16 research outputs found

    A review of Deuterixys Mason from China, with description of three new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae)

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    Zheng, Minlin, Song, Dongbao (2020): A review of Deuterixys Mason from China, with description of three new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae). Zootaxa 4728 (4): 489-497, DOI: https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4728.4.

    Deuterixys jilinensis Zheng & Song 2020, sp. nov.

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    <i>Deuterixys jilinensis</i> Zheng & Song, sp. nov. <p>Figure 1 (A–H)</p> <p>Type material. Holotype: ♀, Tonghua, Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin, 1989.viii.4, Yang Jianquan. Paratype: 2♀♀, same data as holotype; 2♀♀, Tonghua, Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin, 1989.viii.4, Zhou Xiaohua; 1♀, Jian, Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin, 1989.viii.5, Zhou Xiaohua. 1♂, Tonghua, Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin, 1989.viii.4, Zhou Xiaohua; 1♂, Donggang, Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin, 1989.vii.26, Zhou Xiaohua.</p> <p>Description. Female. Body length 1.8–2.0 mm, fore wing length 2.0– 2.2 mm.</p> <p>Head. Transverse in dorsal view, 2.0 × as wide as long and 1.1 × as that of mesoscutum. Ocelli small in a high triangle, imaginary tangent of posterior margin of anterior ocellus distant from posterior ocelli, POL: OD: OOL= 7: 3: 8. Frons and vertex shiny, scattered with sparsely small punctate and fine setae; vertex narrowed behind eyes, area behind ocellar area smooth and shiny, without setae; temple and gena weakly punctate and shiny, with dense setae; occiput deep concave. Orbicular-ovate in anterior view, with antennal sockets high above middle level of eyes; face slightly convex, finely punctulate associated with long pilosity; inner margin of eyes moderately constricted downward; eyes pilose. Antenna longer than body (5: 4); flagellomeres thin, with bristly setosity, most flagellomeres with placodes arranged regularly in 2 ranks except for last 5 or 6 flagellomeres. Flagellomere proportion: 2 L/W = 2.9, 8 L/W = 2.4, 14 L/W = 1.4. L 2/14 = 2.1, W 2/14 = 1.2. F12-15 tightly connected.</p> <p>Mesosoma. Mesoscutum with spherical bulge and densely and evenly punctate and setose; notauli hardly impressed. Disc of scutellum densely punctate, covered with dense setae; scutellar sulcus deep with a few carinae. Propodeum highly polished, bearing a high, narrow, median carina and a pair of weaker longitudinal carinae running forward from the apical corners.</p> <p>Wings. Fore wing without areolet, vein r almost vertically emitted from middle of pterostigma; r and 2-SR meeting at a 155~160° angle; 2-SR: r: width of pterostigma = 9: 8: 9; vein 1-R1 1.33–1.4 × as long as pterostigma and 4.5 × distance from the apex of 1-R1 to apex of marginal cell, pterostigma 2.3 × as long as wide. 1-CU1: 2-CU1: m-cu= 9: 11: 9. Hind wing narrow, vein cu-a incurved.</p> <p>Legs. Hind coxa small, slightly longer than T1, shiny, scattered with short setae. Hind tibia 0.93–0.97 × as long as hind tarsus; inner hind tibial spurs almost as long as outer one, about 0.4 × as long as hind basitarsus.</p> <p>Metasoma. T1 2.3–2.5 × as long as wide, almost parallel on both sides but weakly constricted at middle and apical, basal half bearing a medial longitudinal groove, apical half arch, with a small smooth bump at middle apex. T2 + T3 broad, rectangular and obviously wider than T1 (8: 5), slightly constricted before the suture between T2 + T3, T2 0.6 × as long as its basal width and 1.4 × as long as T3 (13: 9), the median field of T2 not obvious. T2 + T3 and most T1 almost completely covered with finely-textured and dense aciculo-rimulose sculpture. Tergites posterior to T3 more membranous, shiny. All tergites with sparsely scattered setae. Ovipositor short and bending downward, ovipositor sheath 0.4 × as long as hind basitarsus, hairy only on the apical half. Hypopygium short, strongly and evenly sclerotized.</p> <p>Colour. Body mostly blackish. Seta on mesoscutum and disc of scutellum golden yellow. Antenna brown; maxillary palp, labial palp and legs yellow, except hind coxa yellowish-brown, apical half of hind tibia and most of hind tarsus light reddish-brown, apical metasoma brown, basal metasoma light yellow (except for tergites). Pterostigma brown or yellowish-brown and semitransparent.</p> <p>Male. Body mostly fusco-testaceous, and the colour of rest of body deeper than that of female.</p> <p>Host. Unknown.</p> <p>Etymology. The species name is derived from the collecting place: Jilin province of China.</p> <p>Distribution. China (Jilin).</p> <p> Remarks. This species is similar to <i>D. shennongensis</i>, sp. nov. by body colour mostly blackish (vs. body colour mostly fusco-testaceous); fore wing with vein 1-R1 4.5 × distance from the apex of 1-R1 to apex of marginal cell (vs. fore wing with vein 1-R1 5.1 × distance from the apex of 1-R1 to apex of marginal cell); inner hind tibial spurs almost as long as outer one, about 0.4 × as long as hind basitarsus (vs. inner hind tibial spurs almost as long as outer one, about 0.3 × as long as hind basitarsus).</p>Published as part of <i>Zheng, Minlin & Song, Dongbao, 2020, A review of Deuterixys Mason from China, with description of three new species (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae), pp. 489-497 in Zootaxa 4728 (4)</i> on pages 490-492, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4728.4.8, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/3626644">http://zenodo.org/record/3626644</a&gt

