4 research outputs found

    Clinical manifestations of factor XII deficiency in an infant

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    Introducción: El factor XII o factor de Hageman pertenece al sistema de contacto al ser iniciador de la vía intrínseca de la coagulación. Concentraciones bajas de este factor se asocian a tiempo de tromboplastina parcial activado prolongado, sin embargo, no se producen manifestaciones hemorrágicas como ocurre en la deficiencia de otros factores. Objetivo: Describir las manifestaciones clínicas de un lactante con diagnóstico de deficiencia de factor XII de la coagulación. Presentación del caso: Se presenta un lactante de 10 meses que tuvo aparición espontánea de equimosis y se diagnosticó un déficit de factor XII. Conclusiones: Aunque no es común, la deficiencia del factor XII puede estar asociada a manifestaciones hemorrágicas como equimosis tal como se describe en el presente caso.Q4Niños con deficiencia de factor XII o Factor de HagemanIntroduction: Factor XII or Hageman factor belongs to the contact system as it is the initiator of the intrinsic coagulation pathway. Low concentrations of this factor are associated with prolonged activated partial thromboplastin time, however, hemorrhagic manifestations do not occur as occurs in the deficiency of other factors. Objective: Describe the clinical manifestations of an infant diagnosed with coagulation factor XII deficiency. Case presentation: A 10-month-old infant who had spontaneous onset of ecchymosis and a factor XII deficiency was diagnosed. Conclusions: Although not common, factor XII deficiency may be associated with hemorrhagic manifestations such as ecchymosis, as described in the present case.https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0265-625Xhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4724-7604Revista Internacional - IndexadaCN

    Creencias populares en pediatría

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    Antecedentes Colombia no es ajena a las creencias populares, que incluyen una serie de costumbres y comportamientos que tienen los padres y cuidadores sobre las enfermedades de los niños. Objetivo Describir las principales creencias en pediatría arraigadas en nuestra región. Métodos Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal por medio de una entrevista estructurada de cinco preguntas a una muestra de conveniencia de madres que consultaron al servicio de pediatría de JaveSalud en Bogotá. Resultados De 150 madres entrevistadas, 112 (74,6 %) refirieron tener algún tipo de creencia popular relacionada con la salud de sus hijos. Las más frecuentes fueron el uso de la camiseta de bayetilla roja para las infecciones respiratorias (49,1 %), el “hielo del cementerio” (34,8 %), el “pujo” (30,3 %) y el “mal de ojo” (29,4 %). Con menor frecuencia, se refirieron creencias sobre el “descuajado” y sobre los remedios caseros para muchos síntomas o enfermedades comunes. No se encontró asociación entre la frecuencia de las creencias y el nivel educativo o la procedencia (urbana o rural) de las madres. Conclusiones Un alto porcentaje de las madres de niños atendidos en una IPS de Bogotá, refiere algún tipo de creencia. Algunas de estas creencias, como el “mal de ojo”, vienen desde épocas milenarias.186-194Background: Colombia is no stranger to popu - lar beliefs, which are a series of habits and be - haviors that parents and caregivers of children have. Objective: To describe major beliefs in Pediatrics rooted in our region. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted; a structured interview (five questions) was applied in a convenience sample of mothers of patients seen at the pediatric JaveSalud Center in Bogotá. Results: One hundred and twelve out of 150 mothers interviewed (74.6%) referred to have some kind of popular belief related to their children’s health. The most frequent were using a red “bayetilla” shirt for respiratory infections (49.1%), the “ice of the cemetery” (34.8%), grunting (“pujo”, 30.3%) and “evil eye” (29.4%). Less frequently mothers cited beliefs about the “descuajado” and home remedies for common diseases or symptoms. No association between the frequency of beliefs and the educational level or origin (urban or rural) of mothers was found. Conclusions: A high percentage of mothers of children treated at one IPS in Bogotá described some type of belief. Some of these beliefs, such as the “evil eye”, come from ancient times

    Characterization of electronic device use among children and adolescents aged 6 to 14

