4 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Histamine in Commercial Cat Foods under Different Storage Conditions

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    In fish-based foods, one of the effects of inappropriate storage can be the formation of biogenic amines. Among these, histamine is considered one of the most toxic. The purpose of the present study is to assess the occurrence of histamine in fish-based pet foods, and to evaluate the changes in histamine content during storage at different temperatures. For the analysis, an LC-MS/MS method was used. Fifty-eight pet foods were purchased, and an aliquot of them was analyzed just after opening the packages. Histamine was detected in 12 samples and concentrations ranged from 1.5 to 30.1 mg/kg. The remaining of each positive sample was divided into seven subsamples. One of them was used as a control sample and kept at -20 °C, while the other six were exposed to different environmental conditions. Samples exposed to room temperature showed no significant changes in histamine levels, while samples exposed to high temperatures showed significant increases in histamine content. Finally, samples exposed to refrigerator temperature showed a slight decrease in histamine levels. Under the experimental conditions, the EU limit of 100 mg/kg established for fishery products was never exceeded. These results seem to indicate a low risk of histamine intoxication in cats fed fish-based pet food

    Occurrence of Ochratoxin A in Different Types of Cheese Offered for Sale in Italy

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    The detection of Ochratoxin A (OTA) in the milk of ruminants occurs infrequently and at low levels, but its occurrence may be higher in dairy products such as cheese. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of OTA in cheeses purchased in the metropolitan city of Bologna (Italy) and the surrounding area. For the analysis, a LC-MS/MS method with a limit of quantification (LOQ) of 1 µg/kg was used. OTA was detected in seven out of 51 samples of grated hard cheese (concentration range 1.3–22.4 µg/kg), while it was not found in the 33 cheeses of other types which were also analysed. These data show a low risk of OTA contamination for almost all types of cheese analysed. To improve the safety of cheese marketed in grated form, more regulations on cheese rind, which is the part most susceptible to OTA-producing moulds, should be implemented or, alternatively, producers should consider not using the rind as row material for grated cheese. It would be interesting to continue these investigations particularly on grated hard cheeses to have more data to update the risk assessment of OTA in cheese, as also suggested by EFSA in its 2020 scientific opinion on OTA

    Development of Histamine in Fresh and Canned Tuna Steaks Stored under Different Experimental Temperature Conditions

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    Among biogenic amines, histamine is most frequently involved in foodborne intoxication. To evaluate histamine formation in tuna, several storage conditions were reproduced. An LC-MS/MS method was used for analytical determinations. Fresh tuna samples (not contaminated and grafted with tuna muscle naturally incurred with histamine at 6000 mg/kg) were stored at 4, 12, and 20 °C, and daily samples were collected for 6 days. The development of histamine was observed only in grafted tuna samples. At 4 °C, histamine formation progressed from 12.8 mg/kg (day 1) up to 68.2 mg/kg (day 6). At 12 °C, higher concentrations developed (23.9 mg/kg on day 1 up to 2721.3 mg/kg on day 6) relative to 20 °C (from 12.0 to 1681.0 mg/kg). It was found that at 4 °C, if grafted tuna was submerged in oil, histamine formation progressed more slowly. In a naturally contaminated sample, it was observed that the histamine distribution was uniform, while the normal cooking process did not affect the histamine level. Furthermore, it was found that the use of histamine-contaminated equipment for food handling may result in histamine formation in food. These results confirm the importance of implementing good hygiene practices and respecting the cold chain

    Climate Effects on Ergot and Ergot Alkaloids Occurrence in Italian Wheat

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    In recent years, there has been an intensification of weather variability worldwide as a result of climate change. Some regions have been affected by drought, while others have experienced more intense rainfall. The incidence and severity of moldy grain and mycotoxin contamination during the growing and harvesting seasons have increased as a result of these weather conditions. Additionally, torrential rains and wet conditions may cause delays in grain drying, leading to mold growth in the field. In July 2023, a wheat field in Lecco (Lombardy, Italy) was affected by torrential rains that led to the development of the Claviceps fungi. In the field, dark sclerotia were identified on some ears. Wheat ears, kernels, and sclerotia were collected and analyzed by LC-MS/MS at IZSLER, Food Chemical Department, in Bologna. The wheat ears, kernels, and sclerotia were analyzed for 12 ergot alkaloids (EAs) according to (EU) Regulation 2023/915 (ergocornine/ergocorninine; ergocristine/ergocristinine; ergocryptine/ergocryptinine; ergometrine/ergometrinine; ergosine/ergosinine; ergotamine/ergotaminine), after QuEChERS (Z-Sep/C18) purification. The analyzed sclerotia showed significant differences in total alkaloid content that vary between 0.01 and 0.5% (w/w), according to the results of the 2017 EFSA scientific report. EAs detected in sclerotia were up to 4951 mg/kg, in wheat ears up to 33 mg/kg, and in kernels were 1 mg/kg. Additional mycotoxins, including ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, fumonisins, T2-HT2 toxins, and aflatoxins, were investigated in wheat kernels after purification with immunoaffinity columns (IAC). The analysis revealed the presence of deoxynivalenol in wheat kernels at a concentration of 2251 µg/kg. It is expected that climate change will increase the frequency of extreme weather events. In order to mitigate the potential risks associated with mycotoxin-producing fungi and to ensure the protection of human health, it is suggested that official controls be implemented in the field