50 research outputs found

    PCR Technique for the Microbial Analysis of Inanimate Hospital Environment

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    Discipline of molecular ecology and molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) offers a possibility to study and reveal the microbial diversity in environmental settings with complicated mixed communities, non-culturable organisms, interfering contaminants and low levels of target DNA. Hospital environment represents a new ecological niche for clinically important nosocomial pathogens and antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, which have been commonly found on various hospital surfaces. Accurate characterization of microbial communities depends on several factors, starting with sample collection and conditional enrichment step. In the step of nucleic acid isolation and purification, the DNA, as a dominant signature molecule, is extracted followed by removing co-extracted impurities. PCR target sequences are often 16S rDNA gene, functional gene probes or species-specific probes, depending on the objective of the study. Furthermore, properly prepared PCR amplicons can serve as a basis for characterizing microbial community. The PCR technique is a powerful tool for the analysis of microbial diversity of environmental ecosystems. In a hospital environment, advantages of detecting pathogens and antibiotic-resistant bacteria need to be pointed out

    Monitoramento da higiene de têxteis usados na indústria de alimentos

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    Protective clothing is required in the food-processing industry, to protect workers from contamination by bacteria, fungi, viruses, prions etc. contained in the secretions and raw meat of slaughtered animals, and to protect the meat from being contaminated by microorganisms carried by the workers. It is well-understood that textiles are a control point (CP), and must be appropriately cleaned and disinfected in order to prevent biocontamination. Although the laundering procedure itself is important for achieving disinfection, it is also essential to maintain an appropriate hygiene level in the laundry, in order to prevent recontamination of textiles by environmental viable microorganisms. In this study, a sanitary-microbiologicalanalysis was carried out in selected CPs in two laundries. Chemo-thermal washing efficiency was determined by evaluating the anti-bacterial effect against Enterococcus faecium and Staphylococcus aureus. The hygienic state of the laundries was determined by evaluating the number and type of microorganisms at selected CPs throughout the whole laundering procedure. The results indicated that the sanitary condition of both laundries did not reach the required levels and that several microbes were resistant to cleaning and disinfecting agents. It is obvious from the results that achievement of an appropriate hygiene level during laundering textiles from the food processing industry requires the implementation of appropriate corrective monitoring measures.Na indústria de alimentos é necessário o uso de roupas de proteção, para proteger os trabalhadores da contaminação por bactérias, fungos, virus, prions, etc, encontrados nas secreções e carne dos animais abatidos, assim como proteger a carne da contaminação com microrganismos carreados pelos trabalhadores. Os têxteis são um Ponto de Controle (PC), e devem ser limpos e desinfetados de forma adequada para prevenir a biocontaminação. Embora o processo de lavagem seja importante para obter a desinfecção, é também essencial manter um nível apropriado de higiene dentro da lavanderia para prevenir recontaminação dos têxteis com microrganismos do ambiente. Nesse trabalho, realizou-se uma análise microbiológica de Pontos Críticos de duas lavanderias. A eficiência da lavagem termoquímica foi determinada através da análise do efeito antibacteriano contra Enterococcus faecium e Staphylococcus aureus. A higiene nas lavanderias foi avaliada através da determinação do número e tipos de microrganismos presentes em PCs selecionados no processo de lavagem. Os resultados indicaram que as condições de higiene nas duas lavanderias não atingiram os níveis necessários, e que vários microrganismos apresentaram resistência aos agentes sanificantes e de limpeza, indicando a necessidade de implementação de medidas corretivas apropriadas

    Biodegradation of typical laundry wastewater surfactants – a review

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    Zagađenje otpadnih voda u praonicama ovisi o vrsti materijala, količini zaprljanja i procesima pranja. Ono je uzrokovano otapanjem organskih i anorganskih tvari, kao i sedimentiranima (istaloženim) i toksičnim tvarima. Deterdženti, odnosno sredstva za pranje sadrže različite kemikalije, upotrebljavaju se u velikim količinama koje utječu na okoliš, te je vrlo važno nakon upotrebe njihovo provođenje u sustav za obradu otpadnih voda. Budući da njihova prisutnost utječe na ukupnu toksičnost efluenata. U radu su predstavljena spoznaje iz različitih literaturaturnih izvora i prikazana svojstva biorazgradnje najčešće upotrebljavanih tenzida. Da bi se odredila njihova rizičnost za okoliš, potrebno je poznavati distribuciju, svojstva i razgradnju tenzida u različitim dijelovima postrojenja za obradu otpadnih voda.The pollution of laundry wastewater is dependent on the origin of the linen, soil degree of the linen and the laundering process. It is caused by dissolved organic and inorganic substances, as well as sedimented and toxic substances. Washing detergents contain various chemicals used in great quantities whose influence on the environment is very important as they are transferred into wastewater treatment plants after use and are, therefore, also present in effluent, where they add their contribution to the total toxicity of the effluent. This review paper summarizes the findings of various literature and presents the biodegradation of most often used surfactants. In order to assess their environmental risks, we need to understand the distribution, behaviour and degradation of surfactants in the different parts of a wastewater treatment plant

