6 research outputs found

    Path to AWAKE : evolution of the concept

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    This paper describes the conceptual steps in reaching the design of the AWAKE experiment currently under construction at CERN. We start with an introduction to plasma wakefield acceleration and the motivation for using proton drivers. We then describe the self-modulation instability - a key to an early realization of the concept. This is then followed by the historical development of the experimental design, where the critical issues that arose and their solutions are described. We conclude with the design of the experiment as it is being realized at CERN and some words on the future outlook. A summary of the AWAKE design and construction status as presented in this conference is given in Gschwendtner et al. [1]

    Witness emittance growth caused by driver density fluctuations in plasma wakefield accelerators

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    International audienceWe discovered a novel effect that can cause witness emittance growth in plasma wakefield accelerators. The effect appears in linear or moderately nonlinear plasma waves. The witness experiences a time-varying focusing force and loses quality during the time required for the drive beam to reach transverse equilibrium with the plasma wave. The higher the witness charge, the lower the emittance growth rate because of additional focusing of the witness by its own wakefield. However, the witness head always degrades, and the boundary between degraded and intact parts gradually propagates backward along the witness bunch

    Response of narrow cylindrical plasmas to dense charged particle beams

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    By combining the linear theory and numerical simulations, we study the response of a radially bounded axisymmetric plasma to relativistic charged particle beams in a wide range of plasma densities. We present analytical expressions for the magnetic field generated in the dense plasma, prove vanishing of the wakefield potential beyond the trajectory of the outermost plasma electron, and follow the wakefield potential change as the plasma density decreases. At high plasma densities, wavefronts of electron density and radial electric field are distorted because of beam charge and current neutralization, while wavefronts of wakefield potential and longitudinal electric field are not. At plasma densities lower than or of the order of beam density, multiple electron flows develop in and outside the plasma, resulting in nonzero wakefield potential around the plasma column.By combining the linear theory and numerical simulations, we study the response of a radially bounded axisymmetric plasma to relativistic charged particle beams in a wide range of plasma densities. We present analytical expressions for the magnetic field generated in the dense plasma, demonstrate vanishing of the wakefield potential beyond the trajectory of the outermost plasma electron, and follow the wakefield potential change as the plasma density decreases. At high plasma densities, wavefronts of electron density and radial electric field are distorted due to beam charge and current neutralization, while wavefronts of wakefield potential and longitudinal electric field are not. At plasma densities lower than or of the order of the beam density, multiple electron flows develop in and outside the plasma, resulting in a nonzero wakefield potential around the plasma column

    Amplitude enhancement of the self-modulated plasma wakefields

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    Seeded Self-modulation (SSM) has been demonstrated to transform a long proton bunch into many equidistant micro-bunches (e.g., the AWAKE case), which then resonantly excite strong wakefields. However, the wakefields in a uniform plasma suffer from a quick amplitude drop after reaching the peak. This is caused by a significant decrease of the wake phase velocity during self-modulation. A large number of protons slip out of focusing and decelerating regions and get lost, and thus cannot contribute to the wakefield growth. Previously suggested solutions incorporate a sharp or a linear plasma longitudinal density increase which can compensate the backward phase shift and therefore enhance the wakefields. In this paper, we propose a new plasma density profile, which can further boost the wakefield amplitude by 30%. More importantly, almost 24% of protons initially located along one plasma period survive in a micro-bunch after modulation. The underlying physics is discussed

    Evolution of a plasma column measured through modulation of a high-energy proton beam

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    Plasma wakefield acceleration is a method for accelerating particle beams using electromagnetic fields that are orders of magnitude larger than those found in conventional radio frequency cavities. The core component of a plasma wakefield accelerator is the plasma source, which ranges from millimeter-scale gas jets used in laser-driven experiments, to the ten-meter-long rubidium cell used in the AWAKE experiment. The density of the neutral gas is a controlled input to the experiment, but the density of the plasma after ionization depends on many factors. AWAKE uses a high-energy proton beam to drive the plasma wakefield, and the wakefield acts back on the proton bunch by modulating it at the plasma frequency. We infer the plasma density by measuring the frequency of modulation of the proton bunch, and we measure the evolution of the density versus time by varying the arrival of the proton beam with respect to the ionizing laser pulse. Using this technique, we uncover a microsecond-long period of a stable plasma density followed by a rapid decay in density. The stability of the plasma after ionization has implications for the design of much longer vapor cells that could be used to accelerate particle beams to extremely high energies