15 research outputs found

    Achieving Starvation-Freedom with Greater Concurrency in Multi-Version Object-based Transactional Memory Systems

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    To utilize the multi-core processors properly concurrent programming is needed. Concurrency control is the main challenge while designing a correct and efficient concurrent program. Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) provides ease of multithreading to the programmer without worrying about concurrency issues such as deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, etc. Most of the STMs works on read-write operations known as RWSTMs. Some STMs work at high-level operations and ensure greater concurrency than RWSTMs. Such STMs are known as Object-Based STMs (OSTMs). The transactions of OSTMs can return commit or abort. Aborted OSTMs transactions retry. But in the current setting of OSTMs, transactions may starve. So, we proposed a Starvation-Free OSTM (SF-OSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom in object based STM systems while satisfying the correctness criteria as co-opacity. Databases, RWSTMs and OSTMs say that maintaining multiple versions corresponding to each key of transaction reduces the number of aborts and improves the throughput. So, to achieve greater concurrency, we proposed Starvation-Free Multi-Version OSTM (SF-MVOSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom while storing multiple versions corresponding to each key and satisfies the correctness criteria such as local opacity. To show the performance benefits, We implemented three variants of SF-MVOSTM (SF-MVOSTM, SF-MVOSTM-GC and SF-KOSTM) and compared it with state-of-the-art STMs.Comment: 68 pages, 24 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1709.0103

    Efficient Concurrent Execution of Smart Contracts in Blockchains using Object-based Transactional Memory

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    This paper proposes an efficient framework to execute Smart Contract Transactions (SCTs) concurrently based on object semantics, using optimistic Single-Version Object-based Software Transactional Memory Systems (SVOSTMs) and Multi-Version OSTMs (MVOSTMs). In our framework, a multi-threaded miner constructs a Block Graph (BG), capturing the object-conflicts relations between SCTs, and stores it in the block. Later, validators re-execute the same SCTs concurrently and deterministically relying on this BG. A malicious miner can modify the BG to harm the blockchain, e.g., to cause double-spending. To identify malicious miners, we propose Smart Multi-threaded Validator (SMV). Experimental analysis shows that the proposed multi-threaded miner and validator achieve significant performance gains over state-of-the-art SCT execution framework.Comment: 49 pages, 26 figures, 11 table

    Efficient means of Achieving Composability using Transactional Memory

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    A major focus of software transaction memory systems (STMs) has been to felicitate the multiprocessor programming and provide parallel programmers an abstraction for speedy and efficient development of parallel applications. To this end, different models for incorporating object/higher level semantics into STM have recently been proposed in transactional boosting, transactional data structure library, open nested transactions and abstract nested transactions. We build an alternative object model STM (OSTM) by adopting the transactional tree model of Weikum et al. originally given for databases and extend the current work by proposing comprehensive legality definitions and conflict notion which allows efficient composability of \otm{}. We first time show the proposed OSTM to be co-opacity. We build OSTM using chained hash table data structure. Lazyskip-list is used to implement chaining using lazy approach. We notice that major concurrency hotspot is the chaining data structure within the hash table. Lazyskip-list is time efficient compared to lists in terms of traversal overhead by average case O(log(n)). We optimise lookups as they are validated at the instant they execute and they have not validated again in commit phase. This allows lookup dominated transactions to be more efficient and at the same time co-opacity

    An Efficient Approach to Achieve Compositionality using Optimized Multi-Version Object Based Transactional Systems

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    In the modern era of multi-core systems, the main aim is to utilize the cores properly. This utilization can be done by concurrent programming. But developing a flawless and well-organized concurrent program is difficult. Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) are a convenient programming interface which assist the programmer to access the shared memory concurrently without worrying about consistency issues such as priority-inversion, deadlock, livelock, etc. Another important feature that STMs facilitate is compositionality of concurrent programs with great ease. It composes different concurrent operations in a single atomic unit by encapsulating them in a transaction. Many STMs available in the literature execute read/write primitive operations on memory buffers. We represent them as Read-Write STMs or RWSTMs. Whereas, there exist some STMs (transactional boosting and its variants) which work on higher level operations such as insert, delete, lookup, etc. on a hash-table. We refer these STMs as Object Based STMs or OSTMs. The literature of databases and RWSTMs say that maintaining multiple versions ensures greater concurrency. This motivates us to maintain multiple version at higher level with object semantics and achieves greater concurrency. So, this paper pro-poses the notion of Optimized Multi-version Object Based STMs or OPT-MVOSTMs which encapsulates the idea of multiple versions in OSTMs to harness the greater concurrency efficiently

