16 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Penggunaan Media Facebook

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    Media Facebook merupakan salah satu situs jejaring sosial yang sangat diminati di Indonesia. Begitu juga dengan mahasiswa Universitas Bina Darma khususnya fakultas Ilmu Komputer. Variabel kepentingan mahasiswa menggunakan media Facebook terdapat 4 variabel yaitu Informasi, Kesenangan, Komunikasi dan Transaksi. Keempat variabel tersebut merupakan variabel bebas. Sedangkan variabel terikatnya adalah attitude mahasiswa yang menggunakan media Facebook. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi mahasiswa fakultas Ilmu Komputer dalam menggunakan media Facebook dan mengetahui apakah kepentingan penggunaan berinternet memiliki pengaruh terhadap attitude mahasiswa dalam menggunakan media Facebook. Berdasarkan hasil analisis, variabel yang berdasarkan urutan pertama adalah Kesenangan, Komunikasi, Informasi dan Transaksi.Kata kunci—Facebook, Variabel Kesenangan, Komukasi, Informasi dan Transaksi

    Penggunaan Metode Tcsd (Task Centered System Design) Dalam Website Rekam Medis Pada Rumah Sakit Pelabuhan Palembang

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    Pelabuhan Hospital Palembang is one of the institutions of public health services in Palembang located at Jalan Mayor Memet Sastrawirya No.1, Palembang. The hospital had problems in the data processing that were not computerized especially on patients' medical records unit in which the data processing were still manually and did not integrate with other data. Thus, it needed an information system of patients' medical record that could provide convenience for employees in processing the data for patients, doctors, medicines, and so on so it could be integrated well with other data by using a local network. The writer applied the method TCSD (Task Centered System Design) in its construction which were used to identify user and task need. Based on the descriptions above, the writer raised the issue as the research for this thesis. The selected title was "Web Based Integrated Medical Record Information Systems In Pelabuhan Hospital Palembang By Using TCSD (Task Centered System Design)". Keywords: Information Systems, Medical Record, Task Centered System Desig

    Pengukuran Kualitas Layanan Website Perguruan Tinggi dengan Menggunakan Metode Webqual

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    College website is an online-based applications that used several universities to connected with the external and internal. Facility that can be used on this website include announcements, academic systems, and media promotion. Service a website can be measured to determine the level of satisfaction of the end user and the feedback. In this study, the quality of the website can be measured using the method WebQual. WebQual is one method or technique of measuring the quality of a website is based on the perception of the end user. The variables of webqual is USAbility, information quality and service interactions are independent variables, wether the dependent variable is user satisfaction. The analysis used is multiple linear regression analysis. This study resulted in a significant influence of three independent variables on the dependent variable, where the highest order is the interaction of services, the quality and usefulness of the information

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penjualan Buku Menggunakan Metode Trend Moment

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    An attempt to support education in our country the business of selling books. Sales of the book is very helpful for the buyer in this case students and students in completing the references to follow the lessons in school or college on campus. Thus a book stores hould be serious in managing his inventory so that it can serves hoppers well. Especially in the provision of books, a book store should carefully take into account the stock of books that should be fulfilled. There fore required a decision support system to assist decision makers in providing books. This research on decision support system sto build book sales by applying Trend Moment. The method used in this studyis descriptive, where as the software development method using the Re-Usable. Keywords: Systems, Decision Support, Sale, Trend Moment

    Aplikasi Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Menggunakan Metode Berorientasi Objek

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    Cooperative Teacher Junior High School 53 in Palembang, a cooperative which is engaged in the savings and loan services. Role in the activities of the cooperative system komputersasi immense benefits, which in faster data processing and in accordance with the expected goals. However, the cooperative teacher at Junior High School 53 in Palembang is conducting recording data on cooperatives is still as simple as how to record all the data using the book, so that with the increasing number of members as well as data to be processed it will have obstacles to manage data these, it is necessary for the existence of accounting information systems, computer-based cooperative teachers, which the system will be able to speed up the process of cooperative service teachers at junior High School 53 Palembang, the author will build cooperative information systems accounting teachers using programming languages PHP and MySQL use these applications are expected to help data processing teachers cooperative and easier to get information quickly and accurately. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, Cooperatives, Savings and Loans, PHP, MySQ