10 research outputs found

    Creating a Novel Mathematical Model of the Kv10.1 Ion Channel and Controlling Channel Activity with Nanoelectromechanical Systems

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    Featured Application Nanoelectromechanical systems and nanorobots can be used to treat cancers associated with the Kv10.1 voltage-gated ion channel activity. The Kv10.1 model was developed by applying the control engineering theory. Nanoelectromechanical systems play the role of a PID regulator. The use of nanoelectromechanical systems or nanorobots offers a new concept for sensing and controlling subcellular structures, such as ion channels. We present here a novel method for mathematical modeling of ion channels based on control system theory and system identification. We investigated the use of nanoelectromechanical devices to control the activity of ion channels, particularly the activity of the voltage-gated ion channel Kv10.1, an important channel in cancer development and progression. A mathematical model of the dynamic behavior of the selected ion channel Kv10.1 in the Laplace (s) domain was developed, which is given in the representation of a transfer function. In addition, we addressed the possibilities of controlling ion channel activity by nanoelectromechanical devices and nanorobots and finally presented a control algorithm for the Kv10.1 as a control object. A use case demonstrates the potential of a Kv10.1 controlled nanorobot for cancer treatment at a single-cell level

    Ion Channel Modeling beyond State of the Art: A Comparison with a System Theory-Based Model of the Shaker-Related Voltage-Gated Potassium Channel Kv 1.1

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    The mathematical modeling of ion channel kinetics is an important tool for studying the electrophysiological mechanisms of the nerves, heart, or cancer, from a single cell to an organ. Common approaches use either a Hodgkin–Huxley (HH) or a hidden Markov model (HMM) description, depending on the level of detail of the functionality and structural changes of the underlying channel gating, and taking into account the computational effort for model simulations. Here, we introduce for the first time a novel system theory-based approach for ion channel modeling based on the concept of transfer function characterization, without a priori knowledge of the biological system, using patch clamp measurements. Using the shaker-related voltage-gated potassium channel Kv1.1 (KCNA1) as an example, we compare the established approaches, HH and HMM, with the system theory-based concept in terms of model accuracy, computational effort, the degree of electrophysiological interpretability, and methodological limitations. This highly data-driven modeling concept offers a new opportunity for the phenomenological kinetic modeling of ion channels, exhibiting exceptional accuracy and computational efficiency compared to the conventional methods. The method has a high potential to further improve the quality and computational performance of complex cell and organ model simulations, and could provide a valuable new tool in the field of next-generation in silico electrophysiology

    The bioelectric mechanisms of local calcium dynamics in cancer cell proliferation: an extension of the A549 in silico cell model

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    IntroductionAdvances in molecular targeting of ion channels may open up new avenues for therapeutic approaches in cancer based on the cells’ bioelectric properties. In addition to in-vitro or in-vivo models, in silico models can provide deeper insight into the complex role of electrophysiology in cancer and reveal the impact of altered ion channel expression and the membrane potential on malignant processes. The A549 in silico model is the first computational cancer whole-cell ion current model that simulates the bioelectric mechanisms of the human non-small cell lung cancer cell line A549 during the different phases of the cell cycle. This work extends the existing model with a detailed mathematical description of the store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) and the complex local intracellular calcium dynamics, which significantly affect the entire electrophysiological properties of the cell and regulate cell cycle progression.MethodsThe initial model was extended by a multicompartmental approach, addressing the heterogenous calcium profile and dynamics in the ER-PM junction provoked by local calcium entry of store-operated calcium channels (SOCs) and uptake by SERCA pumps. Changes of cytosolic calcium levels due to diffusion from the ER-PM junction, release from the ER by RyR channels and IP3 receptors, as well as corresponding PM channels were simulated and the dynamics evaluated based on calcium imaging data. The model parameters were fitted to available data from two published experimental studies, showing the function of CRAC channels and indirectly of IP3R, RyR and PMCA via changes of the cytosolic calcium levels.ResultsThe proposed calcium description accurately reproduces the dynamics of calcium imaging data and simulates the SOCE mechanisms. In addition, simulations of the combined A549-SOCE model in distinct phases of the cell cycle demonstrate how Ca2+ - dynamics influence responding channels such as KCa, and consequently modulate the membrane potential accordingly.DiscussionLocal calcium distribution and time evolution in microdomains of the cell significantly impact the overall electrophysiological properties and exert control over cell cycle progression. By providing a more profound description, the extended A549-SOCE model represents an important step on the route towards a valid model for oncological research and in silico supported development of novel therapeutic strategies

