12 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre la edad del Buntsandstein de la Cordillera Cantábrica

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    Palynological data from the Buntsandstein of the Reinosa (Santander) andVerbio (N of Palencia) areas, has allowed establishing a Ladiniense-Carniense age for the upper part of these facies. Two palynological assemblages have been identified. The first one is characterized by Triadispora spp., Ovalipollis pseudoalatus and Duplicisporites spp. The second one is characterized by Vallaspo- rites ignacii and Enzonalasporites sp. This age questions the correlation and equivalence of the carbonates that appear in this region, with the Muschelkalk facies of the rest of Spain

    Propiedades magnéticas de sedimentos del Triásico Medio- Jurásico Inferior de la Cordillera Ibérica Occidental

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    A rock magnetic and palaeomagnetic study on two Middle-Late Triassic sections in the westernmost margin of the Iberian Ranges -that mostly consist of a thick sequence of interbedded mudstones and sandstones- and their Lower Jurassic top -dolomitized limestones- has been performed. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility thermomagnetic curves and hysteresis properties have been measured and the palaeomagnetic directions interpreted according to these analyses. Whereas the magnetic signal of the dolomitized Lower Jurassic limestone and some of the Triassic beds is unstable, multicomponent magnetisation behaviour has been observed in theTriassic red beds. The characteristic component presents high coercitivity and distributed unblocking temperatures up to 700-C (carried by hematite), showing both polarities and defining a consistent magnetic zonation. The NRM also contains lower unblocking temperature components with normal polarities. These are interpreted as result of the overlapping of a present day field component and an older overprint, probably related to the extensional phases of the Iberian Basin during the Cretaceous time. Primary remanence is better preserved in the fine-grained beds, showing a lower overlapping degree between the characteristic component and the high temperature overprint

    Historical palaeohydrology and landscape resilience of a Mediterranean rambla (Castellon, NE Spain): Floods and people.

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    This paper provides a new methodological approach to analyse secular patterns of flooding (magnitude and frequency) from sedimentary evidence (palaeofloods), taking into account changes in channel geometry, and their links to historical environmental changes and the inherent social and demographic evolution within the catchment. A case study analysis was focused in Rambla de la Viuda (drainage area of 1500 km2) whose stream flow is related to extreme rainfalls. A 500 years sedimentary archive was reconstructed from eight stratigraphic profiles comprising continuous sequences of slackwater flood deposits interbedded with episodic colluvial and edaphic horizons. Discharge estimates associated to sedimentary flood evidences were obtained from one-dimensional hydraulic modelling. The stratigraphic units were sampled to characterise their geochemical and paleobotanical (phytoliths) contents. Palaeoflood chronology was obtained from radiocarbon and luminescence (OSL) dating, supported by documentary data (written historical documents). A high frequency and high magnitude palaeoflood period took place during the 15th-middle 16th century, which seem to correlate in time with general wetter conditions. Three short-term environment stability conditions (land use and climatic) also made possible the development of three paleosols. The lowest flood magnitude and discharges in the sedimentary record was found between the mid-17th to mid-18th centuries, under prevailing drier environmental conditions. Episodic high magnitude flooding took place at late 18th century, correlating in time with palaeovegetation and geochemical evidences of important changes on land use (deforestation and grazing). Poorer developed soils were found at upper stratigraphic sequences (19th century) characterised by thick units of colluvium deposits, usually culminating sequences of short-lived continuous slackwater flood units. Despite of the potential human influence (land-use) on soil hydrology, the longterm behaviour of high magnitude floods (>1000 m3 s-1) has been stationary over the last 500 years

    YODA Kinase Controls a Novel Immune Pathway of Tomato Conferring Enhanced Disease Resistance to the Bacterium Pseudomonas syringae

