959 research outputs found

    Subset measurement selection for globally self-optimizing control of Tennessee Eastman process

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    The concept of globally optimal controlled variable selection has recently been proposed to improve self-optimizing control performance of traditional local approaches. However, the associated measurement subset selection problem has not be studied. In this paper, we consider the measurement subset selection problem for globally self-optimizing control (gSOC) of Tennessee Eastman (TE) process. The TE process contains substantial measurements and had been studied for SOC with controlled variables selected from individual measurements through exhaustive search. This process has been revisited with improved performance recently through a retrofit approach of gSOC. To extend the improvement further, the measurement subset selection problem for gSOC is considered in this work and solved through a modification of an existing partially bidirectional branch and bound (PB3) algorithm originally developed for local SOC. The modified PB3 algorithm efficiently identifies the best measurement candidates among the full set which obtains the globally minimal economic loss. Dynamic simulations are conducted to demonstrate the optimality of proposed results

    Retrofit self-optimizing control of Tennessee Eastman process

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    This paper considers near-optimal operation of the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process by using a retrofit self-optimizing control (SOC) approach. Motivated by the factor that most chemical plants in operation have already been equipped with a workable control system for regulatory control, we propose to improve the economic performance by controlling some self-optimizing controlled variables (CVs). Different from traditional SOC methods, the proposed retrofit SOC approach improves economic optimality of operation through newly added cascaded SOC loops, where carefully selected SOC CVs are maintained at constant by adjusting set-points of the existing regulatory control loops. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the retrofit SOC proposed, we adopted measurement combinations as the CVs for the TE process, so that the economic cost is further reduced comparing to existing studies where single measurements are controlled. The optimality of the designed control architecture is validated through both steady state analysis and dynamic simulations

    Learning Social Affordance Grammar from Videos: Transferring Human Interactions to Human-Robot Interactions

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    In this paper, we present a general framework for learning social affordance grammar as a spatiotemporal AND-OR graph (ST-AOG) from RGB-D videos of human interactions, and transfer the grammar to humanoids to enable a real-time motion inference for human-robot interaction (HRI). Based on Gibbs sampling, our weakly supervised grammar learning can automatically construct a hierarchical representation of an interaction with long-term joint sub-tasks of both agents and short term atomic actions of individual agents. Based on a new RGB-D video dataset with rich instances of human interactions, our experiments of Baxter simulation, human evaluation, and real Baxter test demonstrate that the model learned from limited training data successfully generates human-like behaviors in unseen scenarios and outperforms both baselines.Comment: The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Probabilistic Skyline Queries over Uncertain Moving Objects

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    Data uncertainty inherently exists in a large number of applications due to factors such as limitations of measuring equipments, update delay, and network bandwidth. Recently, modeling and querying uncertain data have attracted considerable attention from the database community. However, how to perform advanced analysis on uncertain data remains an interesting question. In this paper, we focus on the execution of skyline computation over uncertain moving objects. We propose a novel probabilistic skyline model where an uncertain object may take a probability to be in the skyline at a certain time point, therefore a p-t-skyline contains those moving objects whose skyline probabilities are at least p at time point t. Computing probabilistic skyline over a large number of uncertain moving objects is a daunting task in practice. In order to efficiently compute the probabilistic skyline query, we propose a discrete-and-conquer strategy, which follows the sampling-bounding-pruning-refining procedure. To further reduce the skyline computation cost, we propose an enhanced framework that is based on a multi-dimensional indexing structure combined with the discrete-and-conquer strategy. Through extensive experiments with synthetic datasets, we show that the framework can efficiently support skyline queries over uncertain moving object and is scalable on large data sets

    MIClique: An Algorithm to Identify Differentially Coexpressed Disease Gene Subset from Microarray Data

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    Computational analysis of microarray data has provided an effective way to identify disease-related genes. Traditional disease gene selection methods from microarray data such as statistical test always focus on differentially expressed genes in different samples by individual gene prioritization. These traditional methods might miss differentially coexpressed (DCE) gene subsets because they ignore the interaction between genes. In this paper, MIClique algorithm is proposed to identify DEC gene subsets based on mutual information and clique analysis. Mutual information is used to measure the coexpression relationship between each pair of genes in two different kinds of samples. Clique analysis is a commonly used method in biological network, which generally represents biological module of similar function. By applying the MIClique algorithm to real gene expression data, some DEC gene subsets which correlated under one experimental condition but uncorrelated under another condition are detected from the graph of colon dataset and leukemia dataset

    HPMC:A multi-target tracking algorithm for the IoT

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