231 research outputs found

    Cyber risk in health facilities: A systematic literature review

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    The current world challenges include issues such as infectious disease pandemics, environmental health risks, food safety, and crime prevention. Through this article, a special emphasis is given to one of the main challenges in the healthcare sector during the COVID-19 pandemic, the cyber risk. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Health Organization has detected a dramatic increase in the number of cyber-attacks. For instance, in Italy the COVID-19 emergency has heavily affected cybersecurity; from January to April 2020, the total of attacks, accidents, and violations of privacy to the detriment of companies and individuals has doubled. Using a systematic and rigorous approach, this paper aims to analyze the literature on the cyber risk in the healthcare sector to understand the real knowledge on this topic. The findings highlight the poor attention of the scientific community on this topic, except in the United States. The literature lacks research contributions to support cyber risk management in subject areas such as Business, Management and Accounting; Social Science; and Mathematics. This research outlines the need to empirically investigate the cyber risk, giving a practical solution to health facilities. Keywords: cyber risk; cyber-attack; cybersecurity; computer security; COVID-19; coronavirus;information technology risk; risk management; risk assessment; health facilities; healthcare sector;systematic literature review; insuranc

    Gestão por competências – um estudo de caso na Companhia Brasileira de Alumínio

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    Tendo em vista um cenário competitivo e a necessidade de desenvolvimento gerencial para acompanhar e gerar mudanças no ambiente organizacional, muitas empresas começam a implantar a Gestão por Competências, levando em consideração o fator humano, que é um diferencial importante nas organizações. Partindo desse pressuposto, esse estudo analisa os principais conceitos teóricos e as práticas de gestão por competências. O resultado aqui apresentado demonstrou algumas carências, que necessitam de um estudo mais pormenorizado, para desenvolver as práticas da empresa, alinhando-as especificamente ao modelo. Conclui-se que o modelo de gestão por competências é uma ferramenta muito importante, pois possibilita identificar conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes desenvolvidas por cada indivíduo da organização, bem como a oportunidade de definir as competências organizacionais e essenciais da empresa

    Les collections du Centre Pompidou et l’obsolescence

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    Plusieurs domaines des collections du Centre Pompidou, les installations et les objets, la photographie, le design et la création industrielle, le cinéma et les nouveaux médias, sont concernés par les technologies en voie de disparition.L’enrichissement des collections et l’augmentation des besoins de maintenance de ces œuvres ont ainsi conduit au milieu des années 1980 à la création, dans les services techniques du Centre Pompidou, d’un atelier électromécanique. Une collaboration systématique avec le service de la restauration et la conservation a permis d’amorcer des procédures indispensables à cette gestion. Il est actuellement assez difficile d’effectuer un recensement précis du nombre de matériaux ou de supports affectés par le problème dans les collections du MNAM. L’état des lieux repose donc actuellement sur la gestion des stocks concernant des œuvres « phares » couramment présentées ou réclamées en prêt. Le cas de Denkifuku d’Atsuko Tanaka illustre les principes de collaboration entre restaurateurs, électromécaniciens, conservateurs et le choix des protocoles mis en place. L’équipe de restauration intervient principalement dans plusieurs contextes : les acquisitions, la présentation en salle et les prêts. La démarche comporte un aspect préventif (évaluation des besoins de mise en réserve d’un stock de composants consommables de rechange et surveillance des risques d’obsolescence et d’usure de l’œuvre) et un aspect curatif.Une véritable déontologie reste à définir sur le modèle de base de la restauration. Sur le plan préventif, la constitution d’un stock de composants de rechange comporte des contraintes très lourdes à gérer pour un établissement muséal. D’où l’intérêt de développer des réseaux d’échange entre les institutions françaises et internationales. Le rôle d’un service de restauration intégré à l’institution muséale est primordial. Le choix comme les compromis entre les exigences d’équilibre de la forme et du sens sont familiers aux restaurateurs, qui peuvent malgré tout transposer certains principes de la déontologie générale régissant le patrimoine ancien et traditionnel, aux œuvres modernes et contemporaines, et contribuer à l’application d’un degré minimaliste d’intervention, respectueux de la dimension historique.In the collections of the Centre Pompidou, several fields – installations, objects, design, photography, industrial design, film, the new media – are affected by endangered technologies. In the mid-1980s, the growth of the collections and the increasing amount of maintenance needed by these works led to the creation of an electromechanical atelier within the Centre Pompidou’s Technical Department. Systematic collaboration with the Restoration and Conservation Department has enabled us to initiate procedures indispensable to coping with these developments.At present it is quite hard to draw up a precise inventory of the number of materials or supports affected by the problem in the MNAM-CCI’s collections. At the moment, the inventory therefore relies on stock management relative to “major” works currently on display or requested for loan. The reconstruction of Atsuko Tanaka’s Denkifuku (Electric Dress) illustrates the principle of collaborative teamwork between restorers, electromechanical engineers and conservators and the choice of protocols implemented. The restoration team is involved in several contexts, most importantly acquisitions, exhibition display and loans. The measures included in their approach are both curative and preventive (assessing the need to stock consumable spare parts and monitoring the risk of obsolescence and wear and tear of works).An actual deontology to be used as a template for restoration remains to be defined. The preventive measures that include building up a stock of spare parts involve onerous constraints which are difficult for a museum to manage. The establishment of exchange networks is a resource to be developed between French and international institutions. Integrating the role of a restoration department into the museum structure is primordial. Having to make choices between the need for balance in form and meaning are, like compromises, familiar to restorers, who may, despite everything, transpose some of the general deontological principles applied to ancient and traditional heritage to modern and contemporary works, and thus comply with the idea of minimum intervention, which respects the historical dimension of the works

    The Evolution of Balanced Scorecard in Healthcare: A Systematic Review of Its Design, Implementation, Use, and Review

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    During the last few years, the interest in performance measurement increased within the healthcare sector. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems needed to boost performance measurement systems to become more resilient and improve their capability in monitoring key performance indicators. Since the 1990s, the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) model has been widely used among private and public organizations as it is the most adopted model to measure performance. The current paper aims at understanding the evolution of BSC in healthcare. The systematic literature review has been carried out by searching keywords according to PRISMA guidelines. By analyzing papers through one classification of BSC adoption phases, the results reveal that studies focused mainly on the BSC design process, rather than BSC implementation, use, or review. However, there is no agreement about the perspectives to be adopted in healthcare. Concerning BSC implementation and use, on one side especially leadership, culture and communication enable the BSC implementation. On the other side, monitoring and strategic decision-making are the most widespread objectives for using BSC. Concerning BSC review, however, the paper highlights a need for additional research. Finally, the paper provides further research opportunities concerning the phases suitable for implementing a BSC in healthcare
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