3,097 research outputs found

    Probing collective dynamics of active particles using modulation force spectroscopy

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    In this letter, we report a method of measuring the dynamic viscosity of self-propelled active particles using an intensity-modulated optical tweezer. We have used a 6 μm trapped polystyrene bead suspended in a bath of motile bacterial cells as a probe. The response function amplitude of the oscillatory bead directly measures the dynamics of the spatiotemporal structure of the motile particles. We find that unlike passive systems, the viscosity is defined by distributions of response function amplitudes that represent the long-range active temporal structures. Appropriate Langevin equations are set up that capture all these essential features

    A new window on Strange Quark Matter as the ground state of strongly interacting matter

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    If strange quark matter is the true ground state of matter, it must have lower energy than nuclear matter. Simultaneously, two-flavour quark matter must have higher energy than nuclear matter, for otherwise the latter would convert to the former. We show, using an effective chiral lagrangian, that the existence of a new lower energy ground state for two-flavour quark matter, the pion condensate, shrinks the window for strange quark matter to be the ground state of matter and sets new limits on the current strange quark mass

    Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive 1/r interaction: The case of self-trapping

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    Amplifying on a proposal by O'Dell et al. for the realization of Bose-Einstein condensates of neutral atoms with attractive 1/r1/r interaction, we point out that the instance of self-trapping of the condensate, without external trap potential, is physically best understood by introducing appropriate "atomic" units. This reveals a remarkable scaling property: the physics of the condensate depends only on the two parameters N2a/auN^2 a/a_u and γ/N2\gamma/N^2, where NN is the particle number, aa the scattering length, aua_u the "Bohr" radius and γ\gamma the trap frequency in atomic units. We calculate accurate numerical results for self-trapping wave functions and potentials, for energies, sizes and peak densities, and compare with previous variational results. As a novel feature we point out the existence of a second solution of the extended Gross-Pitaevskii equation for negative scattering lengths, with and without trapping potential, which is born together with the ground state in a tangent bifurcation. This indicates the existence of an unstable collectively excited state of the condensate for negative scattering lengths.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Distinct levels in the nanoscale organization of DNA-histone complex revealed by its mechanical unfolding

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    Mechanical unfolding of nanoscale DNA-histone complex, using an atomic force microscope, shows a stepwise disassembly of histones from the nucleosome. A quantitative analysis of the rupture jump statistics and the length released per jump reveals insights into the possible histone contacts within the octamer complex. The measured ruptures correlate with the breakage of multiple contacts that stabilize the histone octamer. These results provide a mechanistic basis by which stepwise disassembly of histone proteins may result from an external force exerted by the adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) dependent chromatin remodeling machines to access regulatory sites on DNA

    Anomalous Thermoelectric power of over-doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 superconductor

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    Temperature dependence of thermoelectric power S(T) of three differently processed Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 (Bi2212) samples, viz. as-processed melt quenched (Bi2212-MQ), 6000C N2-annealed (Bi2212-N2) and 6000C O2-annealed (Bi2212-O2) is reported here. All the samples possess single-phase character and their superconducting transition temperatures (TcR=0) are 85 K, 90 K and 72 K respectively for Bi2212-MQ, Bi2212-N2 and Bi2212-O2. While Bi2212-MQ and Bi2212-N2 samples are in near optimum doping regime, Bi2212-O2 is an over-doped sample. TcS=0 values obtained through S(T) data are also in line with those deduced from the temperature dependence of resistance and DC magnetization. Interestingly, S(T) behaviour of the optimally-doped Bi2212-MQ and Bi2212-N2 samples is seen to be positive in whole temperature range, it is found negative for the over-doped Bi2212-O2 sample above TcS=0. These results have been seen in the light of the recent band structure calculations and the ensuing split Fermi surface as determined by angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy (ARPES).Comment: 11 Pages Text + Figs: comments welcome ([email protected]

    Rheology of Active-Particle Suspensions

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    We study the interplay of activity, order and flow through a set of coarse-grained equations governing the hydrodynamic velocity, concentration and stress fields in a suspension of active, energy-dissipating particles. We make several predictions for the rheology of such systems, which can be tested on bacterial suspensions, cell extracts with motors and filaments, or artificial machines in a fluid. The phenomena of cytoplasmic streaming, elastotaxis and active mechanosensing find natural explanations within our model.Comment: 3 eps figures, submitted to Phys Rev Let

    Asymptotically Free Non-Abelian Gauge Theories With Fermions and Scalars As Alternatives to QCD

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    In this paper we construct non-Abelian gauge theories with fermions and scalars that nevertheless possess asymptotic freedom.The scalars are taken to be in a chiral multiplet transforming as (2,2)(2,2) under SU(2)LSU(2)RSU(2)_L\otimes SU(2)_R and transforming as singlets under the colour SU(3) group. We consider two distinct scenarios, one in which the additional scalars are light and another in which they are heavier than half the Z-boson mass. It is shown that asymptotic freedom is obtained without requiring that all additional couplings keep fixed ratios with each other. It is also shown that both scenarios can not be ruled out by what are considered standard tests of QCD like R- parameter, g-2 for muons or deep inelastic phenomena. The light mass scenario is however ruled out by high precision Z-width data (and only by that one data).The heavy mass scenario is still viable and is shown to naturally pass the test of flavour changing neutral currents. It also is not ruled out by precision electroweak oblique parameters. Many distinctive experimental signatures of these models are also discussed.Comment: 37 pages in LATEX with 10 fig

    Correlation Functions of Hadron Currents in the QCD Vacuum Calculated in Lattice QCD

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    Point-to-point vacuum correlation functions for spatially separated hadron currents are calculated in quenched lattice QCD on a 163×2416^3\times 24 lattice with 6/g2=5.76/g^2=5.7. The lattice data are analyzed in terms of dispersion relations, which enable us to extract physical information from small distances where asymptotic freedom is apparent to large distances where the hadronic resonances dominate. In the pseudoscalar, vector, and axial vector channels where experimental data or phenomenological information are available, semi-quantitative agreement is obtained. In the nucleon and delta channels, where no experimental data exist, our lattice data complement experiments. Comparison with approximations based on sum rules and interacting instantons are made, and technical details of the lattice calculation are described.Comment: 31 pages in REVTeX (with 10 figures to be added using figures command), MIT CTP #214

    Does J/ψπ+πJ/\psi \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} fix the Electromagnetic Form Factor Fπ(t)F_{\pi}(t) at t=MJ/ψ2t=M_{J/\psi}^2?

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    We show that the J/ψπ+πJ/\psi \rightarrow \pi^{+} \pi^{-} decay is a reliable source of information for the electromagnetic form factor of the pion at t=MJ/ψ2=9.6GeV2t=M_{J/\psi}^2=9.6 {\rm GeV}^2 by using general arguments to estimate, or rather, put upper bounds on, the background processes that could spoil this extraction. We briefly comment on the significance of the resulting Fπ(MJ/ψ2)F_{\pi}(M_{J/\psi}^2).Comment: 10 pages revtex manuscript, one figure--not included, U. of MD PP #94-00

    Lattice Calculation of Point-to-Point Hadron Current Correlation

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    Point-to-point correlation functions of hadron currents in the QCD vacuum are calculated on a lattice and analyzed using dispersion relations, providing physical information down to small spatial separations. Qualitative agreement with phenomenological results is obtained in channels for which experimental data are available, and these correlation functions are shown to be useful in exploring approximations based on sum rules and interacting instantons.Comment: 11 page