    Usability evaluation of a locomotor therapy device considering different strategies

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    Usability of medical devices is one of the main determining factors in preventing use errors in treatment and strongly correlates to patient safety and quality of treatment. This thesis demonstrates the usability testing and evaluation of a prototype for locomotor therapy of infants. Therefore, based on the normative requirements of the EN 62366, a concept combined of evaluation procedures and assessing methods was created to enable extensive testing and analysis of the different aspects of usability. On the basis of gathered information weak points were identified and appropriate measures were presented to increase the usability and operating safety of the locomotor prototype. The overall outcome showed an usability value of 77.4% and an evaluation score of 6.99, which can be interpreted as “satisfactory”

    A549 in-silico 1.0: A first computational model to simulate cell cycle dependent ion current modulation in the human lung adenocarcinoma.

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    Lung cancer is still a leading cause of death worldwide. In recent years, knowledge has been obtained of the mechanisms modulating ion channel kinetics and thus of cell bioelectric properties, which is promising for oncological biomarkers and targets. The complex interplay of channel expression and its consequences on malignant processes, however, is still insufficiently understood. We here introduce the first approach of an in-silico whole-cell ion current model of a cancer cell, in particular of the A549 human lung adenocarcinoma, including the main functionally expressed ion channels in the plasma membrane as so far known. This hidden Markov-based model represents the electrophysiology behind proliferation of the A549 cell, describing its rhythmic oscillation of the membrane potential able to trigger the transition between cell cycle phases, and it predicts membrane potential changes over the cell cycle provoked by targeted ion channel modulation. This first A549 in-silico cell model opens up a deeper insight and understanding of possible ion channel interactions in tumor development and progression, and is a valuable tool for simulating altered ion channel function in lung cancer electrophysiology

    A novel network-based approach for discovering dynamic metabolic biomarkers in cardiovascular disease.

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    Metabolic biomarkers may play an important role in the diagnosis, prognostication and assessment of response to pharmacological therapy in complex diseases. The process of discovering new metabolic biomarkers is a non-trivial task which involves a number of bioanalytical processing steps coupled with a computational approach for the search, prioritization and verification of new biomarker candidates. Kinetic analysis provides an additional dimension of complexity in time-series data, allowing for a more precise interpretation of biomarker dynamics in terms of molecular interaction and pathway modulation. A novel network-based computational strategy for the discovery of putative dynamic biomarker candidates is presented, enabling the identification and verification of unexpected metabolic signatures in complex diseases such as myocardial infarction. The novelty of the proposed method lies in combining metabolic time-series data into a superimposed graph representation, highlighting the strength of the underlying kinetic interaction of preselected analytes. Using this approach, we were able to confirm known metabolic signatures and also identify new candidates such as carnosine and glycocholic acid, and pathways that have been previously associated with cardiovascular or related diseases. This computational strategy may serve as a complementary tool for the discovery of dynamic metabolic or proteomic biomarkers in the field of clinical medicine

    DataSheet_2_Consequences of somatic mutations of GIRK1 detected in primary malign tumors on expression and function of G-protein activated, inwardly rectifying, K+ channels.pdf

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    A search in the GDC Data Portal revealed 304 documented somatic mutations of the KCNJ3 gene in primary tumors (out of 10.202 cases). Most affected tumor types were carcinomas from uterus, skin and lung, while breast cancer exerted the lowest number of somatic mutations. We focused our research on 15 missense mutations within the region between TM1 and TM2, comprising the pore helix and ion selectivity signature. Expression was measured by confocal laser scan microscopy of eGFP tagged GIRK1 subunits, expressed with and without GIRK4 in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. GIRK ion currents were activated via coexpressed m2Rs and measured by the Two Electrode Voltage Clamp technique. Magnitude of the total GIRK current, as well as the fraction of current inducible by the agonist, were measured. Ion selectivity was gauged by assessment of the PNa+/PK+ ratio, calculated by the GIRK current reversal potential in extracellular media at different Na+ and K+ concentrations. None of the tested mutations was able to form functional GIRK1 homooligomeric ion channels. One of the mutations, G145A, which locates directly to the ion selectivity signature, exerted an increased PNa+/PK+ ratio. Generally, the missense mutations studied can be categorized into three groups: (i) normal/reduced expression accompanied by reduced/absent function (S132Y, F136L, E139K, G145A, R149Q, R149P, G178D, S185Y, Q186R), (ii) normal/increased expression as well as increased function (E140M, A142T, M184I) and (iii) miniscule expression but increased function relative to expression levels (I151N, G158S). We conclude, that gain of function mutations, identical or similar to categories (ii) and (iii), may potentially be involved in genesis and progression of malignancies in tissues that exert a high rate of occurrence of somatic mutations of KCNJ3.</p

