4 research outputs found

    An Iron Age and early Roman farmstead at Calvestone Road, Cawston, near Rugby: excavations in 2012

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    A programme of archaeological investigation was undertaken by Cotswold Archaeology (CA) prior to housing development to the east of Calvestone Road, Cawston, on the outskirts of Rugby. The work comprised an archaeological excavation over three areas followed by a watching brief on parts of the site not subject to excavation. In Area 1 lay an Iron Age subrectangular enclosure whose ditch had been re-cut on at least three occasions. The enclosure contained evidence for an Iron Age farmstead, including a possible roundhouse. Areas 2 and 3 also revealed evidence of occupation during the Iron Age. Later, in the 1st century AD, the site was remodelled with the laying out of a series of larger enclosures and the development of a trackway. The site was abandoned during the Roman period with no evidence for continued occupation beyond c AD 200. Medieval and post-medieval furrows indicate that later the area was laid down to arable.This report presents the results of the excavation and places them within the context of settlement, the economy and the environment of the Iron Age and Roman periods. The likely function of each feature and structure encountered is considered and compared with other Iron Age and Roman sites

    Middle Iron Age to Roman settlement at Swan School and Meadowbrook College, New Marston

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    Four  areas  were  excavated  by  Cotswold  Archaeology  at  Swan  School  and  Meadowbrook College, New Marston, Oxford. The site was the focus of settlement activity from the middle Iron  Age  period  up  to  the  end  of  the  Roman  period  in  the  fourth  century  AD.  The  main focus  of  middle  Iron  Age  settlement  was  two  enclosures  containing  pits,  a  sub-enclosure and the remains of three roundhouses. After a short hiatus, from around the middle second century BC, renewed activity in the late Iron Age/early Roman transitional period saw the establishment  of  a  trapezoidal  enclosure  and  two  trackways.  Activity  continued  into  the Roman period with the establishment of a rectilinear enclosure system focused on the junction of three trackways. During the third to fourth centuries AD the site was involved in pottery production, operating as part of the Oxford Roman pottery industry.</p