3 research outputs found

    The oncogene developmental regulator, and retinoic acid target gene ecotropic viral integration site 1 as a dual modulator of the retinoic acid response

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    Das “ecotropic viral integration site 1” (EVI1) Gen kodiert fĂŒr ein nukleĂ€res DNA-bindendes Protein, das zwei Zinkfinger DomĂ€nen (ZF1 und ZF2), eine Zwischenregion (IR), eine RepressionsdomĂ€ne (RD) und eine saure Region (AR) enthĂ€lt. EVI1 hat wichtige Funktionen in der Embryonalentwicklung und bei der Entstehung myeloischer LeukĂ€mien. Dieses Gen wird in mehrere mRNAs mit variablen 5' Enden transkribiert. Die Transkription einer dieser mRNA-Varianten, MDS1/EVI1, initiiert am distal vom EVI1 Promoter gelegenen myelodysplasia syndrome 1 (MDS1) Promoter, und das Transkript wird in eine Proteinvariante mit einem verlĂ€ngerten N-Terminus translatiert, d.h. die MDS1/EVI1 Proteinvariante, translatiert. Die anderen EVI1 5' mRNA Varianten EVI1_1A, EVI1_1B, EVI1_1D, EVI1_3L, deren Transkriptionsstartpunkte relativ nah beieinander in der EVI1 Promoter Region liegen, werden höchstwahrscheinlich in die kurze EVI1 Proteinvariante translatiert. Die Funktionen der MDS1/EVI1 Proteinvariante unterscheiden sich teilweise von denen der EVI1 Proteinvariante. Bislang ist all-trans RetinsĂ€ure (ATRA) der einzige bekannte physiologische Regulator des EVI1 Gens in SĂ€ugetierzellen. ATRA bewirkt eine rasche Induktion der EVI1 mRNA in der humanen Teratokarzinomzellinie NTERA-2. Diese Reaktion war schon nach 3 Stunden bei einer ATRA Konzentration von 10 ”M nachweisbar und betraf alle EVI1 5’ mRNA Varianten, inklusive der MDS1/EVI1 Variante, wenn auch in unterschiedlichen Ausmaßen. Innerhalb von Exon 1a wurde eine etwa 200 bp große ATRA regulierbare Region identifiziert. Mittels Chromatin-ImmunprĂ€zipitation (ChIP) wurde konstitutive Bindung der RetinsĂ€urerezeptoren RAR und RXR an ein DR5 RetinsĂ€ure-reguliertes Element (RARE) in dieser Region bestĂ€tigt. Ein funktionelles RARE konnte in der Promoterregion von MDS1/EVI1 nicht identifiziert werden. Die mRNA Varianten, die in die kurze EVI1 Proteinvariante translatiert werden, sind daher direkte Ziele des RetinsĂ€uresignalweges, und die Regulation durch diesen Signalweg erfolgt durch ein intragenisches RARE, wĂ€hrend MDS1/EVI1 nur indirekt von ATRA reguliert wird. Sowohl das EVI1 als auch das MDS1/EVI1 Protein ĂŒbten eine negative RĂŒckkopplung auf die Induktion des EVI1 Promoters durch ATRA aus. FĂŒr diesen Effekt reichte die kleinste ATRA regulierbare Region des EVI1 Promoters aus, und die RD des EVI1 Proteins war erforderlich. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte EVI1 den gegenteiligen Effekt auf das RARE des RARbeta Gens, d.h. EVI1 verstĂ€rkte die ATRA-vermittelte Induktion des RARbeta RARE. FĂŒr diesen Effekt waren alle funktionellen DomĂ€nen von EVI1 erforderlich. Mit dieser Arbeit wurden wichtige Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die molekularen Mechanismen gewonnen, durch die EVI1 agiert, ein Protein von essentieller Bedeutung in der Embryonalentwicklung und in der Entstehung von myeloischen LeukĂ€mien, aber mit bislang nur teilweise verstandenen molekularen Funktionen.The ecotropic viral integration site 1 (EVI1) gene codes for a nuclear DNA binding protein containing two domains of zinc finger clusters (ZF1 and ZF2), an intervening region (IR), a repression domain (RD), and an acidic region (AR). EVI1 plays important roles in embryonic development and in myeloid leukemogenesis. It is transcribed into several mRNA species with variable 5'-ends. The transcription of one of these mRNA variants, MDS1/EVI1, initiates at the myelodysplasia syndrome 1 (MDS1) promoter located distally from the EVI1 promoter, and the transcript gives rise to an EVI1 protein with an extended amino terminus, i.e. the MDS1/EVI1 variant. The other EVI1 5' mRNA variants EVI1_1A, EVI1_1B, EVI1_1D, EVI1_3L, whose transcription start sites lie closely spaced in the region of the EVI1 promoter, are most likely translated into the same protein, i.e. the EVI1 protein variant. The functions of the MDS1/EVI1 protein variant are partially different from those of the EVI1 protein variant. So far all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) is the only known physiological regulator of EVI1 in mammalian cells. ATRA rapidly induced the EVI1 mRNA in the human teratocarcinoma cell line NTERA-2. This response was already detectable after 3 h with an ATRA concentration of 10 ”M and affected all EVI1 5’ mRNA variants, including the MDS1/EVI1 variant, albeit to variable degrees. An ATRA responsive region of approximately 200 bp was identified within exon 1a. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) experiments confirmed constitutive binding of retinoic acid receptors RAR and RXR to a DR5 type retinoic acid response element (RARE) in this region. No RARE could be identified in the promoter region of MDS1/EVI1. The mRNA variants giving rise to the short EVI1 protein are thus direct targets of retinoic acid signalling and their regulation via this pathway is mediated through an intragenic RARE, while MDS1/EVI1 is only indirectly regulated by ATRA. The EVI1 as well as the MDS1/EVI1 protein exerted a negative feedback on the induction of the EVI1 promoter by ATRA. For this effect, the smallest ATRA responsive region of the EVI1 promoter containing the EVI1 DR5 RARE was sufficient, and it required the RD of the EVI1 protein. In contrast to this, EVI1 had the opposite effect on the RARE of the RARbeta gene, i.e. EVI1 enhanced the ATRA mediated induction of the RAR beta RARE. For this effect all of the functional domains of EVI1 were necessary. This work has added important information about the molecular mechanisms through which EVI1 acts, a protein with crucial roles in embryonic development and in myeloic leukemogenesis but with hitherto only partially understood molecular functions

    Mutation in the Scyl1 gene encoding amino-terminal kinase-like protein causes a recessive form of spinocerebellar neurodegeneration

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    Here, we show that the murine neurodegenerative disease mdf (autosomal recessive mouse mutant ‘muscle deficient') is caused by a loss-of-function mutation in Scyl1, disrupting the expression of N-terminal kinase-like protein, an evolutionarily conserved putative component of the nucleocytoplasmic transport machinery. Scyl1 is prominently expressed in neurons, and enriched at central nervous system synapses and neuromuscular junctions. We show that the pathology of mdf comprises cerebellar atrophy, Purkinje cell loss and optic nerve atrophy, and therefore defines a new animal model for neurodegenerative diseases with cerebellar involvement in humans