62 research outputs found

    Induction de la cardioprotection par le diazoxide (études en temps réel sur un modÚle cellulaire)

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    Une protection contre les lĂ©sions dues Ă  une ischmie-reperfusion peut ĂȘtre induite par le diazoxide, un ouvreur de canaux potassiques ATP-dĂ©pendants (Katp). Le diazoxide est aussi connu pour inhiber la succinate dĂ©shydrogĂ©nase (SDH), enzyme de la chaĂźne respiratoire et du cycle de Krebs. Pour mieux comprendre les mĂ©canismes en jeu, nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© la lignĂ©e cellulaire d'origine cardiaque HL-1-NB, adaptĂ©e Ă  l'utilisation de techniques optiques, pour suivre en temps rĂ©el plusieurs paramĂštres cellulaires. Sur ce modĂšle nous avons montrĂ© que le diazoxide n'induit pas l'ouverture des canaux KATP, ni sarcolemmaux, ni mitochondriaux, dans des conditions qui induisent pourtant une protection. Nos rĂ©sultats sont en faveur d'un rĂŽle clĂ© de l'inhibition de la SDH dans l'induction de la protection. Ils suggĂšrent par ailleurs que le diazoxide pourrait avoir, par une action sur les canaux KATP sarcolemmaux, indĂ©pendamment de leur ouverture, un effet mĂ©tabolique compartimentĂ©LYON1-BU.Sciences (692662101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Iron nanoparticles increase 7-ketocholesterol-induced cell death, inflammation, and oxidation on murine cardiac HL1-NB cells

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    Edmond Kahn1, Mauhamad Baarine2, Sophie Pelloux3, Jean-Marc Riedinger4, Frédérique Frouin1, Yves Tourneur3, Gérard Lizard21INSE RM U678/UMR – S UPMC, IFR 14, CH U Pitié-Salpêtrière, 75634 Paris Cedex 13, France; 2Centre de Recherche INSE RM U866, Equipe Biochimie Métabolique et Nutritionnelle – Université de Bourgogne, Faculté des Sciences Gabriel, 6 Bd Gabriel, 21000 Dijon, France; 3Centre Commun de Quantimétrie, Université Lyon 1; Université de Lyon, Lyon, France; 4Département de Biologie et de Pathologie des Tumeurs, Centre Georges François-Leclerc, 21000 Dijon, FranceObjective: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of iron nanoparticles on cardiac cells and to determine whether they can modulate the biological activity of 7-ketocholesterol (7KC) involved in the development of cardiovascular diseases. Nanoparticles of iron labeled with Texas Red are introduced in cultures of nonbeating mouse cardiac cells (HL1-NB) with or without 7-ketocholesterol 7KC, and their ability to induce cell death, pro-inflammatory and oxidative effects are analyzed simultaneously.Study design: Flow cytometry (FCM), confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), and subsequent factor analysis image processing (FAMIS) are used to characterize the action of iron nanoparticles and to define their cytotoxicity which is evaluated by enhanced permeability to SYTOX Green, and release of lactate deshydrogenase (LDH). Pro-inflammatory effects are estimated by ELISA in order to quantify IL-8 and MCP-1 secretions. Pro-oxidative effects are measured with hydroethydine (HE).Results: Iron Texas Red nanoparticles accumulate at the cytoplasmic membrane level. They induce a slight LDH release, and have no inflammatory or oxidative effects. However, they enhance the cytotoxic, pro-inflammatory and oxidative effects of 7KC. The accumulation dynamics of SYTOX Green in cells is measured by CLSM to characterize the toxicity of nanoparticles. The emission spectra of SYTOX Green and nanoparticles are differentiated, and corresponding factor images specify the possible capture and cellular localization of nanoparticles in cells.Conclusion: The designed protocol makes it possible to show how Iron Texas Red nanoparticles are captured by cardiomyocytes. Interestingly, whereas these fluorescent iron nanoparticles have no cytotoxic, pro-inflammatory or oxidative activities, they enhance the side effects of 7KC.Keywords: FAMIS, confocal microscopy, iron nanoparticles, 7-ketocholesterol, SYTOX Green, cardiomyocyte

    DĂ©veloppement des compĂ©tences relationnelles des Ă©tudiants en mĂ©decine par les jeux de rĂŽle : s’affranchir des savoirs et savoir-faire pour travailler le savoir-ĂȘtre

