98 research outputs found

    Технология подготовки попутного газа для газлифтной эксплуатации скважин на нефтяном месторождении Пильтун-Астохское (Сахалинская область)

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    Целью выпускной работы является анализ влияния технологических параметров установки подготовки на качество газа для последующего применения в газлифтной эксплуатации нефтяных скважин. В процессе исследования изучены виды газлифтной эксплуатации, технологии подготовки нефтяного газа: компримирование газа, адсорбция, адсорбция и низкотемпературная сепарация. Обоснован выбор технологии низкотемпературной сепарации, построена моделирующая схема установки подготовки газа в программной среде UniSim Design Suite R460. Установлено влияние давления и температуры в изкотемпературном сепараторе на точки росы по углеводородам и воде подготовленного газа, а также на массовый расход конденсата.The aim of this graduation work is to analyze the influence of the technological parameters of the treatment unit on the quality of gas for subsequent use in gas-lift operation of oil wells. During the study the types of gas lift operation, associated gas treatment technologies (gas compression, adsorption, adsorption and low-temperature separation) were studied. The choice of low-temperature separation technology is justified, a simulating scheme of a gas treatment unit in the UniSim Design Suite R460 software environment is built. The effect of pressure and temperature in the low-temperature separator on the mass flow of condensate and the dew points of the prepared gas (hydrocarbon and water dew point) is established

    Memory-experience gap in early adolescents' happiness reports

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    Studies among adult populations show that estimates of how happy one has felt in the past tend to be more positive than average happiness as assessed using time sampling techniques. This ‘memory-experience gap’ is attributed to cognitive biases, among which fading affect bias. In this paper we report a study among 352 pupils of a secondary school in the Netherlands. These youngsters reported subsequently: 1) how happy they had felt yesterday, 2) how happy they had felt during the last month, 3) what they had done the previous day and 4) how the

    Nonrenewable Resources, Strategic Behavior and the Hotelling Rule: An Experiment

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    This study uses the methods of experimental economics to investigate possible causes for the failure of the Hotelling rule for nonrenewable resources. We argue that as long as resource stocks are large enough, producers may choose to (partially) ignore the dynamic component of their production decision, shifting production to the present and focusing more on strategic behavior. We experimentally vary stock size in a nonrenewable resource duopoly setting and find that producers with large stocks indeed pay significantly less attention to variables related to dynamic optimization,leading to a failure of the Hotelling rule

    Gift Exchange and the Separation of Ownership and Control

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    Numerous gift exchange experiments have found a positive relationship between employers' wage offers and workers' effort levels. In (almost) all these experiments the employer both owns and controls the firm. Yet in reality many firms are characterized by the separation of ownership and control. In this paper we explore to what extent this affects the wage-effort relationship observed. We compare the standard bilateral gift exchange game between an owner-manager and a worker with two trilateral ones where the firm is owned by a shareholder and controlled by a manager. The wage-effort relationship we observe is the same in all three situations. Most strikingly, workers still reward higher wages with higher effort levels, even when the manager responsible for choosing the wage does not share in the firm's profits at all. The results of a fourth treatment in which the wage is exogenously given suggest that workers feel reciprocal towards the firm as a whole; both ownership and control are important for the gift exchange relationship