    Microplitis fujianica Song and Zhang, sp.nov.

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    <i>Microplitis fujianica</i> Song and Zhang, sp.nov. <p>(Figs 1–9)</p> <p>FEMALE. Body length 2.6 mm, fore wing length 2.6 mm. Head. 1.6 × as wide as long and not broadening behind eye in dorsal view. Vertex and upper temple densely punctured; ocelli small, forming a high triangle, imaginary tangent of posterior margin of median ocellus far away from posterior ocelli, OD: OOL: POL = 0.4: 0.9: 1. Face approximately quadrate, 1.1 × as wide as high, covered with dense hairs, inner margins of eyes nearly parallelsided. Antenna longer than body (20: 15), F12–15[JJ10] approximately 2.4–2.7 × as long as wide.</p> <p> <i>Mesosoma</i>. Narrower than head (4.6: 5.5), length: width: height = 8.1: 4.6: 6.1. Pronotum rugose-punctate with upper pronotal groove absent. Mesoscutum generally finely rugose-punctate, densely hairy; notaulus slightly impressed, reticulate-punctate, meeting posteriorly to form a slightly sunken rugose-punctate area; medial carina indicated only by slight rugosity; scutellar sulcus divided by five carinae; scutellum in low triangle, weakly rugosepunctate, posteriorly with rugose-punctate band medially. Propodeum coarsely scrobiculate with distinct, percurrent medial longitudinal carina.</p> <p> <i>Wings</i>. Fore wing 1-R1 1.7 × and 1 × as long as the distance from itself to apex of marginal cell and the length of stigma, respectively; r arising from about middle of stigma, about as long as 2-SR; areolet approximately quadrangular; first discal cell 1.4 × as wide as high, 1-CU1: 2-CU1 = 0.9: 1.9. Hind wing with 2a-M: 2r-m = 1.8: 0.8; margin of vannal lobe convex and hairy.</p> <p> <i>Legs</i>. Hind coxa small, approximately as long as T1; both inner and outer spurs of hind tibia approximately equal, 0.2 × as long as basitarsus.</p> <p> <i>Metasoma</i>. Longer than mesosoma (11: 8.1). T1 sub parallel-sided, slightly narrowed posteriorly, its length: basal width: apical width = 3.1: 1.4: 1.1, slightly depressed at base, weakly rugose punctured except for apical swelling smooth. T2 nearly triangular with apical width: central length = 3.6: 1.4; T3 slightly longer than T2 (1.6: 1.4), T3 and the following tergites smooth, shiny with sparse hairs. Hypopygium small, near to tip of metasoma, acute; ovipositor sheath approximately as long as fourth hind tarsus.</p> <p> <i>Colour</i>. Reddish black. Antenna brown except for scape mostly bright yellow; maxillary palp, labial palp and tibial spurs pale yellow; tegula reddish yellow. Stigma yellowish brown except for its basal patch adiaphanous; veins brown; wings colourless. Legs bright yellow to yellow except for basal 2/3 hind tibia whitish yellow, remainder hind tibia and tarsus yellow brown. T1 dark yellow, T2–T5 bright yellow, apex of metasoma yellowish brown.