17 research outputs found

    Comparative Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of the ABA Response of Roots of Drought-Sensitive and Drought-Tolerant Wheat Varieties Identifies Proteomic Signatures of Drought Adaptability

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    Wheat is one of the most highly cultivated cereals in the world. Like other cultivated crops, wheat production is significantly affected by abiotic stresses such as drought. Multiple wheat varieties suitable for different geographical regions of the world have been developed that are adapted to different environmental conditions; however, the molecular basis of such adaptations remains unknown in most cases. We have compared the quantitative proteomics profile of the roots of two different wheat varieties, Nesser (drought-tolerant) and Opata (drought-sensitive), in the absence and presence of abscisic acid (ABA, as a proxy for drought). A labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach using iTRAQ was applied to elucidate the changes in protein abundance levels. Quantitative differences in protein levels were analyzed for the evaluation of inherent differences between the two varieties as well as the overall and variety-specific effect of ABA on the root proteome. This study reveals the most elaborate ABA-responsive root proteome identified to date in wheat. A large number of proteins exhibited inherently different expression levels between Nesser and Opata. Additionally, significantly higher numbers of proteins were ABA-responsive in Nesser roots compared with Opata roots. Furthermore, several proteins showed variety-specific regulation by ABA, suggesting their role in drought adaptation

    Comparative Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of the ABA Response of Roots of Drought-Sensitive and Drought-Tolerant Wheat Varieties Identifies Proteomic Signatures of Drought Adaptability

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    Wheat is one of the most highly cultivated cereals in the world. Like other cultivated crops, wheat production is significantly affected by abiotic stresses such as drought. Multiple wheat varieties suitable for different geographical regions of the world have been developed that are adapted to different environmental conditions; however, the molecular basis of such adaptations remains unknown in most cases. We have compared the quantitative proteomics profile of the roots of two different wheat varieties, Nesser (drought-tolerant) and Opata (drought-sensitive), in the absence and presence of abscisic acid (ABA, as a proxy for drought). A labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach using iTRAQ was applied to elucidate the changes in protein abundance levels. Quantitative differences in protein levels were analyzed for the evaluation of inherent differences between the two varieties as well as the overall and variety-specific effect of ABA on the root proteome. This study reveals the most elaborate ABA-responsive root proteome identified to date in wheat. A large number of proteins exhibited inherently different expression levels between Nesser and Opata. Additionally, significantly higher numbers of proteins were ABA-responsive in Nesser roots compared with Opata roots. Furthermore, several proteins showed variety-specific regulation by ABA, suggesting their role in drought adaptation

    Comparative Quantitative Proteomics Analysis of the ABA Response of Roots of Drought-Sensitive and Drought-Tolerant Wheat Varieties Identifies Proteomic Signatures of Drought Adaptability

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    Wheat is one of the most highly cultivated cereals in the world. Like other cultivated crops, wheat production is significantly affected by abiotic stresses such as drought. Multiple wheat varieties suitable for different geographical regions of the world have been developed that are adapted to different environmental conditions; however, the molecular basis of such adaptations remains unknown in most cases. We have compared the quantitative proteomics profile of the roots of two different wheat varieties, Nesser (drought-tolerant) and Opata (drought-sensitive), in the absence and presence of abscisic acid (ABA, as a proxy for drought). A labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach using iTRAQ was applied to elucidate the changes in protein abundance levels. Quantitative differences in protein levels were analyzed for the evaluation of inherent differences between the two varieties as well as the overall and variety-specific effect of ABA on the root proteome. This study reveals the most elaborate ABA-responsive root proteome identified to date in wheat. A large number of proteins exhibited inherently different expression levels between Nesser and Opata. Additionally, significantly higher numbers of proteins were ABA-responsive in Nesser roots compared with Opata roots. Furthermore, several proteins showed variety-specific regulation by ABA, suggesting their role in drought adaptation

    Quantitative Proteomics-Based Analysis Supports a Significant Role of GTG Proteins in Regulation of ABA Response in <i>Arabidopsis</i> Roots

