1 research outputs found

    Kesesuaian Gejala Klinis Malaria dengan Parasitemia Positif di Wilayah Puskesmas Wairasa Kabupaten Sumba Tengah Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur

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    Salah satu indikator penentuan endemisitas malaria adalah Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI). Angka AMI Puskesmas Wairasa Kabupaten Sumba Tengah selama tiga tahun berturut-turut (2009, 2010, 2011) sebesar 144°, 187°, dan 108°. Tujuan kegiatan adalah menilai kesepakatan antara hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopis Puskesmas Wairasa dan Loka Litbang P2B2 Waikabubak dan mengidentifikasi gejala klinis yang dapat menjadi penanda sesorang positif malaria. Desain kegiatan cross sectional, subyek kegiatan adalah pasien tersangka malaria yang berkunjung ke puskesmas. Kesepakatan hasil pemeriksaan kedua mikroskopis cukup tinggi (0,92). Disimpulkan bahwa kesepakatan pemeriksaan cukup baik. Ada 14 gejala klinis pada responden dengan parasitemia positif yaitu demam, mengigil, sakit kepala, berkeringat, suhu badan meningkat (37°C), mual, muntah, pucat, pegal (nyeri otot), nafsu makan kurang, diare, batuk, pilek, pembesaran limpa. Gejala yang secara bermakna menunjukkan kemungkinan lebih besar infeksi malaria adalah demam (OR 4,945 95% CI 2,010-12,168), sakit kepala (OR 2,230 95% CI 1,551-3,470), pucat (OR 1,557 95% CI 1,046-2,318), dan badan pegal (nyeri otot) (OR 1,778 95% CI 1,778-2,622), sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu tanda adanya infeksi malaria di daerah ini.Kata Kunci : Malaria, Parasitemia, gejala klinisAbstractOne of the indicator to determine malaria endemicity is the Annual Malaria Incidence (AMI). The number of AMI at Wairasa Health Center, Central Sumba within three consecutive year (2009,2010 and 2011) were 144°, 187° and 108°. The aim of the study were to confirm the results of microscopic examination between Wairasa Health Center and Loka Litbang P2B Waikabubak and to identify clinical symptoms that can be used as a marker of malaria positive. The study used cross sectional design, the sampel were patient suspected with malaria visiting the health center. The conformity of the microscopic assessment between the two centers are quite high (0.92). The symptoms found in patient with parasitemia positive in which fever, headache, pale and body aches (muscle pain) are significantly showed the likelihood of having malaria infection and therefore can be used as a marker of malaria infection in central Sumba. The conclusion that the agreement is quite good examination. Based on multivariate analysis found four symptoms were significantly associated with parasitaemia of fever (95% CI 2.010 to 12.168 4.945), headache (OR 2.230 95% CI 1.551 to 3.470), white (OR 1.557 95% CI 1.046 to 2.318), body feels stiff (OR 1.778 95% CI 1.778 to 2.622) can be one sign of malaria infection in this area.Keywords : Malaria, Parasitemia, clinical symptom