1,279 research outputs found

    Inequality in the Academic Achievement and Trajectory of “French Students with an Immigrant Background” and the Working Class : The mechanism of self-selection and marginalisation in secondary education

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    In this study, we explore how immigrants’ trajectories are determined and what improvement has been seen over the last few decades by examining the mechanism of school orientation determination in France. The study aims to shed light on the fact that, while there has been improvement in their academic achievement, secondgeneration immigrants do not see this as a positive outcome and do not view the process of school orientation determination as sufficiently fair. As demonstrated, differences in the quantity of schools’ cultural capital influence students’ trajectory decisions in secondary education. In addition, some structural elements remain in the system that encourage these differences. While there has been some improvement over the last 40 years, households with a high level of academic attainment retain an advantage in elite education. As Goblot showed approximately 100 years ago and Bourdieu(1989) demonstrated in The State Nobility, elitism continues to be maintained in the French educational system. Minorities, such as immigrants and women, have realized these problems and begun to express their dissatisfaction. It is not beyond our imagination that young people who cannot see a future for themselves in French society or who are in despair would seek their place in the outside world. The destruction of workers’ group culture among the working class has weakened their pride and undermined the authority of parents over their children. It is also related to the massification of secondary education in France, doubling the number of those with Baccalauréat degrees since the 1980s. Needless to say, immigrants are no exception. The same social anxiety underlies the narrative of Michaël, the Portuguese immigrant, and those of the Muslim women. What we find in both accounts is anxiety about the future after education, regardless of academic attainment or the acquisition of a qualification. This is likely not limited to France or to second-generation immigrants; therefore, there must be young people who suffer from a shared sense of anxiety in Japan. There are also signs of chauvinism and xenophobia in Japan, childhood poverty is worsening, and young people’s isolation is deepening. There is a gap in the motivation to learn, and economic disparity has a major influence on progression in education. Therefore, it is dangerous to consider this as a Western problem, and Japan must also overcome challenges in education and society from a macro perspective by giving greater visibility to the difficulties young people experience in their transitions. The creation of a society oriented toward convivialism and altruism is, therefore, required, and the humanities and social sciences can contribute to the construction of such a society

    Éducation et problèmes de société

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    Le Japon se trouve confronté aux évolutions économiques, sociales et culturelles que connaissent toutes les sociétés développées. La réforme de la formation des enseignants de 1997 tente d’intégrer ces nouvelles données par un assouplissement des cursus disciplinaires, un renforcement de la didactique, une meilleure prise en compte de la personnalité de l’enseignant, pour répondre aux attentes du public scolaire et de la société en général.Japan is confronted with the economic, social and cultural changes of all developed countries. The 1997 reform of teacher training attempts to take into account these new factors by easing university subject courses, reinforcing didactics and taking better account of the personality of the teacher, so as to respond to the wishes of school-goers and society in general

    La certification et l’insertion professionnelle

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    L’évolution vigoureuse de l’économie japonaise entraîne des mutations sociétales importantes qui se répercutent sur l’école. Les exigences concernant le système éducatif portent prioritairement sur la demande de filières professionnelles performantes. La validation secondaire doit prendre en compte les demandes de qualification sans cesse renouvelées du marché de l’emploi autant que les mutations de la société. Comment le secondaire japonais répond-il à ce défi ?The vigorous evolution of the Japanese economy brings about important developments in society which have repercussions in schools. The requirements concerning the system of education bear especially on the demand for efficient vocational streams. Secondary school evaluation must take into account the incessantly renewed demands of the labour market as well as the developments in society. How will the Japanese secondary school respond to this challenge?La evolución de la economía japonesa lleva implícita cambios profundos en la sociedad que repercuten en la escuela. Las exigencias concernientes al sistema educativo tiene como finalidad prioritaria dar respuesta a la demanda de las filiales profesionales calificadas. La validación secundaria debe tener en cuenta además la demanda de calificación que se renueva en forma permanente en el mercado de trabajo, dados los grandes cambios que se producen en la sociedad. ¿De qué manera puede responder el sistema de enseñanza secundaria japonés a este desafío

    Une politique volontariste des savoirs et des compétences basée sur l’évaluation

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    Les programmes scolaires de connaissances et de compétences sont au cœur d’un large débat dans l’opinion publique et dans la presse au Japon. Les récentes évaluations internationales ont montré une baisse significative des résultats scolaires. Le débat porte sur l’orientation des programmes et des méthodes préconisés par les gouvernements successifs vers la compétitivité des connaissances calquée sur celle du modèle économique néo-libéral, l’éducation devant assurer une nouvelle fluidité de l’emploi devant la naissance de nouvelles industries. Le débat porte également sur l’orientation idéologique à donner à l’éducation et le retour aux valeurs traditionnelles de l’empire symbolisé par les récentes mesures concernant le drapeau national et l’hymne actuel.School curricula of knowledge and skills are the central issue of a debate in the Japanese public opinion and press. Recent international assessment campaigns have pointed out a significant drop in school performances. The debate deals with the orientation of curricula and teaching methods advocated by successive governments towards the competitivity of knowledge copied on that of the neo-liberal economic model, in which the role of education is mainly to ensure a new fluidity of employment in keeping with the emergence of new industries. The debate also focuses on the ideological orientation that should be given to education and the comeback of traditional values of the empire symbolized by the recent steps taken about the national flag and the current national anthem.Los programas escolares de conocimientos y competencias constituyen el núcleo de un amplio debate que se está produciendo en el seno de la opinión pública y de los medios de comunicación japoneses. Las recientes evaluaciones internacionales han mostrado una disminución significativa de los resultados escolares. El debate se centra en la orientación de los programas y los métodos preconizados por los sucesivos gobiernos hacia la competitividad de los conocimientos, calco del modelo económico neoliberal, en que la educación debe garantizar una nueva fluidez del empleo ante el nacimiento de las nuevas industrias. El debate también incluye la orientación ideológica que debe tener la educación y la recuperación de los valores tradicionales del imperio, simbolizados por las recientes medidas sobre la bandera nacional y el himno actual

    Les élèves étrangers au Japon

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    Maîtriser la langue japonaise est la condition nécessaire pour suivre l’enseignement public au Japon. Dans un système conçu pour les Japonais, les élèves étrangers ont un besoin crucial de soutien linguistique. Partagée entre l’État et les collectivités locales, la politique éducative peine à s’adapter à la diversité de la société japonaise. Des écoles ethniques existent, mais elles bénéficient d’une reconnaissance aléatoire et n’ouvrent pas toujours les portes de l’enseignement supérieur universitaire. Ainsi, l’éducation devient un instrument de discrimination

    Stem cells in dentistry – Part I: Stem cell sources

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    AbstractStem cells can self-renew and produce different cell types, thus providing new strategies to regenerate missing tissues and treat diseases. In the field of dentistry, adult mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (MSCs) have been identified in several oral and maxillofacial tissues, which suggests that the oral tissues are a rich source of stem cells, and oral stem and mucosal cells are expected to provide an ideal source for genetically reprogrammed cells such as induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. Furthermore, oral tissues are expected to be not only a source but also a therapeutic target for stem cells, as stem cell and tissue engineering therapies in dentistry continue to attract increasing clinical interest. Part I of this review outlines various types of intra- and extra-oral tissue-derived stem cells with regard to clinical availability and applications in dentistry. Additionally, appropriate sources of stem cells for regenerative dentistry are discussed with regard to differentiation capacity, accessibility and possible immunomodulatory properties