    Obtaining Progress Guarantee and GreaterConcurrency in Multi-Version Object Semantics

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    Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) provides ease of multithreading to the programmer withoutworrying about concurrency issues such as deadlock, livelock, priority inversion, etc. Most of the STMs workson read-write operations known as RWSTMs. Some STMs work at high-level operations and ensure greaterconcurrency than RWSTMs. Such STMs are known as Object-Based STMs (OSTMs). The transactions of OSTMscan return commit or abort. Aborted OSTMs transactions retry. But in the current setting of OSTMs, transactionsmay starve. So, we proposed a Starvation-Free OSTM (SF-OSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom whilesatisfying the correctness criteria as opacity.Databases, RWSTMs and OSTMs say that maintaining multiple versions corresponding to each key reduces thenumber of aborts and improves the throughput. So, to achieve the greater concurrency, we proposed Starvation-Free Multi-Version OSTM (SF-MVOSTM) which ensures starvation-freedom while storing multiple versioncorresponding to each key and satisfies the correctness criteria as local opacity. To show the performance benefits,We implemented three variants of SF-MVOSTM and compare its performance with state-of-the-art STM

    Design and Implementation of Efficient Techniques to Achieve Compositionality using Object-based Software Transactional Memory Systems

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    The rise of multi-core systems has necessitated the need for concurrent programming. However, developing correct, efficient concurrent programs is notoriously difficult. Software Transactional Memory systems (STMs) are a convenient programming interface for a programmer to access shared memory without worrying about concurrency issues such as priority-inversion, deadlock, livelock, etc. Another advantage of STMs is that they facilitate compositionality of concurrent programs with great ease. Different concurrent operations that need to be composed to form a single atomic unit is achieved by encapsulating them in a single transaction (a piece of code). Most of the STMs proposed in the literature are based on read/write primitive operations on memory buffers. We represent them as Read-Write STMs (RWSTMs). These read/write primitives result in unnecessary aborts. Instead, semantically rich higher-level methods such as hash table lookup, insert or delete, etc. aid in ignoring unimportant lower-level read/write conflicts and allow better concurrency. We call them Object-based STMs (OSTMs). In this thesis, we adapt the transaction tree model from databases to propose OSTM which enables efficient composition. We extend the traditional notion of conflicts and legality to higher-level methods using STMs and lay down detailed correctness proof to show that it is conflict-opacity or co-opaque. We implemented an efficient OSTM for two Concurrent Data Structures (CDS), hash table and list as HT-OSTM and list-OSTM respectively. Both the OSTMs export the higher-level operations as transaction interface but it is generic to other data structures as well. Experimental analysis of HT-OSTM outperforms state-of-the-art hash table based STMs (ESTM, RWSTM) by a factor of 3.8, 2.2 for lookup intensive workload (70% lookup, 10% insert, 20% delete) and by a factor of 6.7, 5.3 for update intensive workload (50% lookup, 25% insert, 25% delete) respectively. Similarly, list-OSTM outperforms state-of-the-art list based STMs, Trans-list, NOrec-list, and Boostinglist by a factor of 1.76, 1.89, 1.33 for lookup intensive workload and by a factor of 1.77, 1.77, 2.54 for update intensive workload respectively. Along with this, HT-OSTM and list-OSTM incurred negligible aborts as compared to state-of-the-art STMs considered in this thesis. It has been shown in the literature of databases and RWSTMs that storing multiple versions corresponding to each key provides greater concurrency. So, to achieve greater concurrency than OSTM, we