11 research outputs found

    Preliminary observations on the nursery management of post larvae of Penaeus monodon

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    Post larvae of tiger prawn (Penaeus monodon) of the size 10-12 mm were stocked at the rate of 10 lakhs/ha in a manured cement nursary pond which was initially fertilized with chemical manures. Water exchange was attended once in a week. Artificial feeding was given in the form of minced clam meat. After a month, the pond was harvested. The juveniles which have grown to 40-46 mm size were recovered. The percentage of survival from post larvae to juveniles was 85.45%

    Rearing of major carp spawn at high stocking density under air lift water circulation system

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    The present studies are aimed to achieve a high survival rate of carp spawn to fry stage under Air Lift Water Circulation system at high stocking density. Three experiments using Labeo rohita and Cirrhinus mrigala were conducted in one cement tank of 50 sq.m. area. The results showed a survival rate ranging from 90.5 to 95.2% at stocking density of 20 to 25 million/ha. By this technique it is possible to rear high number of spawn in limited area with high rate of survival up to fry stage

    A note on mass mortality of fish in Shivpur Talab (Madhya Pradesh)

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    Shivpur Talab is a perennial tank in Hoshangabad district (Madhya Pradesh) having a maximum water spread of 4 ha. It is rainfed and also draws water from a close by Tawa canal. On 21st May 1985 heavy mortality of fish was noticed in the tank. The talab was stocked with fingerlings Catla catla, Cyprinus carpio and Labeo rohita approximately one year before the date of mortality. Scientific investigation revealed that mass mortality of fish occurred due to reduction in water area of the tank which in turn brought out oxygen depletion. The paper deals with the factors which brought about mass mortality of fish in Shivpur Talab

    Intergeneric catla - rohu hybrids: F2 generation

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    Intergeneric catla-rohu hybrids were bred through hypophysation and about 5.25 lakh spawn of F2 generations were produced. The rate of survival from fertilized eggs to spawn ranged from 62.5 to 96.4% at 26-30 degree C

    Preliminary observations on the availability of Tor tor (Hamilton) fry in the River Narmada near Hoshangabad, Madhya Pradesh

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    Collection of mahseer (Tor tor) fry during December to January from three centres of the river Narmada near Hoshangabad, (Joshipur ghat, Dungerwada ghat and Kherra ghat) using a special type of fry collection net is described. The physical features and physico-chemical conditions of the collection sites are also dealt with

    A note on the culture of Chanos chanos (Forskal) at Brackishwater Fish Farm, Kaninada

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    The culture of Chanos chanos to marketable size within a three months period, is described. Procedures involved include phased manuring coupled with proper water management to keep up enhanced primary productivity. Results show that, under monoculture, with low-input technology it is possible to produce 3,000 kg fish per hectare per year

    A note on the use of ground water for successful breeding of common carps in extremely cold climate

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    Common carps are known for prolific breeding habits but they generally do not breed in water with temperature value less than 20 degree C. During winter months of 1985 when the temperature ranged from 15.5-20.5 degree C, the common carps were successfully bred by using ground water having temperature of 25-26 degree C and the results are discussed

    Aberration compensation using nematic liquid crystals

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    Transnational education in schools, universities, and beyond: Definitions and research areas

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    The article is directed to theorizing Transnational Education (TNE). This entails definitions of what is meant by transnational and by education. It also focuses a variety of social realities which might be classified as TNE. The main aim of the article is to sharpen TNE as an analytical concept and at the same time broaden the horizon on the range of actors who are involved in TNE within different sectors of education epitomized as schools, universities, and beyond. It is posited that for research it is not only essential to have a clear view of what is considered as transnational, but also to take into account which sectors of education shall be addressed. This leads to questions of legitimacy and governance, because: who defines, controls, and regulates TNE? Here the theoretical crushing point is the relation of TNE to the sovereignty principle of national education policy. In the first part of the article TNE is defined and conceptualized, whereas in the second part the three TNE research areas announced in the title are characterized. (DIPF/Orig.)Im Aufsatz wird das Konzept Transnationale Erziehung und Bildung in seinen theoretischen Dimensionen mitsamt einigen empirischen Befunden diskutiert. Hierzu wird der Begriff transnational definiert; ferner wird erläutert, was unter dem im internationalen Diskurs geläufigen englischen Begriff Education verstanden wird, der in etwa als Pendant eines deutschen Doppelbegriffs Erziehung-und-Bildung gelten kann. Anschließend werden soziale Realitäten angeführt, die als Transnational Education – TNE klassifiziert werden können. Der Beitrag will einerseits TNE als analytisches Konzept schärfen, und andererseits die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Bandbreite der Akteure richten, die in TNE involviert sind. Hierbei werden Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Bildungssektoren präsentiert, zusammengefasst unter Schulen, Universitäten und transnationale Bildungsangebote jenseits davon. Die Autorin postuliert, es sei in der Erforschung von TNE nicht nur unerlässlich, einen präzisen Begriff von transnational anzulegen, sondern dabei auch nach Bildungssektoren zu differenzieren, da diese mit unterschiedlichen Formen von Legitimation und Governance verbunden sind, greifbar in der Frage: Wer definiert, kontrolliert und reguliert TNE in den jeweiligen Bildungssektoren? Der theoretische Knackpunkt liegt dabei im Verhältnis von TNE zum Prinzip der nationalen Bildungssouveränität. In Teil I des Aufsatzes stehen Definitionen und Konzepte von TNE im Vordergrund, während in Teil II Befunde zu TNE in den drei genannten Bildungssektoren charakterisiert werden. (Autorin