92 research outputs found

    Carlo Capello, Pietro Cingolani, Francesco Vietti, Etnografia delle migrazioni: Temi e metodi di ricerca, Roma, Carocci, 2014, pp. 133

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    Book review of Carlo Capello, Pietro Cingolani, Francesco Vietti, Etnografia delle migrazioni: Temi e metodi di ricerca, Roma, Carocci, 2014, pp. 133.Recensione del libro di Carlo Capello, Pietro Cingolani, Francesco Vietti, Etnografia delle migrazioni: Temi e metodi di ricerca, Roma, Carocci, 2014, pp. 133

    The Public Value of Anthropology

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    Accessible to non-specialists and researchers interested in ethnography, this volume offers an introduction into the uses of anthropology for engaging contemporary social issues. The editors’ essay surveys the development of anthropological research from its early exotic, non-Western focus to today’s debate over increasingly engaged approaches within a globalized society. The case studies utilize anthropology’s hallmark ethnographic methodology to address issues ranging from refugee reception and recognition to fair trade, intercultural education, and encounters with Gypsy populations.Il presente volume, accessibile sia ai non esperti che ai ricercatori interessati in etnografia, offre un’introduzione alle applicazioni dell’antropologia per affrontare temi sociali attuali. Il saggio introduttivo dei curatori offre una panoramica sullo sviluppo della ricerca antropologica, dagli inizi esotici, con un approccio non-occidentale, fino alla discussione odierna di atteggiamenti di crescente impegno nella nostra società globalizzata. I casi di studio raccolti nel volume utilizzano i metodi etnografici caratteristici dell’antropologia trattando vari argomenti, dall’accoglimento e il riconoscimento dei rifugiati al fair trade, dall’educazione interculturale agli incontri con la popolazione romani

    The Italian Catalogue of Herbage Varieties

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    With 3.4 million hectares, permanent grassland covers 25.8% of Italian U.A.A. (Usable Agricultural Area). Most of this is located in hilly and mountainous areas and is important for the stability of the soil even if their productivity is low. Alfalfa and annual forages cover 1.8 million hectares (C.R.P.A. 2010). Italy’s large longitudinal extension (between latitudes 35° and 47° N), delivers a great variety of climates (Fig. 1). The northern regions bordering the rest of Europe differ greatly from the southern regions surrounded by the Mediterranean Sea

    Sappers of Fortress Europe: exploring the micropolitics of borders through the occupational culture of asylum caseworkers in Greece

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    This paper considers borders as ubiquitous and pervasive social relations and as sites of struggles, which are shaped through and transformed by social antagonisms and contestations. While much discussion of border struggles focuses on migrants’ resistance and various forms of activism, this paper provides insights on the micro-resistance of those who, instead of overtly opposing and contesting the biopolitical power of border regimes, are integral to their operation: asylum caseworkers who filter and select border-crossers. The paper presents data from interviews with self-identified leftist asylum caseworkers in Greece who, through their work, seek to create cracks in the so-called ‘Fortress Europe’. By exploring the somewhat unexplored occupational culture of leftist asylum caseworkers, we show how, while trying to resist bordering regimes, leftist asylum caseworkers both critique and reproduce the power relations they seek to subvert. Essentially, we provide valuable insights on the limits of resistance due to the workings of powerful technologies of government – informed by neoliberal managerialism – that are operational in day-to-day life of the asylum process. The paper thus provides a novel exploration of the complex and entangled relation between technologies of power and micro-resistances within border regimes in the significant context of Greece

    Commenti a “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” di Antonino Colajanni, con una risposta dell’autore

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    Comments on “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” by Antonino Colajanni, with contributions by Marco Bassi, Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, Antonio De Lauri, Frederico Delgado Rosa, Andrea E. Pia, Leonardo Piasere, Daniela Salvucci, Ivan Severi, Barbara Sorgoni, Jaro Stacul, Giuseppe Tateo, Elisabeth Tauber, Dorothy L. Zinn, Pier Paolo Viazzo, with a response from the author.Commenti a “Bronislaw Malinowski, l’antropologia pratica, la politica e il colonialismo” di Antonino Colajanni, con contributi di Marco Bassi, Valeria Ribeiro Corossacz, Antonio De Lauri, Frederico Delgado Rosa, Andrea E. Pia, Leonardo Piasere, Daniela Salvucci, Ivan Severi, Barbara Sorgoni, Jaro Stacul, Giuseppe Tateo, Elisabeth Tauber, Dorothy L. Zinn, Pier Paolo Viazzo e una risposta dell’autore
