6 research outputs found

    奈良女子高師附小における「小合科学習」の理念と家事・裁縫科教育の実践 ―家庭科における「子ども」と「科学」の統合に関する研究(Ⅴ)―

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    自分と子どものかかわりから自己理解を図る 保育授業の開発(第5報) ―中学校選択教科「技術・家庭(家庭分野)」におけるFlour Baby Projectの実践と検討―

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    本研究の目的では、全ての生徒が乳幼児との関わりを通して、親になるということを考え、自己理解を図る保育授業の開発にある。本報は、中学校家庭科でこの目的を達成するための第二段階として、中学校選択教科「技術・家庭(家庭分野)」を履修している生徒16名(第3学年女子16名)にFlour Baby Project(以下、FBPと称す)を実施し、その有効性を検討した。生徒は、①Flour Babyに対する愛着を持って土・日を含むFBPを行い、②世話に伴う様々な大変さから、③家族の協力の必要性を感じると共に、④「養育態度の反省」から、現在の自分には、子育てに対する責任と知識・経済力が欠如し、自立できていないために、親になることはできないという⑤「現在の自分に関する知識」を形成していた。しかし、最終授業で行ったディスカッションで終了後には、生徒は、「将来は自分も子どもがほしい」、「子育ては大変だがそれを通して自分も成長できるのではないか」という⑥「将来の自分に関する認識」に結びつく意見を記述していた

    Curcumin and its demethoxy derivatives possess p300 HAT inhibitory activity and suppress hypertrophic responses in cardiomyocytes

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    The natural compound, curcumin (CUR), possesses several pharmacological properties, including p300-specific histone acetyltransferase (HAT) inhibitory activity. In our previous study, we demonstrated that CUR could prevent the development of cardiac hypertrophy by inhibiting p300-HAT activity. Other major curcuminoids isolated from Curcuma longa including demethoxycurcumin (DMC) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (BDMC) are structural analogs of CUR. In present study, we first confirmed the effect of these three curcuminoid analogs on p300-HAT activity and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.Our results showed that DMC and BDMC inhibited p300-HAT activity and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy to almost the same extent as CUR. As the three compounds have structural differences in methoxy groups at the 3-position of their phenol rings, our results suggest that these methoxy groups are not involved in the inhibitory effects on p300-HAT activity and cardiac hypertrophy. These findings provide useful insights into the structure–activity relationship and biological activity of curcuminoids for p300-HAT activity and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy

    Strain-Induced Deformation of Glassy Spherical Microdomains in Elastomeric Triblock Copolymer Films: Time-Resolved 2d-SAXS Measurements under Stretched State

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    We have found extremely low efficiency of the elastomeric properties for SEBS (polystyrene-<i>block</i>-poly­(ethylene-<i>co</i>-butylene)-<i>block</i>-polystyrene) triblock copolymers having short polystyrene (PS) block chains. Since the SEBS specimens form spherical PS microdomains embedded in the matrix of the rubbery poly­(ethylene-<i>co</i>-butylene) (PEB) chains, they exhibit elastomeric properties (thermoplastic elastomer film). However, it was found that the stress was dramatically decreased with time when the specimens were stretched and fixed at strain of 4.0. Furthermore, they showed macroscopic fracture with very short-term duration (400 s to 2 h). To reveal the reason for such low efficiency, we conducted time-resolved two-dimensional small-angle X-ray scattering (2d-SAXS) measurements for the SEBS triblock copolymer films under stretched state at strain of 4.0. Upon stretching, the strain-induced deformation (not fracture) of glassy microdomains was observed. In addition, the deformation of glassy microdomains was found to proceed as time elapsed. Since this deformation of the glassy PS microdomains is considered to result in such the low efficiency of the elastomeric properties, characteristic times related to the deformation and the stress relaxation were evaluated from the change in strain of the glassy microdomains and from the stress relaxation curves, respectively. Then, good agreements of the characteristic times were found, and therefore it was concluded that the deformation of the glassy microdomains has a strong correlation with the stress relaxation and therefore with the fracture of the elastomeric film specimen