4 research outputs found

    Jordbruk og miljø : Tilstand og utvikling 2009

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    Rapporten Jordbruk og miljø omhandlar tilstand og utvikling for gjennomføring av miljøtiltak i dei ulike resultatområda for jordbruket. Landbruks- og matdepartementet har satt opp miljømål for landbruksnæringa. I denne rapporten blir utvikling på sentrale område vurdert opp mot desse måla. Strukturen i jordbruket Av det totale landarealet i Noreg utgjer jordbruksareala om lag 3,3 prosent. Det registrerte jordbruksarealet i drift i 2008 utgjorde 10,24 millionar dekar. Frå 2002 har jordbruksarealet i drift blitt redusert kvart år, med til saman 225 500 dekar i perioden 2002-2008. Areal av open åker utgjorde 35 prosent av totalt jordbruksareal i drift i 2008, medan areal av eng og beite var den største kategorien med 65 prosent. Fulldyrka jordbruksareal er den mest fruktbare jorda og utgjorde 83 prosent av totalt jordbruksareal i drift i 2008, tilsvarande tall i 2002 var 84 prosent

    The relative abundance and transcriptional activity of marine sponge-associated microorganisms emphasizing groups involved in sulfur cycle

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    During the last decades, our knowledge about the activity of sponge-associated microorganisms and their contribution to biogeochemical cycling has gradually increased. Functional groups involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism are well documented, whereas knowledge about microorganisms involved in the sulfur cycle is still limited. Both sulfate reduction and sulfide oxidation has been detected in the cold water sponge Geodia barretti from Korsfjord in Norway, and with specimens from this site, the present study aims to identify extant versus active sponge-associated microbiota with focus on sulfur metabolism. Comparative analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) gene (DNA) and transcript (complementary DNA (cDNA)) libraries revealed profound differences. The transcript library was predominated by Chloroflexi despite their low abundance in the gene library. An opposite result was found for Acidobacteria. Proteobacteria were detected in both libraries with representatives of the Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria related to clades with presumably thiotrophic bacteria from sponges and other marine invertebrates. Sequences that clustered with sponge-associated Deltaproteobacteria were remotely related to cultivated sulfate-reducing bacteria. The microbes involved in sulfur cycling were identified by the functional gene aprA (adenosine-5'-phosphosulfate reductase) and its transcript. Of the aprA sequences (DNA and cDNA), 87 % affiliated with sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. They clustered with Alphaproteobacteria and with clades of deep-branching Gammaproteobacteria. The remaining sequences clustered with sulfate-reducing Archaea of the phylum Euryarchaeota. These results indicate an active role of yet uncharacterized Bacteria and Archaea in the sponge's sulfur cycle