97 research outputs found

    Monolithic InP-Based Grating Spectrometer for Wavelength-Division Multiplexed Systems at 1.5 μm

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    A monolithic InP-based grating spectrometer for use in wavelength-division multiplexed systems at 1.5 μm is reported. The spectrometer uses a single etched reflective focusing diffraction grating and resolves >50 channels at 1 nm spacing with a ~0.3nm channel width and at least 19dB channel isolation. Operation is essentially of the state of the input polarisation

    Ascorbate metabolism and the developmental demand for tartaric and oxalic acids in ripening grape berries

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    Background. Fresh fruits are well accepted as a good source of the dietary antioxidant ascorbic acid (Asc, Vitamin C). However, fruits such as grapes do not accumulate exceptionally high quantities of Asc. Grapes, unlike most other cultivated fruits do however use Asc as a precursor for the synthesis of both oxalic (OA) and tartaric acids (TA). TA is a commercially important product in the wine industry and due to its acidifying effect on crushed juice it can influence the organoleptic properties of the wine. Despite the interest in Asc accumulation in fruits, little is known about the mechanisms whereby Asc concentration is regulated. The purpose of this study was to gain insights into Asc metabolism in wine grapes (Vitis vinifera c.v. Shiraz.) and thus ascertain whether the developmental demand for TA and OA synthesis influences Asc accumulation in the berry. Results. We provide evidence for developmentally differentiated up-regulation of Asc biosynthetic pathways and subsequent fluctuations in Asc, TA and OA accumulation. Rapid accumulation of Asc and a low Asc to dehydroascorbate (DHA) ratio in young berries was co-ordinated with up-regulation of three of the primary Asc biosynthetic (Smirnoff-Wheeler) pathway genes. Immature berries synthesised Asc in-situ from the primary pathway precursors D-mannose and L-galactose. Immature berries also accumulated TA in early berry development in co-ordination with up-regulation of a TA biosynthetic gene. In contrast, ripe berries have up-regulated expression of the alternative Asc biosynthetic pathway gene D-galacturonic acid reductase with only residual expression of Smirnoff-Wheeler Asc biosynthetic pathway genes and of the TA biosynthetic gene. The ripening phase was further associated with up-regulation of Asc recycling genes, a secondary phase of increased accumulation of Asc and an increase in the Asc to DHA ratio. Conclusion. We demonstrate strong developmental regulation of Asc biosynthetic, recycling and catabolic genes in grape berries. Integration of the transcript, radiotracer and metabolite data demonstrates that Asc and TA metabolism are developmentally regulated in grapevines; resulting in low accumulated levels of the biosynthetic intermediate Asc, and high accumulated levels of the metabolic end-product TA

    Fast high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetectors using novel hybrid vertical/butt coupling geometry

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    We report a novel coupling geometry for integrated waveguide photodetectors−a hybrid vertical coupling/butt coupling scheme that allows the integration of fast, efficient, photodetectors with conventional double heterostructure waveguides. It can be employed to yield a planar, or pseudo-planar, surface that supports further levels of integration. The approach is demonstrated with a 25-µm-long p-i-n detector integrated with an InP/InGaAsP/InP waveguide, which displays a high (~90%) efficiency and large (~15 GHz) bandwidth. This is the fastest high-efficiency integrated waveguide photodetector reported to date

    Wavelength-selectable laser emission from a multistripe array grating integrated cavity laser

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    We report laser operation of a multistripe array grating integrated cavity (MAGIC) laser in which the wavelength of the emission from a single output stripe is chosen by selectively injection pumping a second stripe. We demonstrate a device that lases in the 1.5 µm fiber band at 15 wavelengths, evenly spaced by ~2 nm. The single-output/wavelength-selectable operation, together with the accurate predefinition of the lasing wavelengths, makes the MAGIC laser a very attractive candidate for use in multiwavelength networks

    Ultracompact monolithic integration of balanced, polarization diversity photodetectors for coherent lightwave receivers

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    The authors have monolithically integrated an optical front-end on InP for balanced, polarization-diversity coherent lightwave reception which is only 1.3-mm long. Low on-chip insertion loss (<4.5 dB) and balanced photoresponse (1.05:1 or better) are achieved at 1.5-μm wavelength using straightforward, regrowth-free fabrication. Low-capacitance photodetectors (≤0.15 pF) are employed for high bandwidth operation

    Ion Beam Machining Of Optoelectronic Components

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    We produce very smooth vertical sidewalls with high anisotropy in III-V semiconductors by ion beam etching. These qualities are used to fabricate mirrors and deflect light in InGaAs and GaAs waveguide structures. Either a maskless technique, using a focussed ion beam (FIB), or a lithographically deposited mask followed by broad-beam etching (CAIBE) are employed to produce such facets. Here, we describe the two examples of application of high-resolution ion beam etching techniques towards miniaturizing optoelectronic devices. We show the conversion of an edge-emitting laser structure into a surface-emitting structure, by cutting 45° reflection mirrors, and the fabrication of a monolithic InP-based wavelength demultiplexer by etching a diffraction grating

    WDM Detection Using Integrated Grating Demultiplexer And High Density p-i-n Array

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    Multi-wavelength systems are being advocated for use in future telecommunication networks and for computer processor links. In research systems the multiplexing and demultiplexing of the different wavelength signals is currently achieved through the use of bulk optical components. When channel separation are on the order of a nm or so - which is typical of 'high density' direct detection systems - the MUX/DMUX function is generally done with a diffraction grating. WDM detection at the receiver end is then obtained by assembling a detector array, placed in the focal plane of the optical grating system

    Spectrometer on a chip: InP-based integrated grating spectrograph for wavelength-multiplexed optical processing

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    We report the performance of an InP-based integrated spectrometer and consider its application in wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) systems. The wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer operates in the 1.5 micrometers fiber band and disperses 1 nm spaced signals over a spectral range of 75 nm. Crosstalk between the channels is -19 dB and the optical performance of the spectrometer is essentially insensitive to the polarization of the incident light. Use of the device in multiwavelength telecommunication and computer local area networks is discussed

    Spectrometer On A Chip: An InP-based Grating Demultiplexer For WDM Applications At 1.5μm

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    We report an InP-based grating spectrometer for WDM systems operating in the 1.5µm fiber band. The spectrometer resolves more than 50 wavelength demultiplexed channels at 1mm spacing with a 3Λ channel width and at least 19dB isolation between outputs. The spectrometer operation is almost independent of the state of the input polarization