7 research outputs found

    Kultur Antera, Teknik Penyelamatan Embrio dan Rekayasa Genetik untuk Menunjang Pemuliaan Tanaman Padi

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    The success of biotechnology in developed country encourage Indonesia to use it in rice breeding program. Every technick In biotechnology has advantage and it can be used to solve a problem in a certain purpose. Embryo rescue technich solved the problem of crossing with wild species. This technick may insert a gene from one organism to another through gene transformation technich. The anther culture technich been used on rice: Javonica, Javanica and indica. Generally, the percentage of callus induction and regeneration has great variation (1.8% - 40%). It was Influenced by the number and type of genome. The transformation of rice using microprojecty system using cry gene resulted 172 putative transgenic plants. Twenty five of them have been tested using moleculer technick and it showed t at the plants contained cry gea

    Rejuvenasi dan Karakterisasi Plasma Nutfah Spesies Padi Liar

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    Spesies padi liar (Oryza sp.) saat ini belum banyak dimanfaatkan dalam program pemuliaan. Spesies ini diketahui memiliki sifat-sifat penting seperti ketahanan terhadap wereng coklat, hawar daun bakteri, virus tungro, penyakit blas, dan cekaman lingkungan. Sebagian kecil dari spesies padi liar sudah digunakan sebagai sumber gen ketahanan terhadap virus tungro dan wereng coklat dalam perakitan varietas padi. Rejuvenasi dilakukan untuk memelihara viabilitas dan ketersediaan benih. Selain rejuvenasi sifat-sifat penting, juga perlu dilakukan karakterisasi. Data yang diperoleh didokumentasi dan disimpan dalam database. Balitbiogen, Bogor memiliki koleksi 18 spesies padi liar dengan 84 nomor aksesi, antara lain O. nivara, O. rufipogon, O. glumaepatula, O. glaberima, O. barthii, O. granulata, O. longiglumis, O. eichingeri, O. ridleyi, O. minuta, O. malampuzhaensis, O. punctata, O. rhizomatis, O. australiensis, O. latifolia, O. officinalis, O. alta, dan O. grandiglumis, dengan jumlah benih sangat sedikit. Ciri-ciri padi liar yang menonjol adalah mudah rontok, umumnya berbulu, dan memiliki sifat dormansi yang lama. Spesies padi liar kompleks officinalis umumnya sangat mudah rontok, ukuran gabah kecil, bobot 1000 butir rata-rata <10 g, gabah berwarna abu-abu kehitaman, aleuron berwarna merah, tanaman umumnya tinggi, dan dapat diratun. Kompleks O. sativa umumnya memiliki gabah lebih besar dengan bobot 1000 butir rata-rata 10-24 g, warna gabah abu-abu kehitaman hingga kuning, sebagian cere, tingkat kerontokan sedang hingga tinggi. Benih hasil rejuvenasi disimpan di ruang penyimpanan dengan suhu +10oC

    Regenerasi Tanaman Pada Kultur Antera Beberapa Aksesi Padi Indica Toleran Aluminium

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    Anther culture provides the quick route in obtaining pure lines in a single generation from either green haploid plant that may be artificially or spontaneously doubled. Indica rice known as recalcitrant genotype because of its difficulty in regenerating sufficient number of green plantlets among the regenerated plants through anther culture. Whilst, research on studying anther culture ability has to be done to assure the success of rice breeding through anther culture. The objective of this research was to determine regeneration ability of five accessions of indica rice tolerance to aluminum through application of putrescine in anther culture. Completely randomized design with 15 replications was used in this research. Treatments consisted of five accessions of aluminum tolerance indica rice, ie. CT6510-24-1-3, Grogol, Hawara Bunar, Krowal, and Sigundil. Callus induction medium based on N6 medium + 10-3 M putrescine, while regeneration medium based on MS + 10-3 M putrescine. The results indicated that culture ability is controlled by the genotype. From this research, Grogol, Krowal and Sigundil were selected as accessions having good rice anther culture ability, and therefore can be used as parents for developing new rice varieties tolerance to aluminum through anther culture

