20 research outputs found

    Database including spatial data on ecosystem services and (anthropogenic) pressures

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    The Baltic Sea Atlas (http://bio-50.io-warnemuende.de/iowbsa/index.php) was implemented to storeand share marine spatial planning data and datasets from the BONUS BASMATI project. Data areused in the project’s case studies. Additional datasets were included to provide examples on whatkind of data can be used in marine spatial planning to account for ecosystem services. Datacategories, data properties and metadata information follow the recommendations of Deliverable 3.1.The Baltic Sea Atlas is based on the open source webGIS framework kvwmap. The application ishosted at the Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemünde, Germany and connected to themetadata portal of the institute. The application provides simple visualisation including basicoperation tools. The access via login and password allows data sharing with the project partners andother interested users, while ensuring basic licence agreements.</p

    Setting the scene for a multi-map toolset supporting maritime spatial planning by mapping relative cumulative impacts on ecosystem service supply

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    The aim of this paper is to provide the foundations for the development of a spatial decision-support toolset that combines cumulative impacts and ecosystem service supply assessments to support what-if scenario analysis in a maritime spatial planning context. Specifically, a conceptual framework for a toolset has been designed in order to introduce a new approach for place-based assessments of change in relative ecosystem service supply in multiple services at a time due to changes in cumulative impacts. Central to the toolset are two pre-existing approaches for relative ecosystem service supply and cumulative impact assessments and tools that facilitate them. The tools take advantage of available data from various sources, including geodata and expert knowledge, and have already been proven to support maritime spatial planning in a real-world context. To test the new approach and demonstrate the outputs, an ecosystem service supply assessment was done manually using the two currently separate tools. The results of the test case ecosystem service supply assessment for the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea are also presented in this paper and illustrate the assessment steps and data needs. Although presently the focus of the illustrative assessment is the Gulf of Riga, the toolset will be able to accommodate analysis of cumulative impacts and service supply of any location, leaving the scope of the assessment to be determined by the objectives of the assessment as well as data availability (i.e., geospatial data availability and extent of expert knowledge)

    Considerations of Use-Use Interactions between Macroalgae Cultivation and Other Maritime Sectors:An eastern baltic msp case study

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    With the blue economic sectors growing, marine macroalgae cultivation plays an important role in securing food and energy supplies, as well as better water quality in sustainable ways, whether alone or as part of a cluster solution to mitigate the effects of fish farming. While macroalgae cultivation exists in Europe, it is not that widely distributed yet; with increasing marine activities at sea, Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) needs to ensure social recognition as well as social and spatial representation for such a new marine activity. This comparative case study analysis of MSPs of three eastern Baltic Sea countries explores the levels of support for the development of macroalgae cultivation in MSP and the degree of co-location options for this new and increasingly important sector. It presents new analytical ways of incorporating co-location considerations into the concept of social sustainability. The results of this study support the harmonisation of views on co-location, propose ways of using space to benefit multiple users as well as marine ecosystems, and highlight some of the key social challenges and enablers for this sector

    BONUS BASMATI Thematic Scoping/Vision Document: report outlining the main conflict and potential synergy areas in crossborder MSP. Deliverable 2.2

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    Addressing conflicts between marine interests and finding workable solutions that can facilitate synergies between stakeholders is an important task of spatial planning both onshore and in the sea. A general assumption among many experts in marine/maritime spatial planning (MSP) is that promoting synergies and coexistence can enhance spatial efficiency of marine uses and possibly result in a more sustainable use of marine resources. However, in order to promote cooperation, one needs to first establish a better understanding of the crucial components of conflictive and synergetic planning situations and important definitions related to this. This scoping report examines conceptualisations and analytical perspectives on work with conflicts and synergies in MSP in relation to the case studies of the BONUS BASMATI project. The theme of conflicts and synergies is rather topical, not least in connection with attempts of the EU and other actors to promote growth in the blue economic sector and keep related environmental impacts low. MSP is seen as an important tool or approach to promote and achieve these goals (European Commission 2008; European Commission 2009; European Commission 2012). Chapter 1 provides introductory reflections on conflicts and synergies in marine spatial planning using both an analytical narrative complemented with examples from conflict theory. The aim is to provide the reader with an easily understandable introduction into relevant terms used and important issues to be considered when working with conflicts and synergies in MSP. These include interests, stakeholders, institutional frameworks, rules, systems and practices, space and geography, knowledge and technologies, conflict-synergies in a broader context. The chapter concludes with an analysis of conflict analysis and management literature and a discussion on the potential role of conflict management in MSP. Chapter 2 provides examples of conflicts and obstacles that have emerged in a Baltic Sea Region (BSR) context and how, through people, planning processes, projects and institutions synergies have been developed. The chapter focuses on 1) Conflicts of interest: Marine use related conflicts / obstacles and synergies, 2) Institutional cross-border conflicts / obstacles and synergies, 3) Process related conflicts / obstacles and synergies, 4) Knowledge and data related conflicts / obstacles and synergies, 5) Other types of obstacles that are context related. Chapter 3 zooms in on the three BONUS BASMATI case studies and highlights emerging and potential conflicts and synergies within the case study areas. It also suggests potential synergies and solutions for overcoming challenges that can be addressed in the case studies and during the lifetime of the project.</p

