27 research outputs found

    Exit plane H2O concentration measurements correlated with OH PLIF near-injector mixing measurements for scramjet flows

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    Mixing and combusting high enthalpy flows, similar to those encountered in scramjet engines, were investigated using a shock tunnel to produce the flow in conjunction with non-intrusive optical diagnostics which monitored the performance of two injector configurations. The shock tunnel is configured to produce Mach 3 flow and stagnation enthalpies corresponding to flight equivalent Mach numbers between 7 and 11. A pulsed hydrogen injection capability and interchangeable injector blocks provide a means of examining high speed, high enthalpy reacting flows. Planar laser induced fluorescence (PLIF) of OH molecules in the near injector region produced images which show the combusting and mixing zones for the reacting flow. Line-of-sight exit plane measurement of water concentration and temperature were used to provide a unique method of monitoring exit plane products. These results demonstrated that a velocity matched axial injection system produced a fuel jet that lifted off the floor of the duct. Mixing was observed to increase for this system as a velocity mismatch was introduced. Comparison of exit plane water concentrations for a wall jet injection system and a velocity matched injection system indicated similar mixing performance but an accurate pressure measurement is necessary to further validate the result. In addition, exit plane measurements indicated an approximate steady-state condition was achieved during the 1 to 2 ms test times

    Instantaneous velocity field imaging instrument for supersonic reacting flows

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    The technical tasks conducted to develop and demonstrate a new gas velocity measurement technique for high enthalpy reacting flows is described. The technique is based on Doppler-shifted Planar Laser-induced Fluorescence (PLIF) imaging of the OH radical. The imaging approach permits, in principle, single-shot measurements of the 2-D distribution of a single velocity component in the measurement plane, and is thus a technique of choice for applications in high enthalpy transient flow facilities. In contrast to previous work in this area, the present program demonstrated an approach which modified the diagnostic technique to function under the constraints of practical flow conditions of engineering interest, rather than vice-versa. In order to accomplish the experimental demonstrations, the state-of-the-art in PLIF diagnostic techniques was advanced in several ways. Each of these tasks is described in detail and is intended to serve as a reference in supporting the transition of this new capability to the fielded PLIF instruments now installed at several national test facilities. Among the new results of general interest in LlF-based flow diagnostics, a detailed set of the first measurements of the collisional broadening and shifting behavior of OH (1,0) band transitions in H7-air combustion environments is included. Such measurements are critical in the design of a successful strategy for PLIF velocity imaging; they also relate to accurate concentration and temperature measurements, particularly in compressible flow regimes. Furthermore, the results shed new light on the fundamental relationship between broadening and energy transfer collisions in OH A(sup 2)Sigma(+)v(sup ') = 1. The first single-pulse, spectrally-resolved measurements of the output of common pulsed dye lasers were also produced during the course of this effort. As with the OH broadening measurements, these data are a significant aspect of a successful velocity imaging strategy, and also have potential implications for many other LIF measurement techniques. Our results indicated the need to modify the commercially available laser cavity in order to accommodate the constraints imposed by typical SCRAMJET combustion characteristics as well as to increase the instrument's velocity dynamic range to span an intra-image range in excess of 2 km/s. The various technical efforts were brought together in a series of experiments demonstrating the applicability of the technique in a high pressure, high temperature H2-air combustion system. The resultant images were compared with 2-D flow simulations in order to determine the accuracy of the instrument. Mean velocity imaging in flows with an axis of symmetry was demonstrated with an accuracy of +/- 50 m/s out of an intra-image dynamic range of 1600 m/s, including reversed flow. A more complex configuration amenable to single-shot imaging in flows without an axis of symmetry was also demonstrated. Limitations imposed by available equipment resulted in an accuracy of about +/- 200 m/s out of 1750 m/s in these demonstrations. Minor modifications to the present configuration were suggested to improve this performance. Each technical task is described in detail, along with significance of the results for the overall imaging velocimeter configuration. This report should allow the user community to integrate this new measurement capability in their existing instrumentation platforms