    Respon Genotipe Padi Gogo Terhadap Defisiensi P

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    Insufficient P is a limiting factor for rice production. Tolerant varieties to deficiency P are very important to solve the problem. The objective of the experiment was to evaluate rice genotypes to P deficiency and its interaction to Al toxicity. The experiment was conducted at the green house of ICABIOGRAD (Indonesian Center for Agricultural Biotechnology and Genetic Resources Research and Development) in WS 2006, using Yoshida solution. Molecular analysis was conducted in 2010 to observe the effectiveness of gene Pup1 segment in upland rice varieties to be compared with Kasalath tolerance variety from India. Plastic box of 10 ltr, containing solution as media was used in the experiment. The treatments were arranged in a split-split plot design with three replications. Treatments were two levels of Aluminum (0 and 45 ppm Al) as a main plot, and 4 levels application of P fertilizer (0, 0.5, 5.0, and 10 ppm P) as sub plots, and sixteen upland rice genotypes as sub-sub plots. Results showed that there were interactions between P, Al treatments and genotypes to characters which were observed. Application of P up to 10 ppm P increased plant height, number of tillers, shoot dry weight, and root dry weight significantly, but not for root length. The effects of aluminum were decreasing in plant height, shoot and root dry weight and root length significantly, but not for number of tillers. Evaluation of tiller number for P deficiency treatment showed three cultivars were tolerant to P deficiency, namely: Way Rarem, Limboto and Sentani, and five genotypes were moderately tolerant: Way Rarem, Jatiluhur, Sentani, K36-5-1-1, Limboto, dan NIL-C443. Genotypes indicated tolerant to both Al toxicity and P deficiency, were Way Rarem, Jatiluhur, Sentani, K36-5-1-1, Limboto, dan NIL-C443. There were no correlation between rice tolerance to P deficiency with rice tolerance to aluminum toxicity. Molecular analysis using Pup1 specifik primers showed fully Pup1 segment on NIL-C443, K36-5-1-1, Jatiluhur, Limboto, Silugonggo, Way Rarem and those genotypes showed tolerance or moderately a tolerant to P deficiency, except for Silugonggo

    Pembentukan Genotipe Padi Berumur Sangat Genjah Melalui Kultur Antera

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    Development of Very Early Maturing Rice Genotypes through Anther Culture. Iswari S. Dewi, A. Dinar Ambarwati, Aniversari Apriana, Atmitri Sisharmini, Ida H. Somantri, Bambang Suprihatno, and Iman Ridwan. Rice is the most important food crop in Indonesia. Increase in production is needed due to population increase. Rice production in rainfed area is contributed the second after irrigated area. Rainfed condition requiring very early maturity (90-104 days) varieties. Rice anther culture can be applied to accelerate obtainment of doubled haploids (DHs) or pure lines needed in rice breeding. The experiment was aimed to obtain pure lines for developing very early maturing and high yielding rice varieties. Materials used for anther culture were F1s of Fatmawati/Kinamase, Inpari 1/Kinamase, Fatmawati/ Waseaikoku, Inpari 1/Waseaikoku, Fatmawati/IR71146, Inpari 1/IR71146, OM4495/Silugonggo, IR7146/Dodokan, and IR71730/OM1490. Anther culture media were N6 + NAA 2,0 mg/l + kinetin 0,5 mg/l for callus induction, MS+ NAA 0,5 mg/l + kinetin 2,0 mg/l for plantlet regeneration, and MS + 0,5 mg/l IBA for rooting. Putrescine 10-3 M was added to callus induction and regeneration media. The results shown that calli forming green plantlet (CFGP) were ranged from 0.25 to 83.33%. Fatmawati/Kinamase gave the highest CFGP (245 calli), followed by Inpari 1/Kinamase (78 calli) and Fatmawati/ Waseaikoku (68 calli). Total green plantlets obtained were 2.038 plantlets. After plantlet acclimatization and greenhouse grow-out, we obtained 507 DHs. The evaluation of 100 DHs at farmer field (Ciranjang District in Cianjur), based on their 50% heading date of 65 days, resulted in 33 lines cathegorized as very early maturing lines (+100 days). They were 18 lines from Fatmawati/Kinamase, 5 lines from Inpari 1/Kinamase, 8 lines from Fatmawati/Waseaikoku, and 2 lines from Inpari 1/ Waseaikoku