24 research outputs found

    Protocol for certifying entanglement in surface spin systems using a scanning tunneling microscope

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    Certifying quantum entanglement is a critical step towards realizing quantum-coherent applications of surface spin systems. In this work, we show that entanglement can be unambiguously shown in a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) with electron spin resonance by exploiting the fact that entangled states undergo a free time evolution with a distinct characteristic time constant that clearly distinguishes it from any other time evolution in the system. By implementing a suitable phase control scheme, the phase of this time evolution can be mapped back onto the population of one entangled spin in a pair, which can then be read out reliably using a weakly coupled sensor spin in the junction of the scanning tunneling microscope. We demonstrate through open quantum system simulations with realistic spin systems, which are currently available with spin coherence times of T2T_2\approx 300 ns, that a signal directly correlated with the degree of entanglement can be measured at a temperature range of 100-400 mK accessible in sub-Kelvin cryogenic STM systems

    Universal quantum control of an atomic spin qubit on a surface

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    Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) enables the bottom-up fabrication of tailored spin systems on a surface that are engineered with atomic precision. When combining STM with electron spin resonance (ESR), these single atomic and molecular spins can be controlled quantum-coherently and utilized as electron-spin qubits. Here we demonstrate universal quantum control of such a spin qubit on a surface by employing coherent control along two distinct directions, achieved with two consecutive radio-frequency (RF) pulses with a well-defined phase difference. We first show transformations of each Cartesian component of a Bloch vector on the quantization axis, followed by ESR-STM detection. Then we demonstrate the ability to generate an arbitrary superposition state of a single spin qubit by using two-axis control schemes, in which experimental data show excellent agreement with simulations. Finally, we present an implementation of two-axis control in dynamical decoupling. Our work extends the scope of STM-based pulsed ESR, highlighting the potential of this technique for quantum gate operations of electron-spin qubits on a surface

    Utilizing a single atom magnet and oscillating electric fields to coherently drive magnetic resonance in single atoms

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    Scanning tunneling microscopes (STM) equipped with pulsed electron spin resonance (ESR) have paved a way to coherently control individual atomic and molecular spins on surfaces. A recent breakthrough was to drive ESR of a spin outside the tunnel junction by locating a single atom magnet in proximity to a qubit, composing a 'spin-magnet pair'. Here we present a combined experimental and model study on the ESR driving mechanism in such a spin-magnet pair. Pulsed ESR of a single hydrogenated Ti atom on MgO with an Fe atom located between 6 and 8 {\AA} away showed a non-vanishing Rabi rate even when the tip is substantially retracted, comparable in strength with that driven by the interaction with the tip's magnetic moment under normal tunnel conditions. We reveal that this ESR driving field is contributed by Fe through the spin-spin interaction in the pair and show its tunability using a vector magnetic field. The spin-magnet pair therefore expands ESR-STM to address and coherently control on-surface atomic and molecular spins independent of the tip's magnetic apex. Together with existing atom manipulation techniques in STM, our study establishes a feasible method to design spin-based multi-qubit systems on surfaces

    Nucleation and growth of primary nanostructures in SrTiO3 homoepitaxy

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    SrTiO3 nanoislands on SrTiO3 (001) in a diffusion-limited growth regime were studied using in situ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). The STM images revealed two characteristic features of nucleation stages. First, the minimum lateral size of the one-unit-cell (uc)-high SrTiO3 islands was 4 x 4 uc(2). Second, one-dimensional SrTiO3 islands of a 4 uc width grew along the crystal symmetry directions. These observations suggest that 4 x 4-uc(2) islands act as a minimum nucleation seed, and the addition of SrTiO3 molecular species of the same width is the primary and dominant growth process in SrTiO3 homoepitaxy. A close inspection of the surface of the substrate during the deposition process revealed possible connections between surface reconstruction and energetically favorable nucleation of SrTiO3 islands. © 2015 Phark and Chang; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited.1651sciescopu

    Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy with quantitative insights into magnetic probes

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    Abstract Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy (spin-STM/S) have been successfully applied to magnetic characterizations of individual nanostructures. Spin-STM/S is often performed in magnetic fields of up to some Tesla, which may strongly influence the tip state. In spite of the pivotal role of the tip in spin-STM/S, the contribution of the tip to the differential conductance dI/dV signal in an external field has rarely been investigated in detail. In this review, an advanced analysis of spin-STM/S data measured on magnetic nanoislands, which relies on a quantitative magnetic characterization of tips, is discussed. Taking advantage of the uniaxial out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy of Co bilayer nanoisland on Cu(111), in-field spin-STM on this system has enabled a quantitative determination, and thereby, a categorization of the magnetic states of the tips. The resulting in-depth and conclusive analysis of magnetic characterization of the tip opens new venues for a clear-cut sub-nanometer scale spin ordering and spin-dependent electronic structure of the non-collinear magnetic state in bilayer high Fe nanoislands on Cu(111)

    Direct Nanoscale Analysis of Temperature-Resolved Growth Behaviors of Ultrathin Perovskites on SrTiO3

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    Revealing growth mechanism of a thin film and properties of its film substrate interface necessarily require microscopic investigations on the initial growth stages in temperature-and thickness-resolved manners. Here we applied in situ scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy to investigate the growth dynamics in homo-(SrTiO3) and hetero-(SrRuO3) epitaxies on SrTiO3(001). A comparison of temperature dependent surface structures of SrRuO3 and SrTiO3 films suggests that the peculiar growth mode switching from a "layer-by-layer" to "step-flow" type in a SrRuO3 films arises from a reduction of surface migration barrier, caused by the change in the chemical configuration of the interface between the topmost and underlying layers. Island densities in perovskite epitaxies exhibited a clear linear inverse-temperature dependence. A prototypical study on island nucleation stage of SrTiO3 homoepitaxy revealed that classical diffusion model is valid for the perovskite growths. © 2016 American Chemical Society1661sciescopu

    Initial defect configuration in NiO film for reliable unipolar resistance switching of Pt/NiO/Pt structure

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    We report on an oxygen partial pressure dependence of the unipolar resistance switching behavior of a Pt/NiO/Pt structure. By varying the oxygen partial pressure from 1 to 50 mTorr during film growth, we observed the reliable resistance switching behaviors in the films grown at high oxygen partial pressure, whereas we observed a failure of resistance switching behavior for the film grown at low pressure. In situ x-ray photoemission spectroscopy revealed that the unipolar resistance switching behavior was observed prominently in the NiO film of almost bulk stoichiometry accompanying a considerable off-stoichiometry near the NiO-Pt interface. Based on these observations, we extend the understanding of the effect of the initial defect configuration on the reliability of resistance switching in the Pt/NiO/Pt structure. © 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd1331sciescopu