419 research outputs found

    Evidence of the selection of tidal streams by northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) for transport in the eastern Bering Sea

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    Depth data from archival tags on northern rock sole (Lepidopsetta polyxystra) were examined to assess whether fish used tidal currents to aid horizontal migration. Two northern rock sole, out of 115 released with archival tags in the eastern Bering Sea, were recovered 314 and 667 days after release. Both fish made periodic excursions away from the bottom during mostly night-time hours, but also during particular phases of the tide cycle. One fish that was captured and released in an area of rotary currents made vertical excursions that were correlated with tidal current direction. To test the hypothesis that the fish made vertical excursions to use tidal currents to aid migration, a hypothetical migratory path was calculated using a tide model to predict the current direction and speed during periods when the fish was off the bottom. This migration included limited movements from July through December, followed by a 200-km southern migration from January through February, then a return northward in March and April. The successful application of tidal current information to predict a horizontal migratory path not only provides evidence of selective tidal stream transport but indicates that vertical excursions were conducted primarily to assist horizontal migration

    America’s chronic ambivalence about foreign policy is rootedin its long, geographically isolated, colonial history, and in the powerful legacy of George Washington’s hostility towards “foreign entanglements”

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    President Obama’s announcement late last month that U.S. forces would begin bombing the forces of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria marked a decisive shift towards intervention for his administration. Irina Somerton argues that Obama’s indecisiveness and reluctance to pursue a more muscular Foreign Policy needs to be seen in the context of America’s deep-rooted Isolationism. She writes that this Isolationism, which began over four centuries ago, during 177 years in which the future USA was a group of British colonies, was reinforced after independence by George Washington’s warnings against “Foreign Entanglements”

    The effect of autotrawl systems on the performance of a survey trawl

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    Three aspects of a survey bottom trawl performance—1) trawl geometry (i.e., net spread, door spread, and headrope height); 2) footrope distance off-bottom; and 3) bridle distance off-bottom—were compared among hauls by using either of two autotrawl systems (equal tension and net symmetry) and hauls conducted with towing cables of equal length and locked winches. The effects of environmental conditions, vessel heave, crabbing (i.e., the difference between vessel heading and actual vessel course over ground), and bottom current on trawl performance with three trawling modes were investigated. Means and standard deviations of trawl geometry measures were not significantly different between autotrawl and locked-winch systems. Bottom trawls performed better with either autotrawl system as compared to trawling with locked winches by reducing the variance and increasing the symmetry of the footrope contact with the bottom. The equal tension autotrawl system was most effective in counteracting effects of environmental conditions on footrope bottom contact. Footrope bottom contact was most inf luenced by environmental conditions during tows with locked winches. Both of the autotrawl systems also reduced the variance and increased the symmetry of bridle bottom contact. Autotrawl systems proved to be effective in decreasing the effects of environmental factors on some aspects of trawl performance and, as a result, have the potential to reduce among-haul variance in catchability of survey trawls. Therefore, by incorporating an autotrawl system into standard survey procedures, precision of survey estimates of relative abundanc

    Infrared organic light emitting diodes using neodymium tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline)

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    Copyright 2000 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 88, 777 (2000) and may be found at

    Structural characterization of 3-dehydroquinate synthase II : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science majoring in Biochemistry at the Institute of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University, Turitea, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    Aromatic amino acids tryptophan, tyrosine and phenylalanine are derived from a common precursor, chorismate, which is produced by the seven-step shikimate pathway in plants, fungi, Bacteria and Archaea. In Archaea the shikimate pathway typically begins with the alternative substrates, L-aspartate semialdehyde and 6-deoxy-5-ketofructose-1-phosphate, and so requires different enzymes to catalyse the first two steps in the pathway compared to those used in the (common) bacterial pathway. The archaeal enzyme for the second step, 3-dehydroquinate synthase type 2 (DHQS2), catalyses the oxidative deamination of 2-amino-3, 7-dideoxy-D-threo-heptoulsonic acid (formed in step 1) followed by cyclisation to produce 3-dehydroquinate, at which point the alternative and common shikimate pathways converge. No DHQS2 structures have yet been determined, and because DHQS2 enzymes have little sequence homology with their DHSQ1 analogues, they may have a novel fold. Bioinformatic methods were used to predict the solubility, stability and likelihood of sequenced DHQS2s to form crystals, and the five highest ranked were chosen for structural studies. Methanococcus maripaludis, Desulfatibacillum alkenivorans, Methanospirillum hungatei, and Archaeoglobus veneficus DHQS2 open reading frames were amplified by PCR and cloned into a modified pETite32a(+) vector in order to produce recombinant protein with an N-terminal, a C-terminal or no His8-tag. Soluble recombinant DHQS2 proteins were produced in Escherichia coli DL41 (DE3), then purified by immobilized metal-ion affinity chromatography followed by size exclusion chromatography. C-terminally-tagged M. maripaludis DHQS2 with bound cofactor NAD+ crystallised in two conditions: (i) 1.0 M ammonium sulfate, 0.1 M Bis-Tris pH 5.5 with 1% (w/v) PEG 3350; and (ii) 0.1 M CAPS at pH 10.5 with 40% (v/v) 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol, but unfortunately the crystals were not of diffraction quality. Structure prediction using bioinformatic tools and/or far and near Circular Dichroism spectroscopy indicated that recombinant M. maripaludis DHQS2 was likely to have a secondary structure dominated by α-helices and had tertiary structure; recombinant A. veneficus was likely to have a secondary structure dominated by β-strands and had tertiary structure, while recombinant D. alkenivorans, and M. hungatei were more likely to assume a molten globule structure dominated by β-strands

    Whole-gear efficiency of a benthic survey trawl for flatfish

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    Whole-gear efficiency (the proportion of fish passing between the otter doors of a bottom trawl that are subsequently captured) was estimated from data collected during experiments to measure the herding efficiency of bridles and doors, the capture efficiency of the net, and the length of the bridles sufficiently close to the seafloor to elicit a herding response. The experiments were focused on four species of flatfish: arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), flathead sole (Hippoglossoides elassodon), rex sole (Glyptocephalus zachirus), and Dover sole (Microstomus pacificus). Whole-gear efficiency varied with fish length and reached maximum values between 40% and 50% for arrowtooth flounder, flathead sole, and rex sole. For Dover sole, however, whole-gear efficiency declined from a maximum of 33% over the length range sampled. Such efficiency estimates can be used to determine catchability, which, in turn, can be used to improve the accuracy of stock assessment models when the time series of a survey is short

    Creating A Normalized Montessori Classroom

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    The purpose of this report is to describe the findings of a study on how the implementation of the Accelerated Reader Program, use of five different management strategies, as well as the introduction of routines and rituals affects students\u27 ability to create a normalized 1st through 3rd grade Montessori classroom. The research was conducted with a lower elementary Montessori classroom within a public school setting. More than half of the students had never experienced a Montessori environment. The data collecting methods used were a summative assessment, tally sheets, field notes, attitude scale inquiries, and semi-structured conversations with the students. The results of this research indicated only a marginal increase in a positive direction toward a normalized class. A large part of the difficulty in reaching a normalized class was due to the lack of ability to concentrate on work because of noise in the classroom. The implications of this action plan include reducing extraneous distractions, increasing positive reinforcement, and teaching more time management and self-monitoring skills

    The magnetic field effect on the transport and efficiency of group III tris(8-hydroxyquinoline) organic light emitting diodes

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    Copyright 2008 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. This article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 103, 103715 (2008) and may be found at
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