    Efikasnost mikrovalnog fiksiranja reaktivnog bojila C. I. Reactive Red 24 u digitalnom tisku pamučnih tkanina

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    Istražena je efikasnost mikrovalnog fiksiranja reaktivnog bojila C. I. Reactive Red 24, tiskanog na pamučnoj tkanini tehnologijom digitalnog tiska. Pamučne tkanine bile su impregnirane otopinom ugušćivača, alkalije, uree i oksidacijskog sredstva. Nakon impregnacije slijedilo je sušenje, tisak reaktivnog bojila digitalnim printerom, fiksiranje, pranje i sapunanje. Rezultati fiksiranja bojila zasićenom parom i vrućim zrakom uspoređeni su s karakteristikama tiska fiksiranih mikrovalovima. Ispitan je utjecaj vremena i snage mikrovalova na promjenu karakteristika impregniranih tekstilnih supstrata. Na temelju rezultata može se zaključiti da su karakteristike mikrovalno fiksiranog tiska usporedive s karakteristikama digitalnog tiska reaktivnim bojilima, koji su bili fiksirani konvencionalnim metodama

    The efficiency of nitrogen removal in synthetic laundry wastewater using a submerged membrane bioreactor at different total nitrogen volume loadings and MLSS concentrations

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    Svrha rada bila je odrediti učinak različitih volumenskih opterećenja ukupnim dušikom i različitih koncentracija aktivnog mulja (MLSS - mixed liquor suspended solids) u uronjenom membranskom bioreaktoru na nitrifikaciju i učinkovitost uklanjanja dušika iz meke sintetičke otpadne vode. U prvom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim dušikom povećano je s 0,063 na 0,315 g L-1 d-1. Aktivni mulj nije uklonjen iz reaktora i zato se koncentracija povećala s početnih 4 g L-1 na maksimalnu vrijednost od 25,6 g L-1. Rezultati uklanjanja ukupnog dušika pokazali su da je učinak obrade bio najveći pri volumenskom opterećenja ukupnim dušikom od 19 g L-1 d-1 s učinkom uklanjanja od 84 %. U drugom dijelu istraživanja volumensko opterećenje ukupnim dušikom bilo je konstantno od 0,19 g L-1 d-1, a koncentracije aktivnog mulja mijenjale su se između 10 i 15 g L-1. Rezultati u tom dijelu istraživanja pokazuju da se nitrifikacija nije dogodila kada je koncentracija aktivnog mulja bila 10 g L-1 i da je nitrifikacija počela kada se povećala koncentracija aktiviranog mulja. Istraživanje pokazuje povezanost između koncentracije biomase i stupnja nitrifikacije u membranskom bioreaktoru (MBR).The aim of this study was to determine the effect of various total nitrogen volume loadings and various mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) concentrations in the submerged membrane bioreactor on the nitrification and the efficiency of nitrogen removal from soft synthetic wastewater. In the first part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was increased from 0.063 to 0.315 g L-1 d-1. The activated sludge was not removed from the reactor and therefore the concentration increased from the initial 4 g L-1 to a maximum value of 25.6 g L-1. The results for removal of total nitrogen showed that the treatment effect was highest at the total nitrogen volume loading of 0.19 g L-1 d-1, with 84 % removal efficiency. In the second part of the research the total nitrogen volume loading was held constant at 0.19 g L-1 d-1 and the MLSS concentrations were varied between 10 and 15 g L-1. The results in this part of the research showed that nitrification did not occur when the activated sludge concentration was 10 g L-1 and that nitrification started when the activated sludge concentration increased. The research shows the connection between biomass concentration and nitrification degree in the MBR

    Hygiene evaluation of hospital textiles

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    Neprikladno dezinficirani bolnički tekstil može biti uzročnik prijenosa zdravstvenih infekcija, koje predstavljaju komplikacije u liječenju bolesnika i izazvaju gospodarske štete. Programom nadzora, koji uključuje kontrolu higijene i uzorkovanje očišćenog bolničkog tekstila, moguće je spriječiti bolničke infekcije. Metode, ovisno o uzorkovanju tekstila i stanju tkanine na kraju procesa, mogu biti destruktivne i nedestruktivne. Ovo istraživanje obuhvaća ispitivanje higijene tekstila primjenom nedestruktivne metode ispiranja pomoću uređaja Morapex A. U radu je načinjena usporedba učinkovitosti uređaja Morapex s najčešće korištenim metodama uzorkovanja tekstila pomoću briseva i RODAC agar ploča. Ove metode su se pokazale lošijima i nisko učinkovitim, prije svega zbog grube i neravne trodimenzionalne površine tkanine, dok se Morapex uređaj pokazao dobrim i prikladnim za nedestruktivna ispitivanja higijene tekstila.Inappropriately disinfected hospital textiles can act as a vector for cross transmission of healthcare associated infections, which represent complications in the treatment of patients and cause economic damage. Through the surveillance program that includes controlling the hygiene and sampling of cleaned healthcare textiles, nosocomial infections are considered to be preventable. Until now various types of textile sampling methods were divided into non-destructive and destructive methods, which vary depending on the state of the fabric at the end of the process. In our research, the Morapex A device as a non-destructive elution based method, was introduced for textile hygiene testing. The efficiency of Morapex A device was compared to the swabbing and RODAC agar plate sampling as most common used methods for sampling of textiles. The low efficiency of capturing microorganisms due to the rough, uneven three-dimensional fabric surface turned out to be the downside of the swabbing and RODAC plate method. The Morapex A device has proved to be a better implementation and an adequate substitute for non-destructive textile hygiene testing

