787 research outputs found

    Low-temperature specific heat for ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders in CaRu1-xMnxO3

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    Low-temperature specific heat of CaRu1-xMnxO3 was measured to clarify the role of d electrons in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders observed above x=0.2. Specific heat divided by temperature C_p/T is found to roughly follow a T^2 function, and relatively large magnitudes of electronic specific heat coefficient gamma were obtained in wide x range. In particular, gamma is unchanged from the value at x=0 (84 mJ/K^2 mol) in the paramagnetic state for x<=0.1, but linearly reduced with increasing x above x= 0.2. These features of gamma strongly suggest that itinerant d electrons are tightly coupled with the evolution of magnetic orders in small and intermediate Mn concentrations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be published in J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (SCES 2011, Cambridge, UK

    Shape-independent scaling of excitonic confinement in realistic quantum wires

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    The scaling of exciton binding energy in semiconductor quantum wires is investigated theoretically through a non-variational, fully three-dimensional approach for a wide set of realistic state-of-the-art structures. We find that in the strong confinement limit the same potential-to-kinetic energy ratio holds for quite different wire cross-sections and compositions. As a consequence, a universal (shape- and composition-independent) parameter can be identified that governs the scaling of the binding energy with size. Previous indications that the shape of the wire cross-section may have important effects on exciton binding are discussed in the light of the present results.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (12 pages + 2 figures in postscript

    Excitons in T-shaped quantum wires

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    We calculate energies, oscillator strengths for radiative recombination, and two-particle wave functions for the ground state exciton and around 100 excited states in a T-shaped quantum wire. We include the single-particle potential and the Coulomb interaction between the electron and hole on an equal footing, and perform exact diagonalisation of the two-particle problem within a finite basis set. We calculate spectra for all of the experimentally studied cases of T-shaped wires including symmetric and asymmetric GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1−x_{1-x}As and Iny_{y}Ga1−y_{1-y}As/Alx_{x}Ga1−x_{1-x}As structures. We study in detail the shape of the wave functions to gain insight into the nature of the various states for selected symmetric and asymmetric wires in which laser emission has been experimentally observed. We also calculate the binding energy of the ground state exciton and the confinement energy of the 1D quantum-wire-exciton state with respect to the 2D quantum-well exciton for a wide range of structures, varying the well width and the Al molar fraction xx. We find that the largest binding energy of any wire constructed to date is 16.5 meV. We also notice that in asymmetric structures, the confinement energy is enhanced with respect to the symmetric forms with comparable parameters but the binding energy of the exciton is then lower than in the symmetric structures. For GaAs/Alx_{x}Ga1−x_{1-x}As wires we obtain an upper limit for the binding energy of around 25 meV in a 10 {\AA} wide GaAs/AlAs structure which suggests that other materials must be explored in order to achieve room temperature applications. There are some indications that Iny_{y}Ga1−y_{1-y}As/Alx_{x}Ga1−x_{1-x}As might be a good candidate.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, uses RevTeX and psfig, submitted to Physical Review

    Bound states of L-shaped or T-shaped quantum wires in inhomogeneous magnetic fields

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    The bound state energies of L-shaped or T-shaped quantum wires in inhomogeous magnetic fields are found to depend strongly on the asymmetric parameter Îą=W2/W1\alpha =W_{2}/W_{1}, i.e. the ratio of the arm widths. Two effects of magnetic field on bound state energies of the electron are obtained. One is the depletion effect which purges the electron out of the OQD system. The other is to create an effective potential due to quantized Landau levels of the magnetic field. The bound state energies of the electron in L-shaped or T-shaped quantum wires are found to depend quadratically (linearly) on the magnetic field in the weak (strong) field region and are independent of the direction of the magnetic field. A simple model is proposed to explain the behavior of the magnetic dependence of the bound state energy both in weak and strong magnetic field regions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gain in a quantum wire laser of high uniformity

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    A multi-quantum wire laser operating in the 1-D ground state has been achieved in a very high uniformity structure that shows free exciton emission with unprecedented narrow width and low lasing threshold. Under optical pumping the spontaneous emission evolves from a sharp free exciton peak to a red-shifted broad band. The lasing photon energy occurs about 5 meV below the free exciton. The observed shift excludes free excitons in lasing and our results show that Coulomb interactions in the 1-D electron-hole system shift the spontaneous emission and play significant roles in laser gain.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, prepared by RevTe

    Suzaku X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy of Cassiopeia A

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    Suzaku X-ray observations of a young supernova remnant, Cassiopeia A, were carried out. K-shell transition lines from highly ionized ions of various elements were detected, including Chromium (Cr-Kalpha at 5.61 keV). The X-ray continuum spectra were modeled in the 3.4--40 keV band, summed over the entire remnant, and were fitted with a simplest combination of the thermal bremsstrahlung and the non-thermal cut-off power-law models. The spectral fits with this assumption indicate that the continuum emission is likely to be dominated by the non-thermal emission with a cut-off energy at > 1 keV. The thermal-to-nonthermal fraction of the continuum flux in the 4-10 keV band is best estimated as ~0.1. Non-thermal-dominated continuum images in the 4--14 keV band were made. The peak of the non-thermal X-rays appears at the western part. The peak position of the TeV gamma-rays measured with HEGRA and MAGIC is also shifted at the western part with the 1-sigma confidence. Since the location of the X-ray continuum emission was known to be presumably identified with the reverse shock region, the possible keV-TeV correlations give a hint that the accelerated multi-TeV hadrons in Cassiopeia A are dominated by heavy elements in the reverse shock region.Comment: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 61, pp.1217-1228 (2009
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