</p> <p> <b>Variation.</b> Body length 2.4–3.1 mm</p> <p> <b>Male.</b> Fore wing 1-CU1: 2-CU1 = 0.6: 1.5–1.8; spurs of hind tiba about the same length and 0.3 × as long as basitarsus; antenna thick and long.</p> <p> <b>Host.</b> Unknown.</p> <p> <b>Material examined.</b> Holotype female: CHINA, Jicun, Ninghua, Fujian, 22-?-1990, Coll. Wang Chenhui. Paratypes: 1 female, Dazhulan, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 18-?-1993, Coll. Zhang Feiping; 1 female, Sangang, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 18-?-1988, Coll. Ge Jianhua; 3 females, Jicun, Ninghua, Fujian, 23-?-1990, Coll. Hong Shengxiang; 1 female, Tongmu, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 7-?-1993, Coll. Chen Yao; 1 female, Buyun, Shanghang, Fujian, 28-?-1988, Coll. Chen Jianwen; 1 female, Dazhulan, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 4-?-1993, Coll. Yang Jianquan; 1 female, Sangang, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 19-?-1988, Coll. Shen Tianshun; 1 male, Jicun, Ninghua, Fujian, 24-?-1990, Coll. Wang Chenhui; 3 males, Jicun, Ninghua, Fujian, 23-?-1990, Coll. Huang Rixin; 1 male, Jicun, Ninghua, Fujian, 22-?-1990, Coll. Yang Jianquan; 1 male, Shuixi, Ninghua, Fujian, 9-?-1990, Coll. Yang Jianquan; 1 male, Guadun, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 23-?-1988, Coll. Shen Tianshun; 1 male, Tongmu, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 23-?-1988, Coll. Guan Baobin; 2 males, Sangang, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 6-?-1988, Coll. Chen Jianwen; 1 male, Sangang, Mt. Wuyi, Fujian, 19-?-1988, Coll. Shen Tianshun.</p> <p> <b>Distribution.</b> China (Fujian).</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The specific name is derived from “ Fujian ”, the name of the collecting area.</p> <p> <b>Comments.</b> The new species is similar to <i>Micoplitis basipallescentis</i> Song et Chen, 2008. <i>Microplitis fujianica</i> has stigma with basal patch adiaphanous, hind coxa yellow, and areolet approximately quadrangular. The latter has stigma with basal patch hyaline, hind coxa reddish brown, and areolet approximately triangular.</p>Published as part of <i>Zhang, Wangzhen, Song, Dongbao & Chen, Jiahua, 2017, Revision of Microplitis species from China with description of a new species, pp. 296-300 in Zootaxa 4231 (2)</i> on pages 297-299, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.2.12, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/291237">http://zenodo.org/record/291237</a&gt

