216 research outputs found

    Multimodality Image Fusion by Using Activity Level Measurement and Counterlet Transform

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    In this paper we propose multimodality Medical Image Fusion based on counterlet transform . The objective of image fusion is combine two images to produce single image that provide more information. In this paper, we propose multim odality Image Fusion (MIF) method, this is done on activity level measurement contourlet transform. Multimodality image fusion technology can be used in medical field by doctors to diagnose the disease. Main issue in multimodality image fusion is how to fuse two or more images of different modalities & how we get more clear and accurate information. In this paper to fuse the image firstly we decompose the source image. The low - frequency subbands (LFSs) are fused by using the novel combined ALM (Activity level measurement), and the high - frequency subbands (HFSs) are fused according to their ̳local average energy of the neighborhood of coefficients. Then inverse contourlet transform (ICNT) is used to apply on the fused coefficients to get the fused image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed scheme is evaluated by various quantitative measures like Mutual Information, Entropy and Spatial Frequency etc. The purpose of this paper is to replace the wavelet transform with counterlet transform to make image much smoother and to increase the efficiency of the fusion method and quality in the Image


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    A citation analysis of Ph.D. theses submitted to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Library was performed as a way of determining the use of information sources made by the scholars of the university. for the present study 34 Ph.D.theses of Economics were chosen as a sample from the year 2000-2010,there are in all 2876 citations appended in 34 theses. The data was collected from the bibliographical entries listed at the end of the theses, which was used by the researchers for completing the theses. The citations were photocopied and the data was collected. Citation analysis have been carried out to find the types of cited document, the chronological distribution of cited documents, to find out the authorship pattern of cited document. The rank list of cited journals books, to find out the language. Wise distribution, geographical distribution of cited documents, the rank list of cited web – sources and the cited authors

    A clinicohematological profile of splenomegaly

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    Background: Splenomegaly is a matter of considerable clinical concern as spleen is not normally palpable. Splenomegaly is associated with large number of disorders including hematological, infectious, congestive states related to portal hypertension, lymphohematogenous disorders, immunological conditions, storage disorders and miscellaneous conditions. So, all the cases of splenomegaly should be thoroughly investigated to ascertain etiology. Splenomegaly can be an important diagnostic clue to existence of an underlying pathology. The aim and objective of present study was to find out relative frequency of clinical conditions associated with splenomegaly, to study clinic-hematological profile of splenomegaly and to find out the role of hematological investigations as a diagnostic tool in elucidating etiopathogenesis of splenomegaly.Methods: This was a cross sectional, observational study. Study was conducted on 135 pediatric as well as adult patients with splenomegaly admitted in medical ward, Government Medical College and tertiary care hospital Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India from December 2015 to October 2017. Hematological parameters of 135 cases of splenomegaly were analysed and correlated with clinical findings.Results: Study comprises 135 patients. Age range was 3 months to 78 years. Males (54.81%) were affected more commonly than females (45.19%). The most common presenting complaint was fever (59.26%) followed by generalized weakness (51.11%) and pallor (44.44%). Majority of cases (48.15%) had grade II splenomegaly. Splenomegaly was associated with hepatomegaly (60.74%) and lymphadenopathy (18.52%). The commonest cause of splenomegaly found was anemia (39.26%) followed by hematological malignancies (20.74%), congestive states (11.85%) and infections (11.85%). Hematological investigations revealed diagnosis in majority of cases (71%).Conclusions: Splenomegaly is an important clinical sign that must be investigated thoroughly as most of the common causes are treatable. Hematological causes outnumbered the non-hematological causes of splenomegaly. Hematological profile in cases of enlarged spleen are of utmost importance as a diagnostic or additional tool in elucidating the etiogenesis of splenomegaly

    Drug promotional literature: Does pharmaceutical industry follow WHO guidelines?

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    Background: Promotional literature is an important tool for both pharmaceutical industry (marketing strategy) and physicians (up to date knowledge). Important ways of doing drug promotion are visual aids, leave behind, flip charts. World Health Organisation has laid down criteria for drug promotional literature.Methods: A cross sectional observational study was performed in Department of Pharmacology, Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Mumbai. Total 137 drug promotional Literatures were randomly collected from different outpatient departments out of which 37 were excluded. 100 drug promotional literatures were evaluated by using WHO guidelines.Results: None of drug promotional literature fulfilled all WHO criteria. Though name of the active ingredient and brand name featured in 100% of the literature, 69% of them lacked information related to adverse drug reactions, precautions, contraindications and warnings. The approved therapeutic uses were mentioned in 96% but the dosage regimen in 38% only. Majority of the literature (80%) did not mention the drug interactions. References were given in 76% of the literature of which 87% were from journal article.Conclusions: Pharmaceutical industries do not follow WHO guidelines in toto to promote their product. Thus more strict regulations need to be implemented for proper promotion and dissemination of information about new drugs

