445 research outputs found

    Adaptation to Easy Data in Prediction with Limited Advice

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    We derive an online learning algorithm with improved regret guarantees for `easy' loss sequences. We consider two types of `easiness': (a) stochastic loss sequences and (b) adversarial loss sequences with small effective range of the losses. While a number of algorithms have been proposed for exploiting small effective range in the full information setting, Gerchinovitz and Lattimore [2016] have shown the impossibility of regret scaling with the effective range of the losses in the bandit setting. We show that just one additional observation per round is sufficient to circumvent the impossibility result. The proposed Second Order Difference Adjustments (SODA) algorithm requires no prior knowledge of the effective range of the losses, ε\varepsilon, and achieves an O(εKTlnK)+O~(εKT4)O(\varepsilon \sqrt{KT \ln K}) + \tilde{O}(\varepsilon K \sqrt[4]{T}) expected regret guarantee, where TT is the time horizon and KK is the number of actions. The scaling with the effective loss range is achieved under significantly weaker assumptions than those made by Cesa-Bianchi and Shamir [2018] in an earlier attempt to circumvent the impossibility result. We also provide a regret lower bound of Ω(εTK)\Omega(\varepsilon\sqrt{T K}), which almost matches the upper bound. In addition, we show that in the stochastic setting SODA achieves an O(a:Δa>0K3ε2Δa)O\left(\sum_{a:\Delta_a>0} \frac{K^3 \varepsilon^2}{\Delta_a}\right) pseudo-regret bound that holds simultaneously with the adversarial regret guarantee. In other words, SODA is safe against an unrestricted oblivious adversary and provides improved regret guarantees for at least two different types of `easiness' simultaneously.Comment: Fixed a mistake in the proof and statement of Theorem

    Towards opportunistic UAV relaying for smart cities

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    With recent advances in cooperation among mobile computer systems, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) can be expected to be operated in large numbers and become a part of daily life for a variety of use cases. UAVs are already envi- sioned to act as mobile base stations, e.g., for situations with high node densities and strong communication requirements. However, UAVs are typically imagined to be provided specifically for this purpose. In this work, we study the effects of exploiting randomly passing UAVs at an urban intersection for the communication between vehicles on the ground. We show that a UAV, while following its pri- mary mission, can support cooperative driving vehicles in a purely opportunistic fashion by collecting periodic wireless broadcasts from vehicles and propagating all collected information periodically in an aggregated format. Using simulations, we show that such an opportunistic UAV relaying approach can lead to an improvement of approx. 6 percentage points (% points) in terms of perception of other vehicles

    Dissociation of immediate and delayed effects of emotional arousal on episodic memory.

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    Emotionally arousing events are usually better remembered than neutral ones. This phenomenon is in humans mostly studied by presenting mixed lists of neutral and emotional items. An emotional enhancement of memory is observed in these studies often already immediately after encoding and increases with longer delays and consolidation. A large body of animal research showed that the more efficient consolidation of emotionally arousing events is based on an activation of the central noradrenergic system and the amygdala (Modulation Hypothesis; Roozendaal & McGaugh, 2011). The immediately superior recognition of emotional items is attributed primarily to their attraction of attention during encoding which is also thought to be based on the amygdala and the central noradrenergic system. To investigate whether the amygdala and noradrenergic system support memory encoding and consolidation via shared neural substrates and processes a large sample of participants (n = 690) encoded neutral and arousing pictures. Their memory was tested immediately and after a consolidation delay. In addition, they were genotyped in two relevant polymorphisms (α2B-adrenergic receptor and serotonin transporter). Memory for negative and positive emotional pictures was enhanced at both time points where these enhancements were correlated (immediate r = 0.60 and delayed test r = 0.46). Critically, the effects of emotional arousal on encoding and consolidation correlated only very low (negative r = 0.14 and positive r = 0.03 pictures) suggesting partly distinct underlying processes consistent with a functional heterogeneity of the central noradrenergic system. No effect of genotype on either effect was observed

    Transient Power Control Algorithm for a Dual Active Bridge

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    Highly Dynamic Voltage Control of a Dual Active Bridge over the Full Voltage Range by Operating Point Dependent Manipulated Variable Limitation

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    This paper presents a highly dynamic voltage control for the Dual Active Bridge over the full operating range. Maximum dynamics is achieved by using the maximum available manipulated variable in combination with a feedforward control of the capacitor current at a setpoint change. Operation within the system limits is ensured by a variable limitation of the manipulated variable considering the current operating point. The simulation results are validated by measurements on a 35 kW Dual Active Bridge test bench

    Accurate Time Domain Zero Voltage Switching Analysis of a Dual Active Bridge with Triple Phase Shift

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