4 research outputs found

    Developing tools to optically map the functional connectivity of neuronal microcircuits in the prefrontal cortex

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    This overarching goal of my PhD was to develop optical microscopy tools to study the functional connectivity of neuronal microcircuits. I first conduct dynamic clamp recordings of putative pyramidal neurons in the Prefrontal Cortex to study the effects of intrinsic conductance and synaptic drive of Action Potential (AP) waveform properties. In the set of measured neurons, I find that an increasing, non-linear Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz Cl- leak conductance or an increasing input AMPA conductance have no effect on AP Full Width, Half Maximum (FWHM). However, I observe that increasing AMPA conductance decreases AP latency and peak voltage. Crucially, the latter has implications on optical functional connectivity assays. I then develop, characterise, and validate a light patterning microscope for optical functional connectivity assays with single neuron precision. I show reliable generation of photostimulation spots with biologically relevant diameters of 5 ± 0.2 µm and 10 ± 0.2 µm, pulse durations of 2 – 10 ms, errors of 20 ± 10 µs, and latencies of 180 ± 10 µs. I demonstrate lateral spatial confinement of photostimulation spots by photostimulating laterally displaced locations relative to a ChR2 expressing neuron and observing an elimination of photocurrents as the spots move away from the cell soma. I attempt single neuron precision functional mapping between Inter-Telencephalic (IT) and non-IT neurons, finding no evidence of single neuron precision functional connections in the samples tested- but do verify that functional connectivity amongst these populations exists. Finally, I demonstrate the first reported all-optical, crosstalk-free neurophysiology strategy using Chronos, a blue-light sensitive opsin, and CaSiR-1, a red-light emitting calcium dye. I show red light suitable for CaSiR-1 imaging evokes no photocurrents in CHO cells transfected with Chronos, before demonstrating high signal-to-noise, crosstalk-free imaging of CaSiR-1 red fluorescence whilst photostimulating Chronos in acute brain slices at stimulation frequencies up to 20 Hz.Open Acces

    Towards patient-specific modelling of lesion formation during radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation

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    Radiofrequency catheter ablation procedures are a first-line method of clinical treatment for atrial fibrillation. However, they suffer from suboptimal success rates and are also prone to potentially serious adverse effects. These limitations can be at least partially attributed to the inter- and intra- patient variations in atrial wall thickness, and could be mitigated by patient-specific approaches to the procedure. In this study, a modelling approach to optimising ablation procedures in subject-specific 3D atrial geometries was applied. The approach enabled the evaluation of optimal ablation times to create lesions for a given wall thickness measured from MRI. A nonliner relationship was revealed between the thickness and catheter contact time required for fully transmural lesions. Hence, our approach based on MRI reconstruction of the atrial wall combined with subject-specific modelling of ablation can provide useful information for improving clinical procedures