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    © 2020 Téllez, Muñoz-Barrios, Sopeña-Torres, Martín-Forero, Ortega, Pérez, Sanz, Borja, de Marcos, Nicolas, Jahrmann, Mena, Jordá and Molina.Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK) play pivotal roles in transducing developmental cues and environmental signals into cellular responses through pathways initiated by MAPK kinase kinases (MAP3K). AtYODA is a MAP3K of Arabidopsis thaliana that controls stomatal development and non-canonical immune responses. Arabidopsis plants overexpressing a constitutively active YODA protein (AtCA-YDA) show broad-spectrum disease resistance and constitutive expression of defensive genes. We tested YDA function in crops immunity by heterologously overexpressing AtCA-YDA in Solanum lycopersicum. We found that these tomato AtCA-YDA plants do not show developmental phenotypes and fitness alterations, except a reduction in stomatal index, as reported in Arabidopsis AtCA-YDA plants. Notably, AtCA-YDA tomato plants show enhanced resistance to the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 and constitutive upregulation of defense-associated genes, corroborating the functionality of YDA in tomato immunity. This function was further supported by generating CRISPR/Cas9-edited tomato mutants impaired in the closest orthologs of AtYDA [Solyc08g081210 (SlYDA1) and Solyc03g025360 (SlYDA2)]. Slyda1 and Slyda2 mutants are highly susceptible to P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in comparison to wild-type plants but only Slyda2 shows altered stomatal index. These results indicate that tomato orthologs have specialized functions and support that YDA also regulates immune responses in tomato and may be a trait for breeding disease resistance.This work was supported by grants BIO2015-64077-R of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO), RTI2018-096975-B-I00 of Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and grant P190050072 of Plant Response Biotech SL to AMo. Research in the Montaña Mena’s laboratory is supported by the MINECO (PPII10-0194-4164) and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (SBPLY/17/180501/000394), complemented with EU FEDER funds. JT was financially supported by a PhD fellow of the FPI program from MINECO (BES-2016-076708). AM-F and AO were recipients of research and PhD fellowships from JCCM

    Uso de RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) para la docencia y divulgación de las Ciencias de la Tierra

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    Proyecto de Innovación docente enfocado a la elaboración de material audiovisual digital modular basado en las imágenes obtenidas con dron y enfocado a la enseñanza a nivel de grado y master, así como a la divulgación científica.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEsubmitte

    RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) para la elaboración de salidas de campo virtuales como recursos docentes “flipped classroom” para Grados relacionados con Ciencias de la Tierra

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    El principal objetivo del Proyecto es continuar con el desarrollo de material docente geológico y de recorridos de interés geológico virtuales además del uso de RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) aeronaves no tripuladas que permiten acercarse a zonas de difícil accesibilidad. Este proyecto pretende desarrollar prácticas de campo virtuales mediante el manejo de nuevas tecnologías, tanto usando métodos de adquisición y elaboración de datos geológicos (RPAS: Remotely Piloted Aircraft System) como para su presentación y uso de la información y comunicación (TICs)

    Huellas de vertebrados triásicos del Geoparque Molina-Alto Tajo

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    Guadalajara, y más concretamente la zona del Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Molina-Alto Tajo, es una pieza clave en la historia de la icnología en España. De sus rocas del Periodo Triásico proviene la primera huella fósil que se conoce en el país. Dicha huella, que incluso conserva las impresiones de la piel del animal que la dejó, fue estudiada por Salvador Calderón y Aranaa finales del siglo XIX. El autor sugirió la posibilidad de que la dejara un dinosaurio ornitópodo y la atribuyó a "Cheirotherium" (Calderón, 1897), aunque estudios más modernos la han relacionado con un arcosaurio basal (Haubold, 1969). Ya en la década de 1970, un grupo de investigadores identificaron numerosos afloramientos con pisadas fósiles mientras realizaban estudios geológicos en la zona de Rillo de Gallo. Estas huellas, también del Triásico, fueron clasificadas como Rynchosauroides, Chirotherium, Isochirotherium, Synaptichnium, Batrachopus y Coelurosaurichnus. Esta alta diversidad icnológica permitió inferir la presencia de una gran variedad de organismos productores de huellas en el lugar (Demathieu et al., 1978), algo inusual comparado con otros hallazgos similares de la época en España (Demathieu y Saiz de Omeñaca,1976, 1977, 1979). En los últimos años, las huellas de esta zona han sido objeto de diversos trabajos dentro de un contexto principalmente patrimonial. Desde 2007, las zonas donde se localizaron las huellas se incluyen en una figura de protección nacional, denominada LIG (Lugar de Interés Geológico), con el sobrenombre de "Estructuras sedimentarias fluviales del Triásico en Rillo de Gallo". Se ubican dentro de una zona considerada como Global Geosite de España, y del Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Molina-Alto Tajo (García-Cortes, 2009). Inspirado en estas figuras de protección se desprende la propuesta de geoconservación de uno de los yacimientos icnológicos que se encuentra in situ. Los investigadores controlaron principalmente factores físicos relacionados con la meteorización de las rocas portadoras de huellas y se diseñaron medidas para la gestión de estos lugares protegidos (Díez-Herrero et al., 2017).Fil: Díaz Martínez, Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Paleobiología y Geología; ArgentinaFil: Pérez García, Adán. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia; EspañaFil: Ortega, Francisco. Universidad Nacional de Educacion A Distancia. Facultad de Ciencias.; EspañaFil: Sánchez Moya, Yolanda. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; EspañaFil: Sopeña, Alfonso. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Españ