combine multiple versions with object semantics idea for harnessing greater concurrency in STMs. We propose the new and efficient notion of Multi-Version Object-based STMs or MVOSTMs. Specifically, we introduce and implement MVOSTM for two efficient CDS, hash table and list object, represented as HT-MVOSTM and list-MVOSTM respectively but it is generic for other data structures as well. Initially, HT-MVOSTM and list-MVOSTM use an unbounded number of versions for each key that suffers from memory consumption. To address this issue, we developed two variants for both hash table and list data structures: (1) A Garbage Collection (GC) method in MVOSTM to delete the unwanted versions of a key, denoted as MVOSTM-GC . (2) Finite version MVOSTM (or KOSTM ) which maintains at most K-versions corresponding to each key by replacing the oldest version when (K + 1)th version is created by the current transaction. Experimental results show that hash table based KOSTM (HT-KOSTM) performs best among its variants (HT-MVOSTM and HT-MVOSTM-GC) and outperforms state-of-the-art hash table based STMs (HT-OSTM proposed by us, ESTM, RWSTM, HT-MVTO, HT-KSTM) by a factor of 3.5, 3.8, 3.1, 2.6, 1.8 for workload W1 (90% lookup, 5% insert, and 5% delete), by a factor of 1.4, 3, 4.85, 10.1, 7.8 for workload W2 (50% lookup, 25% insert, and 25% delete), and by a factor of 2, 4.25, 19, 69, 59 for workload W3 (10% lookup, 45% insert, and 45% delete) respectively. Similarly, list based KOSTM (list-KOSTM) performs best among its variants (listMVOSTM and list-MVOSTM-GC) and outperforms state-of-the-art list based STMs (list-OSTM proposed by us, Trans-list, Boosting-list, NOrec-list, list-MVTO, listKSTM) by a factor of 2.2, 20, 22, 24, 12, 6 for workload W1, by a factor of 1.58, 20.9, 25.9, 29.4, 26.8, 19.68 for workload W2, and by a factor of 2, 35, 41, 47, 148, 112 for workload W3 respectively. We proved that MVOSTM s satisfy opacity and ensure that the transaction with lookup only methods does not abort if unbounded versions are used. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore the idea of using multiple versions in OSTMs to achieve greater concurrency. To the MVOSTMs explained above, we performed a few more optimizations to harness greater concurrency further. We proposed the notion of Optimized MultiVersion OSTMs (OPT-MVOSTMs). We propose the OPT-MVOSTMs for two efficient CDS, hash table and list objects as OPT-HT-MVOSTM and OPT-list-MVOSTM respectively but it is generic for other data structures as well. For memory utilization, we propose two variants of both the algorithms as OPT-HT-MVOSTM-GC (garbage collection on unwanted versions), OPT-HT-KOSTM (finite K-versions) and OPTlist-MVOSTM-GC , OPT-list-KOSTM . Experimental analysis shows that OPT-HT-KOSTM performs best among its variants (OPT-HT-MVOSTM and OPT-HT-MVOSTM-GC) and outperforms all the state-of-the-art hash table based STMs (HT-KOSTM proposed by us, HT-OSTM proposed by us, ESTM, RWSTM, HT-MVTO, HT-KSTM) by a factor of 1.05, 3.62, 3.95, 3.44, 2.75, 1.85 for workload W1, by a factor of 1.07, 1.44, 3.36, 5.45, 10.84, 8.42 for workload W2, and by a factor of 1.07, 2.11, 5.1, 19.8, 70.3, 60.23 for workload W3 respectively. Similarly, OPT-list-KOSTM performs best among its variants (OPT-list-MVOSTM and OPT-list-MVOSTM-GC) and outperforms state-of-the-art list based STMs (listKOSTM proposed by us, list-OSTM proposed by us, Trans-list, Boosting-list, NOreclist, list-MVTO, list-KSTM) by a factor of 1.2, 2.56, 25.38, 23.57, 27.44, 13.1, 6.8 for W1, by a factor of 1.12, 2.11, 21.54, 26.27, 30.1, 27.89, 20.1 for W2, and by a factor of 1.11, 2.91, 36.1, 42.2, 48.89, 149.92, 114.89 for W3 respectively. We rigorously proved that OPT-MVOSTM s satisfy opacity. In this thesis, we proposed multiple Object-based STM systems (OSTM, MVOSTM, OPT-MVOSTM). We proved that all the proposed OSTMs satisfy the popular correctness criteria as opacity. Experimental evaluation shows that all the proposed OSTMs achieved significant performance gain while reducing the number of aborts as compare to state-of-the-art STMs