658 research outputs found

    Cost-Effective Screening for Breast Cancer Worldwide: Current State and Future Directions

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    Affordability of healthcare is highly limited by its skyrocketing cost. Access to screening and diagnostic medical equipment and medicine in developing countries is inadequate for the majority of the population. There is a tremendous worldwide need to detect breast cancer at its earliest stage. These needs must be balanced by the ability of countries to provide breast cancer screening technology to their populations. We reviewed the diagnostic accuracy, procedure cost and cost-effectiveness of currently available technique for breast screening and diagnosis including clinical breast examination, mammography, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, biopsy and a new modality for cancer diagnostics termed elasticity imaging that has emerged in the last decade. Clinical results demonstrate that elasticity imaging even in its simplest and least sophisticated versions, like tactile imaging, has significant diagnostic potential comparable and exceeding that of conventional imaging techniques. In view of many countries with limited resources, effective yet less expensive modes of screening must be considered worldwide. The tactile imaging is one method that has the potential to provide cost-effective breast cancer screening and diagnostics

    Schwinger-Keldysh Propagators from AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We demonstrate how to compute real-time Green's functions for a class of finite temperature field theories from their AdS gravity duals. In particular, we reproduce the two-by-two Schwinger-Keldysh matrix propagator from a gravity calculation. Our methods should work also for computing higher point Lorentzian signature correlators. We elucidate the boundary condition subtleties which hampered previous efforts to build a Lorentzian-signature AdS/CFT correspondence. For two-point correlators, our construction is automatically equivalent to the previously formulated prescription for the retarded propagator.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure, references added; to appear in JHE

    Chiral Magnetic Effect in Hydrodynamic Approximation

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    We review derivations of the chiral magnetic effect (ChME) in hydrodynamic approximation. The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basics of the effect. The main challenge now is to account for the strong interactions between the constituents of the fluid. The main result is that the ChME is not renormalized: in the hydrodynamic approximation it remains the same as for non-interacting chiral fermions moving in an external magnetic field. The key ingredients in the proof are general laws of thermodynamics and the Adler-Bardeen theorem for the chiral anomaly in external electromagnetic fields. The chiral magnetic effect in hydrodynamics represents a macroscopic manifestation of a quantum phenomenon (chiral anomaly). Moreover, one can argue that the current induced by the magnetic field is dissipation free and talk about a kind of "chiral superconductivity". More precise description is a ballistic transport along magnetic field taking place in equilibrium and in absence of a driving force. The basic limitation is exact chiral limit while the temperature--excitingly enough- does not seemingly matter. What is still lacking, is a detailed quantum microscopic picture for the ChME in hydrodynamics. Probably, the chiral currents propagate through lower-dimensional defects, like vortices in superfluid. In case of superfluid, the prediction for the chiral magnetic effect remains unmodified although the emerging dynamical picture differs from the standard one.Comment: 35 pages, prepared for a volume of the Springer Lecture Notes in Physics "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    Gramaticalización inducida por contacto en español en contacto con la lengua maya tzutujil: el sistema pronominal átono de tercera persona

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    The goal of this study is to analyse both the use of lo and null object to refer to third person direct objects in an oral corpus of Tzutujil-Spanish bilinguals from the village of Chicacao, Guatemala. The corpus’s direct object marking system is characterized by two variants: a) the use of lo as the only third person direct object pronoun, i.e. as an invariable morph; b) its omission, i.e., the production of a zero morph. We put forward that these changes belong to a pronominal system reorganization process caused by the bilingual situation of the region, and an intense contact with Tzutujil, that has caused an acceleration of the grammaticalization process of the Spanish pronominal system of direct object to an object concordance.El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la tendencia al empleo de lo o un cero fonético para la marcación del objeto directo de tercera persona en un corpus oral de bilingües tzutujil-español recogido en Chicacao, Guatemala. El sistema de marcación del objeto analizado se caracterizaría básicamente por dos fenómenos: a) el empleo de una única forma lo invariable que ha perdido la morfología de género y número; b) la omisión de esta, esto es, un cero fonético. A través de su análisis, mostraremos que estos cambios se enmarcan dentro de un proceso de reorganización del sistema pronominal que se ha producido debido a la situación de bilingüismo y contacto intenso con el tzutujil, y que se manifiesta en una aceleración del proceso de gramaticalización del sistema pronominal de objeto directo del español hacia una concordancia de objeto

