594 research outputs found
Mustafa Bey of Radoviş (1843-1893): bureaucrat, journalist and deputy of Salonica to the first Ottoman parliament
This article elaborates the life and deeds of Mustafa Bey, who published the first private Ottoman-Turkish newspaper in Salonica in 1873 and was member of the first Ottoman parliament in 1877-1878. By analyzing his activities and ideas, the paper states that Mustafa Bey should be considered to belong to the Young Ottoman political generation
Avi Rubin, Ottoman Nizamiye courts: law and modernity
This article is a book review on Avi Rubin's study, titled "Ottoman Nizamiye Courts. Law and Modernity
Women's bodies, demography, and public health: abortion policy and perspectives in the Ottoman Empire of the nineteenth century
This article discusses the anti-abortion policy of the Ottoman state between 1789 and 1908, taking into account legal changes, demographic policies, new sanitary measures and proto-nationalistic agenda of the ruling elite
Commodity Chains, Unequal Exchange and Uneven Development
Research shows an uneven partition of value added along commodity chains between transnational firms and producers in developing countries. This paper briefly discusses how such a distribution occurs and how it leads to unequal exchange in trade. A North-South trade model reveals the uneven development consequences of this exchange. The terms of trade between North and South help maintain a gap in capital accumulation between the two regions. The model reveals that capital flows covering the trade deficit of the South with the North may help stimulate the unrequited transfer of real resources from South to North.Unequal exchange, development, commodity chains
Die Deutschen an der "Pforte der glückseligkeit": kulturelle und soziale begegnungen mit Istanbuler Türken zwischen 1870 und 1918 = Almanlar Dersaadet'te: 1870-1918 devresi İstanbul'unda Almanlarla Osmanlıların kültürel ve toplumsal buluşma deneyimi
This article discusses cultural and social encounters between Germans and Ottomans in Istanbul between 1870-1918. It considers the growing presence of Germans in late Ottoman Istanbul through examining contemporary publications, literary impressions, material culture, and gender relationship. The thesis is that though German political and social presence in the Ottoman capital became powerful during the reign of Abdülhamid II and the Young Turk era, German culture was never able to replace the French prestige culture cherished so much by Ottoman intellectuals
Oliver Jens Schmitt. Levantiner. Lebenswelten und Identitäten einer ethnokonfessionellen Gruppe im osmanischen Reich im "langen 19.Jahrhundert"
This article reviews a historical study authored by O.J.Schmitt. The study is on the hitherto neglected history of the Levantines, a demographic group present in major Ottoman porte towns, such as Istanbul, Izmir etc. It discusses the origins, the demographic structure, the culture as well as their economic functions within the Ottoman Empire. According to the author the Levantines, who were carrying passports of major European countries and thus were officially identified to be "Europeans", in fact should be reconsidered as a separate semi-Oriental ethnic group
Modern Muslim education in Istanbul during the Tanzimat Era
This book chapter surveys the development of state as well as private modern Muslim schools in Istanbul between 1774-1918
Osmanlı Ermenilerinde kültür modernleşmesi, cemaat okulları ve Abdülhamid rejimi
This article discusses the relationship between the Armenian community and the Ottoman administration during the reign of Abdülhamid II (1876-1908) in terms of cultural and educational developments among the Armenians. The thematic focus is on the political conditions following the Russo-Ottoman War of 1877-1878, the emerging Armenian nationalism, and the repressive measures of the Ottoman administration on Armenian schools as a means of preventing the emergence of a new generation of separatist-minded Armenians. It is argued that this tension and confrontation between the Sublime Porte and the Armenian nationalist cadre displayed the basic impossibility for the continuation of an autocratic multi-ethnic empire in the age of ethnic nationalism
1869 tarihli Maârif-i Umûmiyye Nizâmnâmesi, esbab-ı mucibe layihası ve ideolojik temelleri
This article discusses the justification text of the Regulation of Public Education of 1869. It is stated that the justification document (esbab-ı mucibe layihası)constitutes a turning point in terms of a clear break from past educational practices and an increasing secularist attitude toward schooling policies. This document, in fact, is a reflection of the Ottomanist ideals of the late Tanzimat reformist statesmen
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