5 research outputs found

    Electrophoretic pattern of the direct PCR on sheep hearts.

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    <p>C- corresponds to negative control of PCR; MW: 100bp ladder; 1–9: amplification of different sheep isolates and C+ corresponds to the positive control of the reaction.</p

    Table 1. Summary of antibodies prevalence.

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    <p>Ni: Initial number of tested serums; N+: Number of sera with positive reaction; N–: Number of sera with negative reaction; %: percentage of seroprevalence.</p

    SplitsTree network of toxoplasmic strains at the marker SAG3.

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    <p>RH, PRU and CEP represent reference strains of type I, II and III respectively. TgUgCh: strains isolated form free-ranging chicken in Uganda. LA, PL, LCR: Tunisian clinical strains. ShrTgTn: strains isolated from sheep in Tunisia. CSe and CSd: atypical strains.</p