13,368 research outputs found

    Crustal interpretation of the MAGSAT data in the continental United States

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    The processing of MAGSAT scalar data to construct a crustal magnetic anomaly map over the continental U.S. involves removal of the reference field model, a path-by-path subtraction of a low order polynomial through a least-squares fit to reduce orbital offset errors, and a two dimensional spectral filtering to mitigate the spectral bias induced by the path-by-path orbital correction scheme. The resultant anomaly map shows reasonably good correlations with an aeromagnetic map derived from the project MAGNET. Prominent satellite magnetic anomalies are identified in terms of geological provinces and age boundaries. An inversion method was applied to MAGSAT data which produces both the Curie depth topography and laterally varying magnetic susceptibility of the crust. A contoured Curie depth map thus derived shows general agreements with a crustal thickness map based on seismic data

    Strategies for replacing saturated fat in meat products: A review

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    This paper aims to provide a better understanding of how to replace saturated fat in meat products due to concerns about its high amounts as health consciousness improves and consumers look for changes. In particular, we focused on various approaches and technologies to replace saturated fat in meat products. A systematic literature review was conducted using Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus based on existing papers. The use of vegetable oils in meat products, oleogel and emulsion gel technologies, as well as application of protein substitutes were reviewed. The results show that the mentioned methods are potentially effective techniques for reducing the saturated fat content of meat products. As research on new approaches to fat substitutes continues to attract interest, we would like to highlight the research needs for the development of healthy meat products in the long term.This paper aims to provide a better understanding of how to replace saturated fat in meat products due to concerns about its high amounts as health consciousness improves and consumers look for changes. In particular, we focused on various approaches and technologies to replace saturated fat in meat products. A systematic literature review was conducted using Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus based on existing papers. The use of vegetable oils in meat products, oleogel and emulsion gel technologies, as well as application of protein substitutes were reviewed. The results show that the mentioned methods are potentially effective techniques for reducing the saturated fat content of meat products. As research on new approaches to fat substitutes continues to attract interest, we would like to highlight the research needs for the development of healthy meat products in the long term

    Magnetic permeability of near-critical 3d abelian Higgs model and duality

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    The three-dimensional abelian Higgs model has been argued to be dual to a scalar field theory with a global U(1) symmetry. We show that this duality, together with the scaling and universality hypotheses, implies a scaling law for the magnetic permeablity chi_m near the line of second order phase transition: chi_m ~ t^nu, where t is the deviation from the critical line and nu ~ 0.67 is a critical exponent of the O(2) universality class. We also show that exactly on the critical lines, the dependence of magnetic induction on external magnetic field is quadratic, with a proportionality coefficient depending only on the gauge coupling. These predictions provide a way for testing the duality conjecture on the lattice in the Coulomb phase and at the phase transion.Comment: 11 pages; updated references and small changes, published versio

    Social policy and health insurance in South Korea and Taiwan

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    Infrared Hall conductivity of Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_2

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    We report infrared Hall conductivity σxy(ω)\sigma_{xy}(\omega) of Na0.7_{0.7}CoO2_2 thin films determined from Faraday rotation angle θF\theta_{F} measurements. σxy(ω)\sigma_{xy}(\omega) exhibits two types of hole conduction, Drude and incoherent carriers. The coherent Drude carrier shows a large renormalized mass and Fermi liquid-like behavior of Hall scattering rate, γHaT2\gamma_{H} \sim aT^{2}. The spectral weight is suppressed and disappears at T = 120K. The incoherent carrier response is centered at mid-IR frequency and shifts to lower energy with increasing T. Infrared Hall constant is positive and almost independent of temperature in sharp contrast with the dc-Hall constant.Comment: 5 Pages, 5 Figures. Author list corrected in metadata only, paper is unchange

    Microalgae as alternative proteins for the sustainable food industry: A review

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    This paper reviews the nutritional properties and consumer perceptions of microalgae foods through various recent studies on alternative protein sources. Food choices, including meat consumption, are a common concern for humanity. Thus, we focused on whether microalgae foods have a sufficient value as a protein source and what nutritional benefits they have. Based on existing papers, we conducted a systematic review using Web of Science, Google Scholar, and Scopus to comprehensively investigate and summarize the nutritional characteristics of microalgae, sustainable diets, and awareness of microalgae as an alternative protein source. Research has shown that microalgae have been consumed by humans as a protein source since ancient times, and contain enough protein to be used as an alternative protein source. They also have many other nutritional benefits, such as vitamins. We have found that consumers are increasingly interested in alternative protein sources, and the more they learn about microalgae, the more accepting they become. These results may suggest a need for further research to improve microalgae as an alternative protein source in the long run and develop them into a variety of foods

    Unusual superexchange pathways in a Ni triangular lattice of NiGa2_2S4_4 with negative charge-transfer energy

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    We have studied the electronic structure of the Ni triangular lattice in NiGa2_2S4_4 using photoemission spectroscopy and subsequent model calculations. The cluster-model analysis of the Ni 2pp core-level spectrum shows that the S 3pp to Ni 3dd charge-transfer energy is \sim -1 eV and the ground state is dominated by the d9Ld^9L configuration (LL is a S 3pp hole). Cell perturbation analysis for the NiS2_2 triangular lattice indicates that the strong S 3pp hole character of the ground state provides the enhanced superexchange interaction between the third nearest neighbor sites.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted to PR

    Asymptotic deconfinement in high-density QCD

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    We discuss QCD with two light flavors at large baryon chemical potential mu. Color superconductivity leads to partial breaking of the color SU(3) group. We show that the infrared physics is governed by the gluodynamics of the remaining SU(2) group with an exponentially soft confinement scale Lambda_QCD' Delta*exp[-a*mu/(g*Delta)], where Delta<<mu is the superconducting gap, g is the strong coupling, and a=0.81... We estimate that at moderate baryon densities Lambda_QCD' is O(10 MeV) or smaller. The confinement radius increases exponentially with density, leading to "asymptotic deconfinement." The velocity of the SU(2) gluons is small due to the large dielectric constant of the medium.Comment: 4 pages; restructured, published versio