425 research outputs found

    Predicting Routine Object Usage for Proactive Robot Assistance

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    Proactivity in robot assistance refers to the robot's ability to anticipate user needs and perform assistive actions without explicit requests. This requires understanding user routines, predicting consistent activities, and actively seeking information to predict inconsistent behaviors. We propose SLaTe-PRO (Sequential Latent Temporal model for Predicting Routine Object usage), which improves upon prior state-of-the-art by combining object and user action information, and conditioning object usage predictions on past history. Additionally, we find some human behavior to be inherently stochastic and lacking in contextual cues that the robot can use for proactive assistance. To address such cases, we introduce an interactive query mechanism that can be used to ask queries about the user's intended activities and object use to improve prediction. We evaluate our approach on longitudinal data from three households, spanning 24 activity classes. SLaTe-PRO performance raises the F1 score metric to 0.57 without queries, and 0.60 with user queries, over a score of 0.43 from prior work. We additionally present a case study with a fully autonomous household robot

    Mimicking reproductive endocrinology to achieve successful pregnancy in frozen embryo replacement cycle in luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF)

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    Frozen embryo replacement cycles are commonly performed in all ART centres for various indications. In FER cycles, aim is to achieve the synchronization between the endometrium and the embryo. It can be undertaken in a natural or in an artificially prepared endometrium. Artificial preparation utilizes either the ovulation induction agents or hormones. Luteinized unruptured follicle is commonly encountered nowadays due to better resonance USG machines and frequent monitoring. It is still unclear among the practitioners whether to perform an embryo transfer in LUF.  In this case report, authors are highlighting that in case of FER cycles using ovulation induction agent, despite inability to ovulate (LUF), if authors are able to achieve optimum synchronization between endometrium and the embryo using USG and serum hormonal levels, successful outcome could be expected.

    Hyperhomocysteinemia in pre-eclampsia: is routine screening rational?

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    Background: Hypertensive disorders complicate upto 5 to 10% of all pregnancies. Though the exact cause of pre-eclampsia is still undecided, maternal hyperhomocysteinemia has been implicated as a risk factor for pre eclampsia, placental abruption and other vascular diseases. The objectives of present study were to estimate the levels of serum homocysteine in antenatal patients and to study the above parameters in patients of pre-eclampsia.Methods: A prospective observational study was performed with 30 pre eclamptic patients and an equal number taken as control having comparable demographic characteristics. Level of homocysteine was measured by an enzymatic method, using Diazyme homocysteine 2 reagent enzymatic assay kit on Beckman coulter analyzer in all the patients. Obstetrics and neonatal outcomes were observed in all the patients. The statistical analysis was done using unpaired T test for determining level of significance.Results: Mean Serum homocysteine in the study group was 13.99±5.46 µmol/l and was 6.03±2.58 µmol/l in control group. This was statistically significant (p value 0.002). However the mean values of serum homocysteine did not correlate with severity of pre-eclampsia 14.32±6.72 µmol/l in mild pre-eclampsia and 13.60±3.77μmol/l in severe pre-eclampsia respectively (p value - 0.727).Conclusions: It appears that maternal serum homocysteine has a causal role in pathogenesis of pre eclampsia, however to recommend it as a routine test, larger studies are required

    Phytochemical Screening and Analysis of Antioxidant Activity from The Botanical Extract of The Plant Martynia Annua

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    Medicinal plants, enriched by nature with potent compounds, hold great promise in developing natural drugs with minimal side effects. This study focuses on Martynia annua, a plant species renowned for its medicinal potential. We aimed to identify and quantify phytochemicals in its leaf extracts and evaluate their in vitro antioxidant activity. Methanol, hexane, and water were used as solvents for extraction. Qualitative analysis revealed a range of pharmacologically active phytochemicals, including alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, saponins, proteins, amino acids, phenols, fixed oils, and terpenoids. Methanolic extract exhibited the highest diversity, with eight distinct compounds. Quantitative analysis showed that methanolic extract contained the most phenols (0.5 mg/g) and carbohydrates (12 mg/g), while hexane had the highest flavonoid content (319 mg/g), and aqueous extract displayed the most protein (53.57 mg/g). Antioxidant assays demonstrated the superior performance of methanolic extract, with maximum inhibitory percentages of 92.99% (DPPH), 94.28% (FRAP), 76.11% (ion chelating), and an IC50 value of 52.17 µg/ml, indicating its remarkable antioxidant potential. These findings underscore Martynia annua as a valuable source for phytochemicals with significant antioxidant properties, particularly in the methanolic leaf extract, holding promise for future therapeutic developments.