    Mezozooplanktona struktūra un funkcionālā loma Baltijas jūras piekrastes ekosistēmā

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    ANOTACIJA Mezozooplanktona struktura un funkcionala loma Baltijas juras piekrastes ekosistema Solvita Strake Zooplanktonam ir „atslegas” loma pelagiskaja bariba kede nodrošinot organisko vielu apriti starp fotosintezejošu vienšunas algi un augstakajiem trofiskas kedes limeniem ka, piemeram, komercialajai zvejai svarigakajam pelagisko zivju sugam. Lai gan atseviškos Baltijas juras rajonos tiek veikti ilggadigi zooplanktona noverojumi un analizetas datu rindas, tradicionalie monitoringa noverojumi neatbild uz daudziem ar zooplanktona ekologiju saistitiem jautajumiem. Darba merkis ir noskaidrot maz petitus Baltijas juras mezozooplanktona ekologijas jautajumus, lai izprastu ta lomu ekosistemas funkcionešana. Petijuma dala par mezozooplanktona sugu sastavu, telpisko sadalijumu un sezonalo dinamiku Rigas lica litorala zona (1 m dziluma) tika noskaidrots, ka mezozooplanktona sugu sastavu Rigas lica sekludens zona veido saldudens un sajudens sugu kompleksi. Petijuma perioda laika ipaši izdalas rajons pret Salacgrivu, kur augstas skaita un biomasas vertibas sasniedz saldudens virpotaju sugas Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus quadridentatus, Euchlanis dilatata, Notholca acuminata, Notholca sp. un rajons pret Mersragu, kur atseviškos periodos mezozooplanktona cenoze domine saldudens sugu komplekss un sugu daudzveidiba ir lielaka ka parejos Rigas lica sekludens rajonos. Mezozooplanktona cenozes struktura vasaras sezona Rigas lica litorales zonas austrumdala ir laika un telpa neviendabigaka salidzinot ar rietumu dalu. Petijuma dala par invazivas mezozooplanktona sugas Cercopagis pengoi iegutie rezultati rada, ka Rigas lici tas veido stabilu populaciju ar skaita un biomasas maksimumiem vasaras sezona. Cercopagis pengoi populacijas struktura udens slani nav viendabiga – virseja siltaja udens slani lidz pat 92% no Cercopagis pengoi populacijas skaita veido juvenilie ipatni, bet palielinoties dzilumam populacija palielinas pieaugušo ipatnu proporcija. Augstakas skaita un biomasas vertibas Cercopagis pengoi sasniedz seklajos piekrastes udenos iespejams, ka rezultata radot butisku ietekmi uz baribas kedes strukturu. Eksperimentalais darbs ar toksisko cianobakteriju Microcystia aeruginosa un Nodularia spumigena ietekmi uz dominejošo Baltijas juras airkajvežu Eurytemora affinis un Acartia bifilosa olu produkciju un izdzivotibu rada, ka Eurytemora affinis un Acartia bifilosa spej producet olas un izdzivot toksisko cianobakteriju klatbutne, lai ari to izdzivotibas spejas ir mazakas ka apstaklos, kad bariba pieejams netoksisks fitoplanktons Lai izprastu mezozooplanktona lomu vielu biogeokimiskaja aprite Baltijas jura, tika veikts eksperimentals darbs lai noskaidrotu, ka dažadas baribas dietas ietekme airkajvežu fekalo kapsulu veidošanos, grimšanu un bakterialo degradaciju. Rezultati rada, ka barojoties ar nanoflagellatiem Rhodomonas salina un kramalgem Skeletonema costatum, tikai vienu trešo dalu airkajveža Acartia