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    Abscisic acid (ABA) is proposed to be perceived by multiple receptors in plants. We have previously reported on the role of two GPCR-type G-proteins (GTG proteins) as plasma membrane-localized ABA receptors in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>. However, due to the presence of multiple transmembrane domains, detailed structural and biochemical characterization of GTG proteins remains limited. Since ABA induces substantial changes in the proteome of plants, a labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach was applied to elucidate the global effects and possible downstream targets of GTG1/GTG2 proteins. Quantitative differences in protein abundance between wild-type and <i>gtg1gtg2</i> were analyzed for evaluation of the effect of ABA on the root proteome and its dependence on the presence of functional GTG1/GTG2 proteins. The results presented in this study reveal the most comprehensive ABA-responsive root proteome reported to date in <i>Arabidopsis</i>. Notably, the majority of ABA-responsive proteins required the presence of GTG proteins, supporting their key role in ABA signaling. These observations were further confirmed by additional experiments. Overall, comparison of the ABA-dependent protein abundance changes in wild-type versus <i>gtg1gtg2</i> provides clues to their possible links with some of the well-established effectors of the ABA signaling pathways and their role in mediating phytohormone cross-talk

    Quantitative Proteomics-Based Analysis Supports a Significant Role of GTG Proteins in Regulation of ABA Response in <i>Arabidopsis</i> Roots

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    Abscisic acid (ABA) is proposed to be perceived by multiple receptors in plants. We have previously reported on the role of two GPCR-type G-proteins (GTG proteins) as plasma membrane-localized ABA receptors in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>. However, due to the presence of multiple transmembrane domains, detailed structural and biochemical characterization of GTG proteins remains limited. Since ABA induces substantial changes in the proteome of plants, a labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach was applied to elucidate the global effects and possible downstream targets of GTG1/GTG2 proteins. Quantitative differences in protein abundance between wild-type and <i>gtg1gtg2</i> were analyzed for evaluation of the effect of ABA on the root proteome and its dependence on the presence of functional GTG1/GTG2 proteins. The results presented in this study reveal the most comprehensive ABA-responsive root proteome reported to date in <i>Arabidopsis</i>. Notably, the majority of ABA-responsive proteins required the presence of GTG proteins, supporting their key role in ABA signaling. These observations were further confirmed by additional experiments. Overall, comparison of the ABA-dependent protein abundance changes in wild-type versus <i>gtg1gtg2</i> provides clues to their possible links with some of the well-established effectors of the ABA signaling pathways and their role in mediating phytohormone cross-talk

    Quantitative Proteomics-Based Analysis Supports a Significant Role of GTG Proteins in Regulation of ABA Response in <i>Arabidopsis</i> Roots

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    Abscisic acid (ABA) is proposed to be perceived by multiple receptors in plants. We have previously reported on the role of two GPCR-type G-proteins (GTG proteins) as plasma membrane-localized ABA receptors in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>. However, due to the presence of multiple transmembrane domains, detailed structural and biochemical characterization of GTG proteins remains limited. Since ABA induces substantial changes in the proteome of plants, a labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach was applied to elucidate the global effects and possible downstream targets of GTG1/GTG2 proteins. Quantitative differences in protein abundance between wild-type and <i>gtg1gtg2</i> were analyzed for evaluation of the effect of ABA on the root proteome and its dependence on the presence of functional GTG1/GTG2 proteins. The results presented in this study reveal the most comprehensive ABA-responsive root proteome reported to date in <i>Arabidopsis</i>. Notably, the majority of ABA-responsive proteins required the presence of GTG proteins, supporting their key role in ABA signaling. These observations were further confirmed by additional experiments. Overall, comparison of the ABA-dependent protein abundance changes in wild-type versus <i>gtg1gtg2</i> provides clues to their possible links with some of the well-established effectors of the ABA signaling pathways and their role in mediating phytohormone cross-talk

    Quantitative Proteomics-Based Analysis Supports a Significant Role of GTG Proteins in Regulation of ABA Response in <i>Arabidopsis</i> Roots