    Microplitis Forster 1862

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    <i>Microplitis</i> Förster, 1862 <p> <i>Microplitis</i> Förster, 1862: 245 [Type species, by original designation, <i>Microgaster sordipes</i> Nees ab Esenbeck, 1834.] Major references—Nixon, 1970: 3; Mason, 1981: 132; Austin and Dangerfield, 1992: Part 9. ‘Hymenopterorum Catalogus’. (Eds J van der Vecht and R D Shenefelt) pp. 669–812 (Dr W Junk: Gravenhage) 42 [See Shenefelt (1973: 737) for complete bibliography]</p> <p> <i>Dapsilotoma</i> Cameron, 1906: 101 [Type species, by monotypy, <i>Dapsilotomatestaceipes</i> Cameron, 1906] Synonymy by Viereck, 1914: 25.</p> <p> <i>Glabromicroplitis</i> Papp, 1979: 176 [Type species, <i>Glabromicroplitis mahunkai</i> Papp, 1979] Syn. by Austin and Dangerfield, 1992.</p> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> Hypopygium usually small, never bearing longitudinal creases along the median line. Ovipositor and sheaths projecting only a little beyond apex of hypopygium; sheaths bearing a few hairs distally. T1 variable from wide to narrow apically and usually sculptured; T2 rarely weakly sculptured and often with a weakly delimited trapezoidal median area; T3 longer than T2, the transverse groove between them poor; remaining tergites almost smooth. Propodeum usually convexly rounded and often with a distinct percurrent medial keel, never with an areola, surface almost completely rugose. Mesoscutum often densely sculptured, sometimes smooth, and with notauli, sometimes strongly defined. Posterior band of scutellum usually smooth and interrupted medially by rugosity. Fore wing always with a D-shaped areolet; 1CU1 much shorter than 2CU1; r short. Hind wing with vannal lobe convex and fringed throughout. Hind coxa small and not longer than T1; hind spurs shorter than half length of basitarsus. Labial palpi 3-jointed, sometimes 4-jointed.</p> <p> Generally, <i>Microplitis</i> Förster (1862) has been recognized with little doubt over its generic limits. The genus and its tropical relatives are the most apomorphic groups among Microgastrinae. A detailed description of the genus is provided in Mason (1981), Austin and Dangerfield (1993), Ranjith et al. (2015).</p> <p> <b>Synonyms and homonyms.</b> <i>Microplitis bicoloratus</i> Chen 2004 is the synonym of <i>Microplitis prodeniae</i> Rao & Kurian 1950: their morphological difference is only slight, with only the ratio of head width to length, the ratio of tergite 1 length to width and the colour slightly different. We consider this to be <i>intra specific</i> variation. Also, the two species are parasitoids of <i>Spodoptera litura</i> (Fabricius 1775).</p> <p> Also, <i>M. bicoloratus</i> Chen 2004 is the junior homonym of <i>M. bicoloratus</i> Xu & He 2003. They can easily distinguished by the following features: <i>Microplitis bicoloratus</i> Chen 2004, 1.T1 almost parallel with a shallow puncture, and T1 1.5 × as long as width, 2. Vein 1-R1 of fore wing 1.0 × as long as stigma, and 3. Vein r almost straight, arising from middle of stigma; <i>Microplitis bicoloratus</i> Xu & He 2003, 1. T1 smooth anterior-medially and rugose posterior-laterally with parallel sides, and its length 2.6 × as long as its width, 2. Vein 1-R1 of fore wing 0.77 × as long as stigma, and 3. Vein r weakly curved, arising distally.</p> <p> As a result, <i>Microplitis bicoloratus</i> Chen 2004 and <i>Microplitis bicoloratus</i> Xu & He 2003 are not considered as homonyms.</p>Published as part of <i>Zhang, Wangzhen, Song, Dongbao & Chen, Jiahua, 2017, Revision of Microplitis species from China with description of a new species, pp. 296-300 in Zootaxa 4231 (2)</i> on page 297, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.2.12, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/291237">http://zenodo.org/record/291237</a&gt

    FIGURES 1–6 in Revision of Microplitis species from China with description of a new species

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    FIGURES 1–6. Microplitis fujianica, sp.nov. (female). 1, head in frontal view; 2, head in dorsal view; 3, mesoscutum and scutellum; 4, propodeum; 5, basal tergites of metasoma; 6, apex of metasoma (showing ovipositor)

    A new species of Glyptapanteles Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Microgastrinae) within Macrobrochis gigas (Lepidoptera, Arctiidae, Lithosiidae) in Fujian, China

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    The south-east coastal area of Fujian, China, belongs to the Oriental Realm, and is characterized by a high insect species richness. In this work, a new species of Hymenopteran parasitoid, Glyptapanteles gigas Liang & Song, sp. nov. found in Jinjiang within hosts of caterpillars Macrobrochis gigas (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), is described and illustrated, with differences from similar species. Additionally, we presumed that both parasitoid and host species play very important role in the coevolution and tritrophic interaction between plants, phytophagous insects, and their parasitoids, because these insects probably broke the sporangia and made contributions to their colonization, or some spores were spread for long distances by adult moths after their emergence, or some parasitoids were attracted by the eggs and larvae of these caterpillars, which was also thought to be helpful to spread of spores