    Macrophage Polarization Is Decisive for Chronic Bacterial Infection-Induced Carcinogenesis

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    Macrophages are the special cells of the immune system and play both immunological and physiological role. One of the peculiar characteristics of macrophages is that they are double-edged and highly plastic component of immune system. Due to this characteristic, they are responsible for both progressions as well control of a variety of inflammatory, infectious and metabolic diseases and cancer. These are found in the body in three major phenotypes, which are known as M0 (also known as naïve); M1 (classically activated macrophages); and/or M2 (alternatively activated macrophages) at normal physiological conditions. We have been exploring macrophages in context of bacterial infection and previously demonstrated that M2 polarization of M1 effector alveolar macrophages during chronic/persistent Chlamydia pneumonia, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Helicobacter pylori pathogens are decisive for the infection induced cancer development in host. Since chronic infection with these pathogens has been associated with adenocarcinoma, therefore, we feel that disruption of macrophage plasticity plays crucial role in the host for the development of cancer. On the basis of this, we propose that in such pathological conditions, management of M1/M2 imbalance is paramount for minimizing the risk of developing cancer by chronic and persistent infection

    Primary cesearean section in multigravidas

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    Background: Cesarean section is one of the widely performed surgical procedures across the world. Cesarean section is associated with increased risk of maternal morbidity and mortality, despite remarkable improvements in the safety. The objective of the present study is to study the cesearean section in the context of various indications, parity, intraoperative complications, post-operative morbidity, and perinatal morbidity among multigravidae undergoing cesarean section for first time.Methods: The present study was carried out at Yenepoya medical college hospital. All multigravidas who had delivered vaginally once or more and who underwent primary caesarean sections for the first time during time period of August 2015-May 2016 were included in study and various factors are analyzed.Results: In our study most of primary cesearean sections were in second paras who constituted 50%, followed by 4/> paras constituting 29.54%, and it was observed that incidence in third paras was 20.45%. 75% of the patients underwent emergency cesearean section and 25% had elective ceserean section. The most common indication for cesearean in our study was observed to be fetal distress accounting for 25% of the cases, 2nd most common being malpresentations (19.31%), non-progress of labor constituting 11.36% of cases. Intra operative complications were noted in 6.81% of cases, most common complication being extension of uterine incision extension of uterine incision.Conclusions: Complications may occur in women who previously had a normal vaginal delivery requiring interventions in the form of caesarean section and is not uncommon. Though to a small extent, they are contributing to rise is total caesarean section rates seen. There are many cases where a caesarean becomes mandatory for her. The fact that a multipara who has had one or more vaginal deliveries should be regarded as an optimistic historical fact, not as diagnostic-criteria for spontaneous delivery of the pregnancy at hand. A parous woman needs good obstetric care to improve maternal and neonatal outcome and still keeping caesarean section to a lower rate

    Field testing of an onsite sanitation system on apartment building blackwater using biological treatment and electrochemical disinfection

