57 research outputs found

    Maximum likelihood estimation based on the Laplace approximation for p2 network regression models

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    The class of p2 models is suitable for modeling binary relation data in social network analysis. A p2 model is essentially a regression model for bivariate binary responses, featuring within‐dyad dependence and correlated crossed random effects to represent heterogeneity of actors. Despite some desirable properties, these models are used less frequently in empirical applications than other models for network data. A possible reason for this is due to the limited possibilities for this model for accounting for (and explicitly modeling) structural dependence beyond the dyad as can be done in exponential random graph models. Another motive, however, may lie in the computational difficulties existing to estimate such models by means of the methods proposed in the literature, such as joint maximization methods and Bayesian methods. The aim of this article is to investigate maximum likelihood estimation based on the Laplace approximation approach, that can be refined by importance sampling. Practical implementation of such methods can be performed in an efficient manner, and the article provides details on a software implementation using R. Numerical examples and simulation studies illustrate the methodology

    Topics in Statistical Models for Network Analysis

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    Network Analysis is a set of statistical and mathematical techniques for the study of relational data arising from a system of connected entities. Most of the results for network data have been obtained in the field of Social Network Analysis (SNA), which mainly focuses on the relationships among a set of individual actors and organizations. The thesis considers some topics in statistical models for network data, with focus in particular on models used in SNA. The core of the thesis is represented by Chapters 3, 4 and 5. In Chapter 3, an alternative approach to estimate the Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGMs) is discussed. In Chapter 4, a comparison between ERGMs and Latent Space models in terms of goodness of fit is considered. In Chapter 5, alternative methods to estimate the p2 class of models are proposed.La Network Analysis è un insieme di tecniche statistiche e matematiche per lo studio di dati relazionali per un sistema di entità interconnesse. Molti dei risultati per i dati di rete provengono dalla Social Network Analysis (SNA), incentrata principalmente sullo studio delle relazioni tra un insieme di individui e organizzazioni. La tesi tratta alcuni argomenti riguardanti la modellazione statistica per dati di rete, con particolare attenzione ai modelli utilizzati in SNA. Il nucleo centrale della tesi è rappresentato dai Capitoli 3, 4 e 5. Nel Capitolo 3, viene proposto un approccio alternativo per la stima dei modelli esponenziali per grafi casuali (Exponential Random Graph Models - ERGMs). Nel capitolo 4, l'approccio di modellazione ERGM e quello a Spazio Latente vengono confrontati in termini di bontà di adattamento. Nel capitolo 5, vengono proposti metodi alternativi per la stima della classe di modelli p2

    Topics in Statistical Models for Network Analysis.

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    La Network Analysis \ue8 un insieme di tecniche statistiche e matematiche per lo studio di dati relazionali per un sistema di entit\ue0 interconnesse. Molti dei risultati per i dati di rete provengono dalla Social Network Analysis (SNA), incentrata principalmente sullo studio delle relazioni tra un insieme di individui e organizzazioni. La tesi tratta alcuni argomenti riguardanti la modellazione statistica per dati di rete, con particolare attenzione ai modelli utilizzati in SNA. Il nucleo centrale della tesi \ue8 rappresentato dai Capitoli 3, 4 e 5. Nel Capitolo 3, viene proposto un approccio alternativo per la stima dei modelli esponenziali per grafi casuali (Exponential Random Graph Models - ERGMs). Nel capitolo 4, l'approccio di modellazione ERGM e quello a Spazio Latente vengono confrontati in termini di bont\ue0 di adattamento. Nel capitolo 5, vengono proposti metodi alternativi per la stima della classe di modelli p2

    La distribuzione t asimmetrica: analisi discriminante e regioni di tollerenza.

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    open314-39Per consultare la versione cartacea, rivolgersi al Deposito di Legnaro: e-mail [email protected]; Per problemi con il full-text, rivolgersi alla biblioteca : e-mail [email protected] tesi possono avere una copia cartacea conservata al Deposito di Legnaro ed una copia elettronica, vedi PDF allegat

    Miglioramenti asintotici del log-rapporto di verosimiglianza con parametro di interesse multidimensionale

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    openPer consultare la versione cartacea, rivolgersi al Deposito di Legnaro: e-mail [email protected]; Per problemi con il full-text, rivolgersi alla biblioteca : e-mail [email protected] tesi possono avere una copia cartacea conservata al Deposito di Legnaro ed una copia elettronica, vedi PDF allegat

    Maximum likelihood estimation based on the Laplace approximation for p2 network regression models with crossed random effects

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    The class of p2 models is suitable for modelling binary relation data in social network analysis. A p2 model is essentially a regression model for multinomial responses, featuring within-dyad dependence and correlated crossed random effects to represent heterogeneity of actors. It has some desirable properties, including simple generation of networks from a given model specication, or the possibility of extension to multilevel data structures. Despite these points, this class of models is used much less frequently in empirical applications than other models for network data. A possible reason for this fact may lie in the computational difficulties existing to estimate such models. The estimation methods proposed in the literature for estimating the parameters of p2 models include joint maximization methods and Bayesian methods based on MCMC, both with some drawbacks. The aim of this paper is to investigate maximum likelihood estimation based on the Laplace approximation approach, that may be equipped with importance sampling. Practical implementation requires some attention, but it can be performed in an efficient manner, and the paper provides details on software implementation using R and ADMB. Numerical examples and simulation studies illustrate the methodology