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    Abscisic acid (ABA) is proposed to be perceived by multiple receptors in plants. We have previously reported on the role of two GPCR-type G-proteins (GTG proteins) as plasma membrane-localized ABA receptors in <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>. However, due to the presence of multiple transmembrane domains, detailed structural and biochemical characterization of GTG proteins remains limited. Since ABA induces substantial changes in the proteome of plants, a labeling LC-based quantitative proteomics approach was applied to elucidate the global effects and possible downstream targets of GTG1/GTG2 proteins. Quantitative differences in protein abundance between wild-type and <i>gtg1gtg2</i> were analyzed for evaluation of the effect of ABA on the root proteome and its dependence on the presence of functional GTG1/GTG2 proteins. The results presented in this study reveal the most comprehensive ABA-responsive root proteome reported to date in <i>Arabidopsis</i>. Notably, the majority of ABA-responsive proteins required the presence of GTG proteins, supporting their key role in ABA signaling. These observations were further confirmed by additional experiments. Overall, comparison of the ABA-dependent protein abundance changes in wild-type versus <i>gtg1gtg2</i> provides clues to their possible links with some of the well-established effectors of the ABA signaling pathways and their role in mediating phytohormone cross-talk

    Arabidopsis Heterotrimeric G-Proteins Play a Critical Role in Host and Nonhost Resistance against<i>Pseudomonas syringae</i> Pathogens

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    <div><p>Heterotrimeric G-proteins have been proposed to be involved in many aspects of plant disease resistance but their precise role in mediating nonhost disease resistance is not well understood. We evaluated the roles of specific subunits of heterotrimeric G-proteins using knock-out mutants of Arabidopsis Gα, Gβ and Gγ subunits in response to host and nonhost <i>Pseudomonas</i> pathogens. Plants lacking functional Gα, Gβ and Gγ1Gγ2 proteins displayed enhanced bacterial growth and disease susceptibility in response to host and nonhost pathogens. Mutations of single Gγ subunits Gγ1, Gγ2 and Gγ3 did not alter bacterial disease resistance. Some specificity of subunit usage was observed when comparing host pathogen versus nonhost pathogen. Overexpression of both Gα and Gβ led to reduced bacterial multiplication of nonhost pathogen P. syringae pv. <i>tabaci</i> whereas overexpression of Gβ, but not of Gα, resulted in reduced bacterial growth of host pathogen P. syringae pv. <i>maculicola</i>, compared to wild-type Col-0. Moreover, the regulation of stomatal aperture by bacterial pathogens was altered in Gα and Gβ mutants but not in any of the single or double Gγ mutants. Taken together, these data substantiate the critical role of heterotrimeric G-proteins in plant innate immunity and stomatal modulation in response to <i>P. syringae</i>.</p> </div

    Bacterial growth of P. syringae pv. <i>maculicola</i> and P. syringae pv. <i>tabaci</i> in wild-type and overexpression lines of GPA1 (GPA1OE) and AGB1 (AGB1OE).

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    <p>Four-week-old plants were flood-inoculated with both pathogens (5×10<sup>7</sup> CFU/ml). Bacterial titers at 0 and 3 dpi were measured by taking leaf disks from four inoculated plants with three biological replications. All experiments were independently repeated two times. Images for disease phenotypes were taken at 4 dpi. Asterisks above bars represent statistically significant differences in comparison with wild-type plants using Student’s <i>t</i>-test (P<0.05).</p

    Disease symptoms, bacterial growth and accumulation of avirulent bacterial strain P. syringae pv. <i>maculicola</i> (AvrRpm1) in G-protein mutants.

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    <p>Leaves from 6-week-old plants were syringe-infiltrated with the avirulent pathogen <i>P. syringae</i> pv. <i>maculicola</i> (AvrRpm1) at 2.8 x 10<sup>6</sup> CFU/ml. (a) Disease symptoms in wild-type (Col-0) and heterotrimeric G-protein mutants (<i>gpa1-4</i>, <i>agb1-2</i>, <i>gpa1-4 </i><i>agb1-2</i> , <i>agg1-2</i>, <i>agg2-2</i>, <i>agg1-1c </i><i>agg2-1</i> and <i>agg3-2</i>). Images were taken three days after inoculation. (b) Growth of the avirulent pathogen <i>P. syringae</i> pv. <i>maculicola</i> (AvrRpm1) in Arabidopsis mutants. Leaf samples for bacterial quantification were taken at 0 and 3dpi. Bars represent mean and standard deviation for four biological replicates from each experiment. Two independent experiments were performed. Asterisks above bars represent statistically significant differences in comparison with wild-type plants using Student’s <i>t</i>-test (P<0.05). </p