    DataSheet_3_Consequences of somatic mutations of GIRK1 detected in primary malign tumors on expression and function of G-protein activated, inwardly rectifying, K+ channels.pdf

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    A search in the GDC Data Portal revealed 304 documented somatic mutations of the KCNJ3 gene in primary tumors (out of 10.202 cases). Most affected tumor types were carcinomas from uterus, skin and lung, while breast cancer exerted the lowest number of somatic mutations. We focused our research on 15 missense mutations within the region between TM1 and TM2, comprising the pore helix and ion selectivity signature. Expression was measured by confocal laser scan microscopy of eGFP tagged GIRK1 subunits, expressed with and without GIRK4 in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. GIRK ion currents were activated via coexpressed m2Rs and measured by the Two Electrode Voltage Clamp technique. Magnitude of the total GIRK current, as well as the fraction of current inducible by the agonist, were measured. Ion selectivity was gauged by assessment of the PNa+/PK+ ratio, calculated by the GIRK current reversal potential in extracellular media at different Na+ and K+ concentrations. None of the tested mutations was able to form functional GIRK1 homooligomeric ion channels. One of the mutations, G145A, which locates directly to the ion selectivity signature, exerted an increased PNa+/PK+ ratio. Generally, the missense mutations studied can be categorized into three groups: (i) normal/reduced expression accompanied by reduced/absent function (S132Y, F136L, E139K, G145A, R149Q, R149P, G178D, S185Y, Q186R), (ii) normal/increased expression as well as increased function (E140M, A142T, M184I) and (iii) miniscule expression but increased function relative to expression levels (I151N, G158S). We conclude, that gain of function mutations, identical or similar to categories (ii) and (iii), may potentially be involved in genesis and progression of malignancies in tissues that exert a high rate of occurrence of somatic mutations of KCNJ3.</p

    DataSheet_1_Consequences of somatic mutations of GIRK1 detected in primary malign tumors on expression and function of G-protein activated, inwardly rectifying, K+ channels.pdf

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    A search in the GDC Data Portal revealed 304 documented somatic mutations of the KCNJ3 gene in primary tumors (out of 10.202 cases). Most affected tumor types were carcinomas from uterus, skin and lung, while breast cancer exerted the lowest number of somatic mutations. We focused our research on 15 missense mutations within the region between TM1 and TM2, comprising the pore helix and ion selectivity signature. Expression was measured by confocal laser scan microscopy of eGFP tagged GIRK1 subunits, expressed with and without GIRK4 in oocytes of Xenopus laevis. GIRK ion currents were activated via coexpressed m2Rs and measured by the Two Electrode Voltage Clamp technique. Magnitude of the total GIRK current, as well as the fraction of current inducible by the agonist, were measured. Ion selectivity was gauged by assessment of the PNa+/PK+ ratio, calculated by the GIRK current reversal potential in extracellular media at different Na+ and K+ concentrations. None of the tested mutations was able to form functional GIRK1 homooligomeric ion channels. One of the mutations, G145A, which locates directly to the ion selectivity signature, exerted an increased PNa+/PK+ ratio. Generally, the missense mutations studied can be categorized into three groups: (i) normal/reduced expression accompanied by reduced/absent function (S132Y, F136L, E139K, G145A, R149Q, R149P, G178D, S185Y, Q186R), (ii) normal/increased expression as well as increased function (E140M, A142T, M184I) and (iii) miniscule expression but increased function relative to expression levels (I151N, G158S). We conclude, that gain of function mutations, identical or similar to categories (ii) and (iii), may potentially be involved in genesis and progression of malignancies in tissues that exert a high rate of occurrence of somatic mutations of KCNJ3.</p