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    Uvod: Djeca i adolescenti svakodnevno koriste računala, mobitele i tablete, uz ostale elektroničke uređaje, u neakademskim aktivnostima. Bitno je karakterizirati utjecaj ovih uređaja na procese socijalizacije, interakcije i učenja u ovom segmentu populacije, a također je potrebno istražiti moguće štetne učinke povezane s njihovom uporabom. Cilj je bio opisati kako se ti uređaji koriste i njihov utjecaj na školski uspjeh, ponašanje i tjelesnu aktivnost djece i adolescenata od 6 do 14 godina. Materijali i metode: Ovo je presječna analitička studija 510 školske djece u dobi od 6 do 9 i od 10 do 14 godina iz Bogote i Cundinamarce, Kolumbija. Ispitani su pomoću ankete od 38 pitanja koja su karakterizirala korištenje uređaja i simptome anksioznosti i depresije, rješavanje sukoba, spavanje i školski uspjeh. Rezultati: Prosječna dob za početak korištenja uređaja bila je četiri godine. U obje skupine najviše su korišteni mobiteli (56,3% i 78,04%). Roditelji prate korištenje uređaja u 80% slučajeva. U 40% slučajeva upotreba uređaja bila je duža od 90 minuta dnevno. Oko 16% je također prijavilo poremećaje spavanja, frustraciju (48%), emocionalnu labilnost (20%) i suicidalne ideje (11%). 19% se nije igralo sa svojim vršnjacima, a 7% je izjavilo da nema bliske prijatelje. Zaključci: Ova studija pokazuje visoku izloženost elektroničkim uređajima od rane dobi i njihovu povezanost s čimbenicima ponašanja. Buduće studije trebale bi dublje istražiti odnos između ovih čimbenika i elektroničkih uređaja.Introduction: Children and adolescents use computers, cell phones, and tablets, among other electronic devices, daily in non-academic activities. It is essential to characterize the impact these devices have on the socialization, interaction, and learning processes in this population segment. We should also investigate possible harmful effects that may be related to their use. The objective was to characterize how these devices are used and their impact on school performance, behavior, and physical activity in children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years of age. Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional analytic study of 510 schoolchildren ages 6 to 9 and 10 to 14 from Bogotá and Cundinamarca, Colombia. They were surveyed with a 38-question survey characterizing the use of the devices and the symptoms of anxiety and depression, conflict resolution, sleep, and school performance. Results: The average age for initiation on the use of devices was four years. Cell phones were the most used in both groups (56.3% and 78.04%). Parents monitor the use of the device in 80% of cases. 40% of the time, device usage was greater than 90 minutes per day. About 16% reported sleep disturbance, frustration (48%), emotional lability (20%), and suicidal ideations (11%) also were reported. 19% did not play with their peers, and 7% did not report having close friends. Conclusions: This study shows the high exposure to electronic devices from an early age and their relation to behavioral factors. Future studies should explore the relationship between these factors and electronic devices in depth

    Characterization of electronic device use among children and adolescents aged 6 to 14

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    Uvod: Djeca i adolescenti svakodnevno koriste računala, mobitele i tablete, uz ostale elektroničke uređaje, u neakademskim aktivnostima. Bitno je karakterizirati utjecaj ovih uređaja na procese socijalizacije, interakcije i učenja u ovom segmentu populacije, a također je potrebno istražiti moguće štetne učinke povezane s njihovom uporabom. Cilj je bio opisati kako se ti uređaji koriste i njihov utjecaj na školski uspjeh, ponašanje i tjelesnu aktivnost djece i adolescenata od 6 do 14 godina. Materijali i metode: Ovo je presječna analitička studija 510 školske djece u dobi od 6 do 9 i od 10 do 14 godina iz Bogote i Cundinamarce, Kolumbija. Ispitani su pomoću ankete od 38 pitanja koja su karakterizirala korištenje uređaja i simptome anksioznosti i depresije, rješavanje sukoba, spavanje i školski uspjeh. Rezultati: Prosječna dob za početak korištenja uređaja bila je četiri godine. U obje skupine najviše su korišteni mobiteli (56,3% i 78,04%). Roditelji prate korištenje uređaja u 80% slučajeva. U 40% slučajeva upotreba uređaja bila je duža od 90 minuta dnevno. Oko 16% je također prijavilo poremećaje spavanja, frustraciju (48%), emocionalnu labilnost (20%) i suicidalne ideje (11%). 19% se nije igralo sa svojim vršnjacima, a 7% je izjavilo da nema bliske prijatelje. Zaključci: Ova studija pokazuje visoku izloženost elektroničkim uređajima od rane dobi i njihovu povezanost s čimbenicima ponašanja. Buduće studije trebale bi dublje istražiti odnos između ovih čimbenika i elektroničkih uređaja.Introduction: Children and adolescents use computers, cell phones, and tablets, among other electronic devices, daily in non-academic activities. It is essential to characterize the impact these devices have on the socialization, interaction, and learning processes in this population segment. We should also investigate possible harmful effects that may be related to their use. The objective was to characterize how these devices are used and their impact on school performance, behavior, and physical activity in children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years of age. Materials and methods: This is a cross-sectional analytic study of 510 schoolchildren ages 6 to 9 and 10 to 14 from Bogotá and Cundinamarca, Colombia. They were surveyed with a 38-question survey characterizing the use of the devices and the symptoms of anxiety and depression, conflict resolution, sleep, and school performance. Results: The average age for initiation on the use of devices was four years. Cell phones were the most used in both groups (56.3% and 78.04%). Parents monitor the use of the device in 80% of cases. 40% of the time, device usage was greater than 90 minutes per day. About 16% reported sleep disturbance, frustration (48%), emotional lability (20%), and suicidal ideations (11%) also were reported. 19% did not play with their peers, and 7% did not report having close friends. Conclusions: This study shows the high exposure to electronic devices from an early age and their relation to behavioral factors. Future studies should explore the relationship between these factors and electronic devices in depth