    Policy-Guided Lazy Search with Feedback for Task and Motion Planning

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    PDDLStream solvers have recently emerged as viable solutions for Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) problems, extending PDDL to problems with continuous action spaces. Prior work has shown how PDDLStream problems can be reduced to a sequence of PDDL planning problems, which can then be solved using off-the-shelf planners. However, this approach can suffer from long runtimes. In this paper we propose LAZY, a solver for PDDLStream problems that maintains a single integrated search over action skeletons, which gets progressively more geometrically informed as samples of possible motions are lazily drawn during motion planning. We explore how learned models of goal-directed policies and current motion sampling data can be incorporated in LAZY to adaptively guide the task planner. We show that this leads to significant speed-ups in the search for a feasible solution evaluated over unseen test environments of varying numbers of objects, goals, and initial conditions. We evaluate our TAMP approach by comparing to existing solvers for PDDLStream problems on a range of simulated 7DoF rearrangement/manipulation problems

    Accidental Aspiration of Orthodontic Components or Appliances

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    Background: Contemporary orthodontic practice consists of innovative appliances for ease, safe, and quick results. However, the associated potential disadvantages are rarely published. Objective is to publish the literature on the accidental swallow of foreign objects such as orthodontic appliances or parts of fixed orthodontic appliances in patients. Method: An electronic search was performed on PubMed, Medline, Scopus, The Cochrane Library, and EMBASE until March 15th 2019. Methodological quality and synthesis of case series and case report tool (MQCC) was applied to determine the quality of these case reports and series. The outcome variable was to assess its effect on airway and gastrointestinal tract; methods of removal of these foreign bodies. Meta-analysis was not performed as the study included case reports and case series in which no control groups were present Results: Out of 113 case reports and series, twenty-nine articles were included in this systematic review. Only 31% of articles have satisfied the MQCC scale and maintained as high-quality case reports, 43% of articles were medium to high quality and 26% designated as low quality. Conclusions: An orthodontic appliance accidentally detaches from its position, and patient can engulf due to patient’s negligence, lack of its maintenance education and awareness. Orthodontist should educate, instruct and provide a written format of management, precautions. Accidental ingested foreign body can be managed in two methods, first is noninvasive, check forth airway obstruction, encourage for fiber-rich diet and laxatives. Second method is the use of endoscopically and laparoscopy with use magill’s forceps

    Review on The Production Of Concrete By Using Waste Coarse Material

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    Marble Industry produces large amount of waste during mining and processing stages. This waste is dumped on to open land which creates a lot of environmental problems. Similarly granite is also produced in the same manner in great amount. We get recycle aggregate from the old dumped structures and buildings. the main objective of this study was utilization of marble, granite and recycled aggregate waste with polypropylene fiber as a replacement for conventional natural coarse aggregates in concrete

    Sclerosing variant of mucoepidermoid carcinoma: a case report and review of literature

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    Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, a malignant tumour of the salivary gland is histologically characterized by the presence of mucoid cells, epidermoid cells and intermediate cells. There are many variants of this tumour. A particular variant, sclerosing variant of mucoepidermoid carcinoma is presented due to its rarity and chances of misdiagnosis as benign lesions due to the presence of extensive sclerosing stroma

    Machine learning enhanced droplet microfluidics

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    Machine learning has recently been introduced in the context of droplet microfluidics to simplify the process of droplet formation, which is usually controlled by a variety of parameters. However, the studies introduced so far have mainly focused on droplet size control using water and mineral oil in microfluidic devices fabricated using soft lithography or rapid prototyping. This approach negated the applicability of machine learning results to other types of fluids more relevant to biomedical applications, while also preventing users that do not have access to microfluidic fabrication facilities to take advantage of previous findings. There are a number of different algorithms that could be used as part of a data driven approach, and no clear comparison has been previously offered among multiple machine learning architectures with respect to the predictions of flow rate values and generation rate. We here employed machine learning to predict the experimental parameters required for droplet generation in three commercialized microfluidic flow-focusing devices using phosphate buffer saline and biocompatible fluorinated oil as dispersed and continuous liquid phases, respectively. We compared three different machine learning architectures and established the one leading to more accurate predictions. We also compared the predictions with a new set of experiments performed at a different day to account for experimental variability. Finally, we provided a proof of concept related to algae encapsulation and designed a simple app that can be used to generate accurate predictions for a given droplet size and generation rate across the three commercial devices
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