67 research outputs found

    Dutch documentary film as a site of memory: Changing perspectives in the 1990s

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    This article discusses how documentary film as site of memory has constructed the memory of the Second World War. Its focus is on Dutch documentary films produced by the end of the 1980s and in the 1990s and their relation to both the discourses of memory and of documentary representation. The construction of memory is closely related to the debate on historical representation, centred around the Shoah as an event of extreme importance. This article addresses these debates as well as the interventions made by filmmakers. With the help of several examples from Dutch documentary practice, its aim is to illustrate how representational modes in documentary film are related to the construction of memory

    Migrant children's digital stories

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    This article starts out from the European research project Children in Communication about Migration (CHICAM). It addresses questions about intercultural communication via the internet and about media production as a vehicle for personal expression and identity formation among excluded youth groups. The article starts out from a cultural theoretical perspective linked to an empirical analysis, which is based on a series of selected productions made by 12 to 14-year-old refugees. The productions represent various programme genres and formats. The use of visual language such as representational conventions are highlighted in order to find out how identities are (re)created in the process of media production. The article touches upon these productions as they reflect not only experiences in dealing with cultural tensions between the 'old' and the 'new' world, but also their views on their future life and on the conditions that they find crucial in developing themselves

    Recommended patient information sheet on the impact of haematopoietic cell transplantation on sexual functioning and sexuality

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    Sexual concerns are common after haematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT). Exposure to total body irradiation (TBI), alkylating agent and graft versus host disease (GvHD) can all affect sexual function, leading to problems in sexual desire, arousal and the orgasm phase of the sexual response cycle. In high-risk haematological malignancies, such as acute leukaemia and myelodysplastic syndromes, HCT often offers the highest chance for long-term survival. In addition, these haematological diseases and HCT can have an impact on body image, self-esteem, (sexual) relationship and psychosocial factors, all of which are able to affect sexuality and sexual function. Five years post HCT, 80% of the female survivors and 46% of the male survivors report sexual dysfunction. It has been shown that these patients cope better after having discussed sexual health. While healthcare providers (HCPs) have the resp

    Air pollution trends in the EMEP region between 1990 and 2012

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    The present report synthesises the main features of the evolution over the 1990-2012 time period of the concentration and deposition of air pollutants relevant in the context of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution: (i) ozone, (ii) sulfur and nitrogen compounds and particulate matter, (iii) heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants. It is based on observations gathered in State Parties to the Convention within the EMEP monitoring network of regional background stations, as well as relevant modelling initiatives. Joint Report of: EMEP Task Force on Measurements and Modelling (TFMM), Chemical Co-ordinating Centre (CCC), Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-East (MSC-E), Meteorological Synthesizing Centre-West (MSC-W)


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    Getuigen van de holocaust. De film NUIT ET BROUILLARD in de geschiedenis van de (historische) documentaire representatie

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    De gruwelen van de holocaust overstijgen de grenzen van wat nog gerepresenteerd kan worden. Geen beeld kan die vernietiging in haar ware omvang laten zien. Het is de gedachte achter Alain Resnais' documentaire NUIT ET BROUILLARD (1955). In onderstaand artikel geeft Sonja de Leeuw de film een plaats in de discussie rond de historische documentaire representatie. De verbeelding van de holocaust speelt in die discussie een cruciale rol.Het artikel is een bewerking van de lezing die De Leeuw hield op de najaarsconferentie van de Vereniging Geschiedenis Beeld en Geluid, 13 november 1988 in Amsterdam.Witness to the holocaust. The film NUIT ET BROUILLARD in the history of the (historical) documentary representationThe atrocities of the holocaust surpass the boundaries of what can actually be shown. No image could ever accurately encompass the scope of destruction. Alain Resnais believed that and used it as the guiding philosophy behind his documentary NUIT ET BROUILLARD (1955). In her article, Sonja de Leeuw places the film in the discussion surrounding historical documentary representation with the image of the holocaust playing a crucial role.The article is based on the lecture De Leeuw gave on 13 November 1988 in Amsterdam during the History of Sound and Image Association's autumn convention

    Het archief als netwerk: Perspectieven op de studie van online televisie-erfgoed

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    Sonja de Leeuw The archive as network. Perspectives on studying online television heritageIncreasingly television heritage is being digitized and made accessible to non-industry users, enabling ‘the archival turn’: the study of online archives so as to revisit the dominant discourses in television historiography. This article discusses both conceptual and practical perspectives on online television heritage within a broader European framework. It starts from the notion of connectivity, pointing to the development of the archive as a network of connections and continues to address the dynamics involved in the transformation of the television archive into an online presentation including the most relevant actors. With the help of examples from Dutch and European television heritage projects the article discusses how the new archive is capable of mediating between the past and present, between history and memory, between curatorial perspectives and popular uses. It concludes on the challenges that (European) online television heritage offers in the field of television historiography and theory