tonsa ekskrementu veido fekalas kapsulas, savukart atlikušo dalu veido amorfi izdalijumi.ANNOTATION Mesozooplankton structure and functional role in the Baltic Sea coastal ecosystem Solvita Strake Zooplankton occupies a key position in the pelagic food web as it transfers the organic energy unicellular algae produce by photosynthesis to higher trophic levels such as pelagic fish exploitable by man. Although long-term zooplankton monitoring programmes are carried out in several regions of the Baltic Sea, their results do not answer numerous questions connected to zooplankton ecology. This study therefore focuses on Baltic Sea mesozooplankton ecology to understand its functional role in the ecosystem. Analysis of mesozooplankton species composition, spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics in the Gulf of Riga littoral zone (1 m depth) shows that mesozooplankton species composition consists of freshwater and brackish water species. Especially in two of the coastal areas studied freshwater species are important. In Salacgriva the freshwater rotifer species Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus quadridentatus, Euchlanis dilatata, Notholca acuminata, and Notholca sp. reach high biomass and abundance, while in Mersrags, where freshwater species occasionally dominate the mesozooplankton community, species diversity is higher than in the adjacent shallow areas of the Gulf of Riga. Generally the summer mesozooplankton community structure is more homogenous in time and space at the Eastern coast of the Gulf than at the Western coast. Research on the invasive cladoceran species Cercopagis pengoi shows that it forms a permanent population in the Gulf of Riga with maximum abundance and biomass values in the summer season. The population structure of Cercopagis pengoi was not uniform throughout the water column – in the upper layer 92 % of the Cercopagis pengoi population consists of juveniles, while in the deeper part of the water column the proportion of adults became more significant. Highest values of abundance and biomass Cercopagis pengoi reaches in shallow coastal waters where it can significantly modify the food web structure. Experiments on the effect of the toxic cyanobacteria Microcytis aeruginosa and Nodularia spumigena on the survival and reproductive success of the dominant Baltic sea copepod species, Eurytemora affinis and Acartia bifilosa, demonstrate that copepods are able to survive and produce eggs in the presence of toxic cyanobacteria, although their survival rates are lower than with non-toxic phytoplankton available in the food. To understand the role of mesozooplankton for the biogeochemical cycle in the Baltic Sea laboratory experiments were performed to investigate, how different unialgal diets affect the egestion, degradation and sinking of copepod fecal material. Fecal pellets comprise only one third of the total feces loss when copepods feed on the nanoflagellate Rhodomonas salina and the diatom Skeletonema costatum. The pellets have approximately ten times higher sinking rates than amorphous fecal material

