2,710 research outputs found

    Near-Capacity Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation Design

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    Bandwidth efficient parallel-concatenated Turbo Trellis Coded Modulation (TTCM) schemes were designed for communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels. A symbol-based union bound was derived for analysing the error floor of the proposed TTCM schemes. A pair of In-phase (I) and Quadrature-phase (Q) interleavers were employed for interleaving the I and Q components of the TTCM coded symbols, in order to attain an increased diversity gain. The decoding convergence of the IQ-TTCM schemes was analysed using symbol based EXtrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The best TTCM component codes were selected with the aid of both the symbol-based union bound and non-binary EXIT charts for the sake of designing capacity-approaching IQ-TTCM schemes in the context of 8PSK, 16QAM and 32QAM signal sets. It will be shown that our TTCM design is capable of approaching the channel capacity within 0.5 dB at a throughput of 4 bit/s/Hz, when communicating over uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channels using 32QAM

    Probabilistic and Distributed Control of a Large-Scale Swarm of Autonomous Agents

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    We present a novel method for guiding a large-scale swarm of autonomous agents into a desired formation shape in a distributed and scalable manner. Our Probabilistic Swarm Guidance using Inhomogeneous Markov Chains (PSG-IMC) algorithm adopts an Eulerian framework, where the physical space is partitioned into bins and the swarm's density distribution over each bin is controlled. Each agent determines its bin transition probabilities using a time-inhomogeneous Markov chain. These time-varying Markov matrices are constructed by each agent in real-time using the feedback from the current swarm distribution, which is estimated in a distributed manner. The PSG-IMC algorithm minimizes the expected cost of the transitions per time instant, required to achieve and maintain the desired formation shape, even when agents are added to or removed from the swarm. The algorithm scales well with a large number of agents and complex formation shapes, and can also be adapted for area exploration applications. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this proposed swarm guidance algorithm by using results of numerical simulations and hardware experiments with multiple quadrotors.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Genetic studies of the Asian subgenus Ceratotropis

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    Cell death regulation in Drosophila: Conservation of mechanism and unique insights

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    Programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is a genetically encoded form of cell suicide that results in the orderly death and phagocytic removal of excess, damaged, or dangerous cells during normal development and in the adult. The cellular machinery required to carry out apoptosis is present in most, if not all cells, but is only activated in cells instructed to die (for review see Jacobson et al. 1997). Here, we review cell death regulation in the fly in the context of a first pass look at the complete Drosophila genome and what is known about death regulation in other organisms, particularly worms and vertebrates

    Symmetries of SU(2) Skyrmion in Hamiltonian and Lagrangian approaches

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    We apply the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) method to the SU(2) Skyrmion to study the full symmetry structure of the model at the first class Hamiltonian level. On the other hand, we also analyze the symmetry structure of the action having the WZ term, which corresponds to this Hamiltonian, in the framework of the Lagrangian approach. Furthermore, following the BFV formalism we derive the BRST invariant gauge fixed Lagrangian from the above extended action.Comment: 14 pages, final revised version, to appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Optimal Guidance and Control with Nonlinear Dynamics Using Sequential Convex Programming

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    This paper presents a novel method for expanding the use of sequential convex programming (SCP) to the domain of optimal guidance and control problems with nonlinear dynamics constraints. SCP is a useful tool in obtaining real-time solutions to direct optimal control, but it is unable to adequately model nonlinear dynamics due to the linearization and discretization required. As nonlinear program solvers are not yet functioning in real-time, a tool is needed to bridge the gap between satisfying the nonlinear dynamics and completing execution fast enough to be useful. Two methods are proposed, sequential convex programming with nonlinear dynamics correction (SCPn) and modified SCPn (M-SCPn), which mixes SCP and SCPn to reduce runtime and improve algorithmic robustness. Both methods are proven to generate optimal state and control trajectories that satisfy the nonlinear dynamics. Simulations are presented to validate the efficacy of the methods as compared to SCP

    Real-Time Optimal Control and Target Assignment for Autonomous In-Orbit Satellite Assembly from a Modular Heterogeneous Swarm

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    This paper presents a decentralized optimal guidance and control scheme to combine a heterogeneous swarm of component satellites, rods and connectors, into a large satellite structure. By expanding prior work on a decentralized auction algorithm with model predictive control using sequential convex programming (MPC-SCP) to allow for the limited type heterogeneity and docking ability required for in-orbit assembly. The assignment is performed using a distributed auction with a variable number of targets and strict bonding rules to address the heterogeneity. MPC-SCP is used to generate the collision-free trajectories, with modifications to the constraints to allow docking

    Decentralized Model Predictive Control of Swarms of Spacecraft Using Sequential Convex Programming

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    This paper presents a decentralized, model predictive control algorithm for the reconfiguration of swarms of spacecraft composed of hundreds to thousands of agents with limited capabilities. In our prior work, sequential convex programming has been used to determine collision-free, fuel-efficient trajectories for the reconfiguration of spacecraft swarms. This paper uses a model predictive control approach to implement the sequential convex programming algorithm in real-time. By updating the optimal trajectories during the reconfiguration, the model predictive control algorithm results in decentralized computations and communication between neighboring spacecraft only. Additionally, model predictive control reduces the horizon of the convex optimizations, which reduces the run time of the algorithm