    Silicificación y dolomitización de nódulos de anhidrita en sedimentos litíticos continentales. Un caso particular de diagénesis meteórica en el Triásico de la Cordillera Ibérica

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    Cauliflower nodules occur in a red mudstone bed of the Buntsandstein facies of the Iberian Ranges. They consist mostly of quartz, dolomite and calcite, but barite, kaolinite and iron oxides-hydroxides are also present. The nodules are spherical, ovoid or elongated in shape and range from I to 8 cm across. Their surface is irregular and some show a pedogenic carbonate coating. The initial anhydrite nodules formed through a progressive increase in the concentration of Ca+2 and S 0 42 in the meteoric porewaters in a superficial vadose environment. Partial replacement of the anhydrite by megaquartz occurred under more dilute conditions. From this point forward, the evolution of nodules followed two paths. In type A nodules, the dissolution of the anhydrite was complete, and quartz cements filled the porosity. In type B nodules, the dissolution of the anhydrite was incomplete, inhibiting quartz cementation and allowing dolomitization, which was mainly driven by sulphate reduction, indicated by the presence o f bacteria within the dolomite crystals. Dedolomitization, fracturation and precipitation of barite, kaolinite and calcite spar cements occurred later under the influence of meteoric solutions. The presence of these nodules not only reveals a complex meteoric diagenetic history but is also indicative of palaeogeographic and palaeoclimatic conditions

    Visibilizando lo oculto. Reconstrucción digital y análisis espacial del registro geoarqueológico del Pleistoceno superior del LIG del abrigo rocoso de Jarama VI en el cañón del Jarama (Valdesotos, Guadalajara, España)

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    El Lugar de Interés Geológico de Jarama VI es un abrigo rocoso que contiene una secuencia litoestratigráfica formada por cinco unidades sedimentarias del Pleistoceno superior, tres de las cuales presentan restos arqueológicos del Paleolítico medio con una edad mayor de 50 ka BP. En una de ellas se ha recuperado unresto óseo de Homo neanderthalensis. Para preservar toda la información analógica disponible sobre este LIG y contar con un registro digital del mismo, hemos llevado a cabo tres proyectos consecutivos cuyosobjetivos se centraron en la obtención de una cartografía digital de detalle del yacimiento y su entorno, la digitalización del registro arqueológico analógico de las excavaciones realizadas entre 1989-1993, la creación y cumplimentación de una Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales y la realización de un análisis microespacial y estadístico del yacimiento, a la vez que hemos llevado a cabo un estudio hidráulico de las paleoinundaciones observadas en su registro sedimentario

    Innovation in virtual contents via digital technologies: 3D Geological Models and virtual field trips in Earth Sciences subjects.

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    La adquisición de datos digitales nos ha llevado a obtener Modelos 3D de afloramientos de campo y de muestra rocosas que permiten establecer una enseñanza en detalle de numerosos aspectos docentes en la mayoría de las asignaturas de los grados de Geología, Ingeniería Geológica y en asignaturas relacionadas con la Geología en el Grado de Ingeniería Civil y Territorial. Los modelos tridimensionales, además de favorecer la observación de la realidad, facilitan la compresión y el análisis de materiales geológicos y aportan un valor añadido a las prácticas de campo y de laboratorio tradicionales, ya que el acceso a la hoja web donde están incluidos los modelos 3D permite el aprendizaje y la observación desde diferentes dispositivos electrónicos de forma inmediata y rápida. El estudio de rocas en muestra de mano es de vital importancia para un Geólogo o un Ingeniero civil, ya que representa la primera aproximación que realiza de reconocimiento de las características del terreno. Estos modelos realizados presentan una gran calidad de datos, con alta precisión, proporcionando una forma sencilla y económica de documentar material rocoso para distintos ámbitos, desde colecciones docentes a colecciones museísticas o incluso siendo de utilidad para realizar investigación.The acquisition of digital data has led us to obtain 3D models of field outcrops and rock samples that allow to establish a detailed teaching of numerous educational aspects in most of the subjects of the degrees of Geology, Geological Engineering and subjects related to Geology in the Degree of Civil and Territorial Engineering. Three-dimensional models, in addition to favoring the observation of reality, facilitate the compression and analysis of geological materials and provide added value to traditional field and laboratory practices, since access to the web page where the models are included 3D allows learning and observation from different electronic devices immediately and quickly. The study of rocks in a hand sample is of vital importance for a Geologist or a Civil Engineer, since it represents the first approximation made to recognize the characteristics of the terrain. These models have a high quality of data, with high precision, providing a simple and inexpensive way to document rock material for different areas, from teaching collections to museum collections or even being useful for research.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEProyecto Innovación Docente UCMsubmitte