    Promocijas darbs – publikāciju kopsavilkums

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    Zooplanktonam ir „atslēgas” loma pelaģiskajā barības ķēdē nodrošinot organisko vielu apriti starp fotosintezējošu vienšūnas aļģi un augstākajiem trofiskas ķēdes līmeņiem kā, piemēram, komerciālajai zvejai svarīgākajam pelaģisko zivju sugām. Lai gan atsevišķos Baltijas jūras rajonos tiek veikti ilggadīgi zooplanktona novērojumi un analizētas datu rindas, tradicionālie monitoringa novērojumi neatbild uz daudziem ar zooplanktona ekoloģiju saistītiem jautājumiem. Darba mērķis ir noskaidrot maz pētītus Baltijas jūras mezozooplanktona ekoloģijas jautājumus, lai izprastu tā lomu ekosistēmas funkcionēšanā. Pētījuma daļa par mezozooplanktona sugu sastāvu, telpisko sadalījumu un sezonālo dinamiku Rīgas līča litorālā zonā (1 m dzilumā) tika noskaidrots, ka mezozooplanktona sugu sastāvu Rīgas līča seklūdens zona veido saldūdens un sajūdens sugu kompleksi. Pētīuma perioda laika īpaši izdalās rajons pret Salacgrīvu, kur augstas skaita un biomasas vērtības sasniedz saldūdens virpotāju sugas Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus quadridentatus, Euchlanis dilatata, Notholca acuminata, Notholca sp. un rajons pret Mērsragu, kur atsevišķos periodos mezozooplanktona cenoze dominā saldūdens sugu komplekss un sugu daudzveidība ir lielāka kā pārējos Rīgas līča seklūdens rajonos. Mezozooplanktona cenozes struktūra vasaras sezonā Rīgas līča litorales zonas austrumdaļā ir laikā un telpā neviendabīgāka, salīdzinot ar rietumu daļu. Pētījuma daļā par invāzīvās mezozooplanktona sugas Cercopagis pengoi iegātie rezultāti rāda, ka Rīgas līcī tās veido stabīlu populāciju ar skaita un biomasas maksimumiem vasaras sezonā. Cercopagis pengoi populācijas struktura ūdens slānī nav viendabīga – virsējā siltajā ūdens slānī līdz pat 92% no Cercopagis pengoi populācijas skaita veido juvenilie īpatņi, bet palielinoties dziļumam populācija palielinās pieaugušo īpatņu proporcija. Augstākās skaita un biomasas vērtības Cercopagis pengoi sasniedz seklajos piekrastes ūdeņos iespējams, ka rezultātā radot būtisku ietekmi uz barības ķēdes strukturu. Eksperimentālais darbs ar toksisko cianobakteriju Microcystia aeruginosa un Nodularia spumigena ietekmi uz dominējošo Baltijas jūras airkājvēžu Eurytemora affinis un Acartia bifilosa olu produkciju un izdzīvotību rāda, ka Eurytemora affinis un Acartia bifilosa spēj producēt olas un izdzīvot toksisko cianobakteriju klātbūtnē, lai arī to izdzīvotības spējas ir mazākas kā apstākļos, kad barībā pieejams netoksisks fitoplanktons. Lai izprastu mezozooplanktona lomu vielu bioģeoķīmiskajā apritē Baltijas jurā, tika veikts eksperimentāls darbs lai noskaidrotu, kā dažādas barības diētas ietekmē airkājvēžu fekālo kapsulu veidošanos, grimšanu un bakteriālo degradāciju. Rezultāti rāda, ka barojoties ar nanoflagellatiem Rhodomonas salina un kramaļģēm Skeletonema costatum, tikai vienu trešo daļu airkājvēža Acartia tonsa ekskrementu veido fekālās kapsulas, savukārt atlikušo daļu veido amorfi izdalījumi.Zooplankton occupies a key position in the pelagic food web as it transfers the organic energy unicellular algae produce by photosynthesis to higher trophic levels such as pelagic fish exploitable by man. Although long-term zooplankton monitoring programmes are carried out in several regions of the Baltic Sea, their results do not answer numerous questions connected to zooplankton ecology. This study therefore focuses on Baltic Sea mesozooplankton ecology to understand its functional role in the ecosystem. Analysis of mesozooplankton species composition, spatial distribution and seasonal dynamics in the Gulf of Riga littoral zone (1 m depth) shows that mesozooplankton species composition consists of freshwater and brackish water species. Especially in two of the coastal areas studied freshwater species are important. In Salacgriva the freshwater rotifer species Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus quadridentatus, Euchlanis dilatata, Notholca acuminata, and Notholca sp. reach high biomass and abundance, while in Mersrags, where freshwater species occasionally dominate the mesozooplankton community, species diversity is higher than in the adjacent shallow areas of the Gulf of Riga. Generally the summer mesozooplankton community structure is more homogenous in time and space at the Eastern coast of the Gulf than at the Western coast. Research on the invasive cladoceran species Cercopagis pengoi shows that it forms a permanent population in the Gulf of Riga with maximum abundance and biomass values in the summer season. The population structure of Cercopagis pengoi was not uniform throughout the water column – in the upper layer 92 % of the Cercopagis pengoi population consists of juveniles, while in the deeper part of the water column the proportion of adults became more significant. Highest values of abundance and biomass Cercopagis pengoi reaches in shallow coastal waters where it can significantly modify the food web structure. Experiments on the effect of the toxic cyanobacteria Microcytis aeruginosa and Nodularia spumigena on the survival and reproductive success of the dominant Baltic sea copepod species, Eurytemora affinis and Acartia bifilosa, demonstrate that copepods are able to survive and produce eggs in the presence of toxic cyanobacteria, although their survival rates are lower than with non-toxic phytoplankton available in the food. To understand the role of mesozooplankton for the biogeochemical cycle in the Baltic Sea laboratory experiments were performed to investigate, how different unialgal diets affect the egestion, degradation and sinking of copepod fecal material. Fecal pellets comprise only one third of the total feces loss when copepods feed on the nanoflagellate Rhodomonas salina and the diatom Skeletonema costatum. The pellets have approximately ten times higher sinking rates than amorphous fecal material