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    International audienceLe dĂ©veloppement de capacitĂ©s de communication et de rĂ©flexivitĂ© dans le cadre de la relation mĂ©decin-patient fait partie des objectifs pĂ©dagogiques du deuxiĂšme cycle des Ă©tudes mĂ©dicales en France. La rĂ©forme du Certificat de CompĂ©tence Clinique (arrĂȘtĂ© du 8 avril 2013) en demande l’évaluation sous la forme d’une mise en situation clinique auprĂšs d’un patient ou d’une Ă©preuve de simulation. Dans ce contexte nous avons mis en place des jeux de rĂŽle de simulation relationnelle et nous sommes intĂ©ressĂ©s aux conditions dans lesquelles ils permettent de dĂ©velopper les compĂ©tences relationnelles.Une Ă©tude observationnelle a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans le cadre de l’enseignement de Sciences Humaines et Sociales auprĂšs des 360 Ă©tudiants en troisiĂšme annĂ©e de mĂ©decine de la FacultĂ© Lyon Est en septembre 2015. Deux sĂ©ances de jeux de rĂŽle de 2h avec 4 synopsis de consultations de mĂ©decine gĂ©nĂ©rale chacune ont Ă©tĂ© conçues en tenant compte des recommandations de la Haute AutoritĂ© de SantĂ© (HAS, 2012). Un questionnaire d’évaluation quantitatif et qualitatif a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour recueillir la satisfaction et le ressenti des Ă©tudiants concernant ces sĂ©ances et identifier les conditions qui ont pu favoriser le dĂ©veloppement de compĂ©tences relationnelles.Parmi les 268 Ă©tudiants ayant rĂ©pondu, 86% ont trouvĂ© les jeux de rĂŽle formateurs, mais 35% des Ă©tudiants ne les ont pas trouvĂ© utiles pour se prĂ©parer aux stages hospitaliers et 16% ne se sont pas sentis Ă  l’aise pour participer. Les commentaires mentionnaient des difficultĂ©s Ă  rendre les jeux de rĂŽle crĂ©dibles, ainsi qu’un manque de savoirs et de savoir-faire (conduites Ă  tenir mĂ©dicales, conduite d’un entretien). Le dĂ©calage entre le vĂ©cu des Ă©tudiants et les situations Ă  simuler suggĂšre qu’à ce stade de leur formation, il pourrait ĂȘtre intĂ©ressant de faire jouer le rĂŽle d’étudiant hospitalier plutĂŽt que celui de mĂ©decin, pour optimiser le travail du savoir-ĂȘtre relationnel

    Mitochondrial dynamics in heart cells: very low amplitude high frequency fluctuations in adult cardiomyocytes and flow motion in non beating Hl-1 cells.

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    International audienceThe arrangement and movement of mitochondria were quantitatively studied in adult rat cardiomyocytes and in cultured continuously dividing non beating (NB) HL-1 cells with differentiated cardiac phenotype. Mitochondria were stained with MitoTracker Green and studied by fluorescent confocal microscopy. High speed scanning (one image every 400 ms) revealed very rapid fluctuation of positions of fluorescence centers of mitochondria in adult cardiomyocytes. These fluctuations followed the pattern of random walk movement within the limits of the internal space of mitochondria, probably due to transitions between condensed and orthodox configurational states of matrix and inner membrane. Mitochondrial fusion or fission was seen only in NB HL-1 cells but not in adult cardiomyocytes. In NB HL-1 cells, mitochondria were arranged as a dense tubular network, in permanent fusion, fission and high velocity displacements of approximately 90 nm/s. The differences observed in mitochondrial dynamics are related to specific structural organization and mitochondria-cytoskeleton interactions in these cells

    Non-beating HL-1 cells for confocal microscopy: application to mitochondrial functions during cardiac preconditioning.

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    International audienceHL-1, the first cell line with a cardiac phenotype for biological experiments, displays spontaneous electrophysiological and mechanical regular activity, and cyclic calcium movements. We isolated a derived line, devoid of transient movements, for confocal microscopy experiments. These cells do express cardiac proteins: connexin 43, the cardiac isoform of dihydropyridine receptors, desmin, and developmental myosin but have no sarcomeric arrangement. They still possess the electrophysiological characteristics and ionic currents of cardiac cells, among them the cardiac potassium current IKr. We also found diazoxide and glibenclamide sensitive potassium channels with properties similar to IK(ATP) in adult cardiac myocytes. The pacemaker current I(f) was not observed, in agreement with the cells showing excitability but lacking in pacemaker activity. The absence of movement is an advantage for studies which include changes of media in order to follow morphological changes under continuous perfusion. We observed however a basal spontaneous movement of mitochondria and we developed a method to quantify its amplitude using confocal microscopy. No mitochondrial depolarization could be detected when the membrane potential was measured by using very low light photomultiplier and confocal fluorescence imaging under the K(ATP) channel opener diazoxide. Thus cardiac pharmacological preconditioning by K(ATP) channel openers might involve other routes than mitochondrial K channels targeting

    New Vidas assay for Toxoplasma-specific IgG avidity: evaluation on 603 sera.

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    After the development of the new version of the test Vidas Toxo IgG with antigens obtained from tachyzoites cultured on cells, a Vidas avidity test has been recently developed. The aim of this study was to assess the value of the determination of avidity on the new Vidas test. This avidity test was performed on 553 sera obtained from pregnant women whose dates of infection had been determined and on 50 sera obtained from immunosuppressed patients. In the group of infection occurring less than 4 months before sampling, the avidity index was 0.3 for 44/46 sera of pregnant women and for 47/47 sera of immunosuppressed patients. Thus, the new version of avidity test was helpful primarily to rule out that an infection had occurred within the prior 4 months