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    The Closed Loop Advanced Sanitation System (CLASS) was designed to treat, disinfect, and recycle toilet blackwater from existing flush toilets in a multi-story apartment building. Two systems were tested at two unique sites in Coimbatore, India for a combined 7500+ treatment hours resulting in more than 180 000 L of treated water. The CLASS prototypes used a combination of biological pretreatment and electrochemical oxidation processes to produce treated water that nearly met the stringent requirements outlined in the standard ISO 30500. The nutrient and organic loading from the toilet blackwater was predominantly reduced by over 85–95% and 80–87%, respectively, through biological processes that were achieved using either a sequencing batch reactor (SBR, site A) or an anaerobic–aerobic biodigester (EcoSan, site B). Complete disinfection of E. coli with nil CFU per ml was achieved using electrochemical processes that also served to remove the remaining organic and nutrient loading to over 90–96%. The treated water was reused for flushing by the residents of the apartment building for 89 days

    Identification of New PCR Targets and its Validation for Development of Nucleic Acid-based Detection Assay for Melioidosis

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    Burkholderia pseudomallei the gram negative, soil saprophyte is the causative agent of melioidosis in human and animals. Development of rapid, sensitive, species specific and cost effective molecular assays are needed for detection of B. pseudomallei from clinical and environmental samples and to differentiate it from other closely related bacterial species. In this study, insilico approach was used to identify new species specific gene targets for molecular diagnosis of B. pseudomallei. The identified targets were then analyzed by SYBR Green real time PCR assay for their specificity, sensitivity and presence across different Indian clinical and soil isolates of B. pseudomallei. Out of the three targets studied SYBR Green real time PCR assay targeting bpss0091 gene of B. pseudomallei was found 100% specific, having detection limit of 12.3fg/µl DNA. The bpss0091 gene target was present in all clinical and soil isolates of B. pseudomallei tested thus suggesting bpss0091 gene based SYBR Green real time PCR assay will be useful for detection of B. pseudomallei in different geographical regions

    Male breast carcinoma: study from a tertiary care centre in North India

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    Male breast cancer is a rare malignancy. In recent years a rise in the number of male breast cancer cases has been seen. Due to rarity of the disease the reporting of such cases is important to support the present status of this aggressive malignancy. Fine needle aspiration method for breast FNA is an invasive procedure but can provide a diagnosis without causing much morbidity to the patient. Hence, objective of the present work was to report and study the clinico-pathological behaviour of male breast cancer at a tertiary care centre in North India using fine needle aspiration-based diagnosis. Present study includes cytologically diagnosed male breast carcinoma cases over a period of 4 years. Eleven cases of male breast cancer were identified. Median age of presentation was 57years. All the eleven patients presented with main complaint of swelling in breast (100%), nine (81.8%) patients presenting in left breast and two (18.2%) in right breast. Four cases presented with nipple retraction. Also, axillary lymphadenopathy was evident in four (34.4%) patients. Male breast cancer an aggressive disease having distinct clinical presentation, can be cytologically diagnosed easily as other benign conditions are rare in male breast.

    Epidermal inclusion cyst of breast diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology: a retrospective study

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    Background: Epidermal inclusion cyst (EIC) is a rare benign condition of breast. Patient presents with palpable breast lump and needs to be differentiated from other breast lesions. This study included cases of epidermal inclusion cyst of breast (EICB) diagnosed on fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) and their correlation with histopathological findings.Methods: Study was conducted in a retrospective manner over a period of 2 years.  8 Patients who presented with breast lump and were cytologically diagnosed as EIC were included in the study. Cytological features were suggestive of EIC or infective EICB. Histopathological confirmation was done. Female: Male ratio in the study was 7:1 with an age range of 35 to 54 years. Radiological investigations favoured benign lesions in 5 cases and tubercular collection in one case.Results: FNAC was performed and May-Grunwald-Giemsa stained smears showed numerous anucleate squames and mature squamous epithelial cells in a clean or inflammatory background. Diagnosis of EICB or infective EICB was made on cytology. Diagnosis was confirmed histologically in 6 cases.Conclusions: Asymptomatic lesions do not require biopsy and treatment. Follow-up is sufficient if typical clinical and radiological findings are there. But in symptomatic cases, excision should be done followed by histopathological confirmation to rule out malignant lesion. Diagnosis should be made on FNA whenever associated with characteristic pultaceous aspirate and cytological findings.
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