3 research outputs found

    Бактерицидна активність рослинних ефірних олій

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    The aim of the research was to study the antibacterial effect of plant essential oils on the basis of nanoparticles of metals in vitro with the use of test microorganisms on test objects. In experiments, broths of S. aureus (strain P-209) were used. To prepare the broth culture, 25 cc of the nutrient medium was poured into the flask and 0.25 cc of the daily broth culture of microorganisms was added to it. A day later, broth culture was filtered through a sterile gauze-wool or paper filter. In a test tube with various dilutions of a disinfectant in 5 ml, 0.5 cm3 of 24-hour broth culture of the test microorganisms was applied. After 10 minutes holding the platinum loop from the flasks, samples were taken and transferred to Petri dishes from the MPA. The indicated types of work were conducted in compliance with the conditions of sterility. After 30 minutes, keeping the same interval, again took samples and carried out the next sowing on agar. After this, Petri dishes were placed in a thermostat with a temperature of 37 °С. Seeds were viewed 24 and 48 hours. A similar method was also used when conducting a study to determine the bactericidal effect of E. coli. The bactericidal activity of the drug “Barez” on the basis of nanoparticles of silver, benzalkonium chloride and essential oils in vitro with the use of test microorganisms on test objects was investigated. The drug has a high bactericidal effect on S. aureus, which exceeds the activity of phenol in 12.7 times, in comparison with E. coli – 24 times. By protein contamination of surfaces bactericide decreases in 1.9 times in relation to gram-positive microflora and in 1.4 times – in gram-negative. Complex disinfectant “Barez” starting from 0.05% concentration for 10 minutes completely inactivates E. soli and S. aureus on various materials with different structure of the surface. The investigated solutions of essential oils have a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action and can be used for disinfection in diseases of animals, the pathogens of which are equated with resistance to E. soli and S. aureus. Microorganisms, in prolonged contact with silver nanoparticles and essential oils, practically do not produce resistance to them, which is a significant advantage over antibiotics and can be used in humane and veterinary medicine.Метою досліджень було вивчити антибактеріальну дію рослинних ефірних олій на основі наночастинок металів in vitro із застосуванням тест-мікроорганізмів на тест-об’єктах. Досліджено бактерицидну активність препарату “Барез” на основі наночастинок срібла, бензалконію хлориду та ефірних олій in vitro із застосуванням тест-мікроорганізмів на тест-об’єктах. Препарат має високу бактерицидність щодо S. aureus, яка перевищує активність фенолу в 12,7 раза, щодо E. coli – в 24 рази. За білкової забрудненості поверхонь бактерицидність знижується в 1,9 раза щодо грампозитивної мікрофлори та в 1,4 раза – щодо грамнегативної. Комплексний дезінфектант “Барез”, починаючи з 0,05% концентрації, за 10 хв повністю інактивує E. сoli та S. аureus на різних матеріалах з різною структурою поверхні. Досліджувані розчини ефірних олій володіють широким спектром антимікробної дії та можуть бути використані для дезінфекції при захворюваннях тварин, збудники яких прирівнюються за стійкістю до E. сoli та S. aureus. Мікроорганізми при тривалому контакті з наночастинками срібла та ефірними оліями практично не виробляють до них стійкості, що є їхньою істотною перевагою над антибіотиками і можуть бути використані в гуманній і ветеринарній медицині

    Influence of liposomal drug on the intensity of proteins oxide modification processes in subclinical mastitis of cows

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    The article contains the experimental studies of the liposomal drug based on plant raw materials ― hypericum (Hypericum perforatum L.) effect on the intensity of oxidative modification of proteins (OMP) in the blood and milk of cows with subclinical mastitis. Studies have shown that cows with signs of subclinical form of mastitis in the serum have an increase in the content of aldehyde-derived OMP370 and ketone-derived OMP430, respectively, 1.3 and 1.2 times relative to similar indicators in healthy animals. In the milk of sick cows, the content of derivatives OMP370 and OMP430 was1.99 and 2.29 times higher, respectively, than in animals of the control group. At the beginning of the study sick cows’ milk was recorded a significantly low value of the activity of the enzymatic link of antioxidant protection ― superoxide dismutase. At the same time, a 2.6-fold (P<0.001) increase in the number of somatic cells was noted compared to their number in the milk of clinically healthy cows. Intracisternal injection of liposomal drug to cows caused a decrease in the intensity of oxidative processes. In the blood of sick cows the content of aldehyde derivatives OMP370 on the 9th day of the experiment was 23.1% (P<0.05) less than before the drug, and in milk the content of OMP370 decreased by 61.8% (P<0.01). Similar changes were observed with respect to the level of ketone derivatives. In particular, on the 9th day of the experiment, the content of OMP430 decreased by 11.7% (P<0.05) compared with its value in the blood of sick animals before the introduction of the study drug, and in milk it decreased by 64.2% (P<0.01). During the treatment on the 9th day of the experiment, the number of somatic cells in milk decreased by 41.8% (P<0.01). In the course of treatment on the 3rd and 9th day there was a tendency to increase superoxide dismutase activity in the milk of sick cows compared with the beginning of the experiment. Thus, intracisternal injection of liposomal drug to cows with subclinical mastitis leads to a decrease in aldehyde and ketone derivatives of proteins oxidative modification in serum and milk. At the same time, an increase in the activity of the enzymatic link of antioxidant protection and a decrease in the number of somatic cells in the milk of cows were recorded