    Efficiency of Medical Workers’ Uniforms with Antimicrobial Activity

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    Antimicrobial finishing of textiles protects users from pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause medical and hygienic problem. The use of such textiles particularly increases in healthcare facilities, where reduction and transmission of pathogenic bacteria are important factors for preventing nosocomial infections. In the present study, the efficiency of fabric with silane quaternary ammonium compounds (Si-QAC) applied as active agents was evaluated. A test was performed according to ATCC 100-1999 Test Method after 0-, 24- and 48-hour incubation times. The treated textiles were effective against Enterococcus faecalis, Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae, but were not effective for Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Testing was also performed in hospital environment at infectious department where working clothes made of treated fabric were compared to normal working clothes. Antimicrobial textiles were not effective in a hospital environment, where average microbial count on medical workers’ uniforms without antimicrobial protection was 1.4 × 109 cfu/mL, and 1.3 × 109 cfu/mL for uniforms made of antimicrobial material. Our conclusion is that quantities of application rates for Si-QAC should be higher or should be improved with applying another antimicrobial coating to obtain complex with dual activity

    Samoobvladovanje kronične bolečine

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    Uvod: Strategija stimulacije, namenjena pacientom s kronično bolečino, je aktivnost samoobvladovanja bolečine, pri čemer se posameznik nauči najti ravnotežje med časom za fizične aktivnosti in časom za počitek. Cilj strategije stimulacije je ohraniti kakovost življenja in zmanjšati simptome kronične bolečine. Za strategijo še ni razvite enotne definicije, prav tako še ni aplicirana v prakso. Metode: Uporabili smo opisno metodo dela, metodo analize in sinteze literature ter smernice PRISMA. Izmed skupno identificiranih 789 zadetkov smo v končno analizo vključili 19 zadetkov. Tako smo izvedli pregled relevantne znanstvene literature ter analizo koncepta stimulacije, ki v slovenskem prostoru še ni bila izvedena in poteka v devetih korakih. Rezultati: Strategijo obvladovanja kronične bolečine je najbolj smiselno deliti v tri skupine: (1) predhodniki: bolečina in neznanje; (2) atributi: aktivnost, čas, ravnovesje, učenje in samonadzor in (3) posledice koncepta: zdravljenje bolečine in povečana učinkovitost pri aktivnostih. Diskusija in zaključek: Pred aplikacijo v prakso je treba opraviti testiranje strategije v kliničnem okolju ter ponovno oceniti prednosti in pomanjkljivosti uporabe koncepta. Mnenja o aplikaciji koncepta v prakso so različna: nekateri menijo, da koncept lahko privede do negativnih posledic, drugi, da uspešno prispeva k zdravljenju kronične bolečine. Strategija bi bila uporabna pri pacientih, ki imajo diagnosticirano kronično bolečino (kronične bolečine po poškodbah, degenerativnih spremembah, kronične bolečine v hrbtu, kronični glavobol, fibromialgija, nevropatska bolečina itd.), ki ni posledica onkološkega obolenja

    Impact of Education, Working Conditions, and Interpersonal Relationships on Caregivers’ Job Satisfaction

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    Aim: To explore relationships between caregivers’ education, healthcare working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and caregivers’ general job satisfaction

    Hospital textiles, are they a possible vehicle for healthcare-associated infections?

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    Textiles are a common material in healthcare facilitiestherefore it is important that they do not pose as a vehicle for the transfer of pathogens to patients or hospital workers. During the course of use hospital textiles become contaminated and laundering is necessary. Laundering of healthcare textiles is most commonly adequate, but in some instances, due to inappropriate disinfection or subsequent recontamination, the textiles may become a contaminated inanimate surface with the possibility to transfer pathogens. In this review we searched the published literature in order to answer four review questions: (1) Are there any reports on the survival of microorganisms on hospital textiles after laundering? (2) Are there any reports that indicate the presence of microorganisms on hospital textiles during use? (3) Are there any reports that microorganisms on textiles are a possible source infection of patients? (4) Are there any reports that microorganisms on textiles are a possible source infection for healthcare workers