    States and Boundary Terms: Subtleties of Lorentzian AdS/CFT

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    We complete the project of specifying the Lorentzian AdS/CFT correspondence and its approximation by bulk semi-classical methods begun by earlier authors. At the end, the Lorentzian treatment is self-contained and requires no analytic continuation from the Euclidean. The new features involve a careful study of boundary terms associated with an initial time tt_- and a final time t+t_+. These boundary terms are determined by a choice of quantum states. The main results in the semi-classical approximation are 1) The times t±t_\pm may be finite, and need only label Cauchy surfaces respectively to the past and future of the points at which one wishes to obtain CFT correlators. Subject to this condition on t±t_\pm, we provide a bulk computation of CFT correlators that is manifestly independent of t±t_\pm. 2) As a result of (1), all CFT correlators can be expressed in terms of a path integral over regions of spacetime {\it outside} of any black hole horizons. 3) The details of the boundary terms at t±t_\pm serve to guarrantee that, at leading order in this approximation, any CFT one-point function is given by a simple boundary value of the classical bulk solution at null infinity, II. This work is dedicated to the memory of Bryce S. DeWitt. The remarks in this paper largely study the relation of the AdS/CFT dictionary to the Schwinger variational principle, which the author first learned from DeWitt as a Ph.D. student.Comment: 31 pages, JHEP style, various typos correcte

    Views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect

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    My personal views of the Chiral Magnetic Effect are presented, which starts with a story about how we came up with the electric-current formula and continues to unsettled subtleties in the formula. There are desirable features in the formula of the Chiral Magnetic Effect but some considerations would lead us to even more questions than elucidations. The interpretation of the produced current is indeed very non-trivial and it involves a lot of confusions that have not been resolved.Comment: 19 pages, no figure; typos corrected, references significantly updated, to appear in Lect. Notes Phys. "Strongly interacting matter in magnetic fields" (Springer), edited by D. Kharzeev, K. Landsteiner, A. Schmitt, H.-U. Ye

    On time-dependent AdS/CFT

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    We clarify aspects of the holographic AdS/CFT correspondence that are typical of Lorentzian signature, to lay the foundation for a treatment of time-dependent gravity and conformal field theory phenomena. We provide a derivation of bulk-to-boundary propagators associated to advanced, retarded and Feynman bulk propagators, and provide a better understanding of the boundary conditions satisfied by the bulk fields at the horizon. We interpret the subleading behavior of the wavefunctions in terms of specific vacuum expectation values, and compute two-point functions in our framework. We connect our bulk methods to the closed time path formalism in the boundary field theory.Comment: 19 pages, v2: added reference, JHEP versio

    A comment on multiple vacua, particle production and the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We give an explicit formulation of the time dependent AdS/CFT correspondence when there are multiple vacua present in Lorentzian signature. By computing sample two point functions we show how different amplitudes are related by cosmological particle production. We illustrate our methods in two example spacetimes: (a) a ``bubble of nothing'' in AdS space, and (b) an asymptotically locally AdS spacetime with a bubble of nothing on the boundary. In both cases the alpha vacua of de Sitter space make an interesting appearance.Comment: 9 page

    The effect of memory on relaxation in a scalar field theory

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    We derive a kinetic equation with a non-Markovian collision term which includes a memory effect, from Kadanoff-Baym equations in ϕ4\phi^4 theory within the three-loop level for the two-particle irreducible (2PI) effective action. The memory effect is incorporated into the kinetic equation by a generalized Kadanoff-Baym ansatz.Based on the kinetic equations with and without the memory effect, we investigate an influence of this effect on decay of a single particle excitation with zero momentum in 3+1 dimensions and the spatially homogeneous case. Numerical results show that, while the time evolution of the zero mode is completely unaffected by the memory effect due to a separation of scales in the weak coupling regime, this effect leads first to faster relaxation than the case without it and then to slower relaxation as the coupling constant increases.Comment: 12 pages, 6 eps figure

    Spin dependent scattering of a domain-wall of controlled size

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    Magnetoresistance measurements in the CPP geometry have been performed on single electrodeposited Co nanowires exchange biased on one side by a sputtered amorphous GdCo layer. This geometry allows the stabilization of a single domain wall in the Co wire, the thickness of which can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Comparing magnetization, resistivity, and magnetoresistance studies of single Co nanowires, of GdCo layers, and of the coupled system, gives evidence for an additional contribution to the magnetoresistance when the domain wall is compressed by a magnetic field. This contribution is interpreted as the spin dependent scattering within the domain wall when the wall thickness becomes smaller than the spin diffusion length.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure