187 research outputs found

    Development of Commercial Technology for Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells on Glass: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-07-209

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    NREL has conducted basic research relating to high efficiency, low cost, thin film silicon solar cell design and the method of making solar cells. Two patents have been issued to NREL in the above field. In addition, specific process and metrology tools have been developed by NREL. Applied Optical Sciences Corp. (AOS) has expertise in the manufacture of solar cells and has developed its own unique concentrator technology. AOS wants to complement its solar cell expertise and its concentrator technology by manufacturing flat panel thin film silicon solar cell panels. AOS wants to take NREL's research to the next level, using it to develop commercially viable flat pane, thin film silicon solar cell panels. Such a development in equipment, process, and metrology will likely produce the lowest cost solar cell technology for both commercial and residential use. NREL's fundamental research capability and AOS's technology and industrial background are complementary to achieve this product development

    Photovoltaic mechanisms in polycrystalline thin film silicon solar cells. Quarterly technical progress report No. 1, July 30-October 31, 1980

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    Objectives of the program: 1) Development of the surface preparation techniques to aid in the unequivocal interpretation of grain boundary (G.B.) data, 2) Characterization of G.B.s in terms of chemical, physical, electrical and optical parameters, and correlation to solar cell performance. 3) Identification of the effects of intra grain crystal defects and 4) Determination of effects of solar cell processing on G.B. parameters and bulk defects

    New Approaches for Passivation of Crystalline and Amorphous Silicon: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-09-351

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    New approaches of passivating crystalline, multicrystalline, and amorphous silicon will be explored. These will include the use of aqueous solution of KCN and a proprietary composition formulated by Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc. The surface passivation will be compared with that provided by an iodine-ethanol solution, and bulk passivation will be compared with that of H-passivation obtained by silicon nitride, in a fire-through process

    Development of Thin Film Silicon Solar Cell Using Inkjet Printed Silicon and Other Inkjet Processes: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-07-260

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    The cost of silicon photovoltaics (Si-PV) can be greatly lowered by developing thin-film crystalline Si solar cells on glass or an equally lower cost substrate. Typically, Si film is deposited by thermal evaporation, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and sputtering. NREL and Silexos have worked under a CRADA to develop technology to make very low cost solar cells using liquid organic precursors. Typically, cyclopentasilane (CPS) is deposited on a glass substrate and then converted into an a-Si film by UV polymerization followed by low-temperature optical process that crystallizes the amorphous layer. This technique promises to be a very low cost approach for making a Si film

    Application of Vacancy Injection Gettering to Improve Efficiency of Solar Cells Produced by Millinet Solar: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-10-417

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    NREL will apply vacancy injection gettering (VIG) to Millinet solar cells and evaluate the performance improvement produced by this process step. The VIG will be done in conjunction with the formation of a back, Al-alloyed, contact. Millinet Solar will provide NREL with cells having AR coating on the front side and screen-printed Al on the backside, which will be processed in the NREL's optical furnace to perform simultaneous VIG and back contact alloying with deep BSF. These cells will be sent back to Millinet solar for a screen-printed front/side contact mask, followed by a second firing at NREL. Detailed analyses will be performed to determine improvements due to BSF and VIG

    Development of a Prototype Reflectrometer for PDIL, of a System for Commercial Sale: Cooperative Research and Development Final Report, CRADA Number CRD-08-272

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    The first commercial unit of GT-FabScan was fabricated by GT Solar and delivered to NREL. The system is located in the Process Development and Integration Laboratory (PDIL) and is fully functional

    Photovoltaic Mechanisms in Polycrystalline Thin Film Silicon Solar Cells: Quarterly Technical Progress Report No. 3, February 1 - April 30, 1981

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    This report describes two areas of research carried out during this contract period. Results of Cu decoration for defect analysis are given and also the design of an AR coating for optimizing performance of a textured cell. Basic optical characteristics of textured surfaces utilized in this design are described
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