks is proposed. The factors of occurrence of these risks are allocated. It is defined that achievement of strategic directions of development of national communication enterprises depends on the influence of risks that demands development of efficient methods of risk management and creation of a system of their economic safety

    Информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов предприятия

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    В роботі обґрунтовано доцільність формування та впровадження комплексної інформаційної системи оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів на підприємстві. Запропонована інформаційна система оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів підприємства базується на конвергенції системного підходу, концепції управління ризиками, процесного підходу до управління підприємством. Впровадження цієї інформаційної системи забезпечить постійну ідентифікацію ризиків бізнес-процесів, їх оцінку та створить можливості протистояти ризикам при прийнятті управлінських рішень. Доведено, що інформаційна система оцінки ризиків бізнес-процесів є найважливішою частиною ризик-менеджменту, завдяки якій можна своєчасно та повно визначити значення показників, які відслідковуються. Крім того, ця система дозволяє відстежувати тенденції розвитку бізнес-процесів у короткостроковій перспективі, і, як наслідок, своєчасно вживати управлінські коригувальні дії, спрямовані на досягнення стратегічних цілей.The paper substantiates the feasibility of forming and implementing a comprehensive information system for assessing the risks of business processes at the enterprise. The information system for assessing the risks of business processes of the enterprise, which is proposed here, is based on the convergence of the systemic approach, the concept of risk management, the process approach to the management of the enterprise. Implementation of this information system will ensure permanent identification of risks of business processes, their assessment and create opportunities to resist risks when making managerial decisions. It has been proven that the information system for assessing the risks of business processes is the most important part of risk management, thanks to which it is possible to timely and fully determine the values of the indicators that are tracked. In addition, this system allows you to trace the trends in the development of business processes in the short term, and, as a result, take timely managerial corrective actions aimed at achieving the strategic goals.В работе обоснована целесообразность формирования и внедрения комплексной информационной системы оценки рисков бизнес-процессов на предприятии. Предложенная информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов предприятия базируется на конвергенции системного подхода, концепции управления рисками, процессного подхода к управлению предприятием. Внедрение этой информационной системы обеспечит постоянную идентификацию бизнес-процессов, их оценку и создаст возможности противостоять рискам при принятии управленческих решений. Доказано, что информационная система оценки рисков бизнес-процессов является важнейшей частью риск-менеджмента, благодаря которой можно своевременно и полно определить значения отслеживаемых показателей. Кроме того, эта система позволяет отслеживать тенденции развития бизнес-процессов в краткосрочной перспективе и, как следствие, своевременно предпринимать управленческие корректирующие действия, направленные на достижение стратегических целей

    The Concept of Economic Security of Enterprise in the Context of Different Methodological Approaches

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    The article analyzes contemporary interpretations of the concept of economic security of enterprise and suggests their systematization in the context of protective, sustainable, resource-functional, competitive, harmonizing, and complementary approaches. On the basis of analysis of the existing interpretations of economic security of enterprise in the context of each approach has been formed a comprehensive view on the nature of the studied category by systematization of its resource-functional elements, target guidelines and objectives, influencing factors, efficiency criteria. The author’s own definition of economic security of the enterprise has been suggested, according to which it is as a complex activity, which is directed to efficient formation and use of resource potential of enterprise in various functional spheres to provide its sustainable functioning in a volatile economic environment. The detailed study of methodological approaches as the basis for cognition of the essence of economic security of enterprise is the basis for further scientific researches on the influence of risks on its economic security in conditions of cyclical development of economy and the development of methodical instrumentarium of risk management with the purpose of sustainable functioning of enterprise