18 research outputs found

    Engineering mechanobiology: the bacterial exclusively-mechanosensitive ion channel MscL as a future tool for neuronal stimulation technology

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    The development of novel approaches to stimulate neuronal circuits is crucial to understand the physiology of neuronal networks, and to provide new strategies to treat neurological disorders. Nowadays, chemical, electrical or optical approaches are the main exploited strategies to interrogate and dissect neuronal circuit functions. However, although all these methods have contributed to achieve important insights into neuroscience research field, they all present relevant limitations for their use in in-vivo studies or clinical applications. For example, while chemical stimulation does not require invasive surgical procedures, it is difficult to control the pharmacokinetics and the spatial selectivity of the stimulus; electrical stimulation provides high temporal bandwidth, but it has low spatial resolution and it requires implantation of electrodes; optical stimulation provides subcellular resolution but the low depth penetration in dense tissue still requires the invasive insertion of stimulating probes. Due to all these drawbacks, there is still a strong need to develop new stimulation strategies to remotely activate neuronal circuits as deep as possible. The development of remote stimulation techniques would allow the combination of functional and behavioral studies, and the design of novel and minimally invasive prosthetic approaches. Alternative approaches to circumvent surgical implantation of probes include transcranial electrical, thermal, magnetic, and ultrasound stimulation. Among v these methods, the use of magnetic and ultrasound (US) fields represents the most promising vector to remotely convey information to the brain tissue. Both magnetic and low-intensity US fields provide an efficient mean for delicate and reversible alteration of cells and tissues through the generation of local mechanical perturbations. In this regard, advances in the mechanobiology research field have led to the discovery, design and engineering of cellular transduction pathways to perform stimulation of cellular activity. Furthermore, the use of US pressure fields is attracting considerable interest due to its potential for the development of miniaturized, portable and implantation-free US stimulation devices. The purpose of my PhD research activity was the establishment of a novel neuronal stimulation paradigm adding a cellular selectivity to the US stimulation technology through the selective mechano-sensitization of neuronal cells, in analogy to the well-established optogenetic approach. In order to achieve the above mentioned goal, we propose the cellular overexpression of mechanosensitive (MS) ion channels, which could then be gated upon the application of an US generated pressure field. Therefore, we selected the bacterial large conductance mechanosensitive ion channel (MscL), an exclusively-MS ion channel, as ideal tool to develop a mechanogenetic approach. Indeed, the MscL with its extensive characterization represents a malleable nano-valve that could be further engineered with respect to channel sensitivity, conductance and gating mechanism, in order to obtain the desired biophysical properties to achieve reliable and efficient remote mechanical stimulation of neuronal activity. In the first part of the work, we report the development of an engineered MscL construct, called eMscL, to induce the heterologous expression of the bacterial protein in rodent primary neuronal cultures. Furthermore, we report the structural and functional characterization of neuronal cells expressing the eMscL channel, at both single-cell and network levels, in order to show that the functional expression of the engineered MscL channel induces an effective vi neuronal sensitization to mechanical stimulation, which does not affect the physiological development of the neuronal itself. In the second part of the work, we report the design and development of a water tank-free ultrasound delivery system integrated to a custom inverted fluorescence microscope, which allows the simultaneous US stimulation and monitoring of neuronal network activity at single resolution. Overall, this work represents the first development of a genetically mechanosensitized neuronal in-vitro model. Moreover, the developed US delivery system provides the platform to perform high-throughput and reliable investigation, testing and calibration of the stimulation protocols. In this respect, we propose, and envisage in the near future, the exploitation of the engineered MscL ion channel as a mature tool for novel neuro-technological applications

    3D bioprinted human cortical neural constructs derived from induced pluripotent stem cells

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    Bioprinting techniques use bioinks made of biocompatible non-living materials and cells to build 3D constructs in a controlled manner and with micrometric resolution. 3D bioprinted structures representative of several human tissues have been recently produced using cells derived by differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Human iPSCs can be differentiated in a wide range of neurons and glia, providing an ideal tool for modeling the human nervous system. Here we report a neural construct generated by 3D bioprinting of cortical neurons and glial precursors derived from human iPSCs. We show that the extrusion-based printing process does not impair cell viability in the short and long term. Bioprinted cells can be further differentiated within the construct and properly express neuronal and astrocytic markers. Functional analysis of 3D bioprinted cells highlights an early stage of maturation and the establishment of early network activity behaviors. This work lays the basis for generating more complex and faithful 3D models of the human nervous systems by bioprinting neural cells derived from iPSCs

    Laser nano-neurosurgery from gentle manipulation to nano-incision of neuronal cells and scaffolds: an advanced neurotechnology tool

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    Current optical approaches are progressing far beyond the scope of monitoring the structure and function of living matter, and they are becoming widely recognized as extremely precise, minimally-invasive, contact-free handling tools. Laser manipulation of living tissues, single cells, or even single-molecules is becoming a well-established methodology, thus founding the onset of new experimental paradigms and research fields. Indeed, a tightly focused pulsed laser source permits complex tasks such as developing engineered bioscaffolds, applying calibrated forces, transfecting, stimulating, or even ablating single cells with subcellular precision, and operating intracellular surgical protocols at the level of single organelles. In the present review, we report the state of the art of laser manipulation in neuroscience, to inspire future applications of light-assisted tools in nano-neurosurgery

    Novel fragile X syndrome 2D and 3D brain models based on human isogenic FMRP-KO iPSCs

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    Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by intellectual disability and sensory deficits, caused by epigenetic silencing of the FMR1 gene and subsequent loss of its protein product, fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP). Delays in synaptic and neuronal development in the cortex have been reported in FXS mouse models; however, the main goal of translating lab research into pharmacological treatments in clinical trials has been so far largely unsuccessful, leaving FXS a still incurable disease. Here, we generated 2D and 3D in vitro human FXS model systems based on isogenic FMR1 knock-out mutant and wild-type human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC) lines. Phenotypical and functional characterization of cortical neurons derived from FMRP-deficient hiPSCs display altered gene expression and impaired differentiation when compared with the healthy counterpart. FXS cortical cultures show an increased number of GFAP positive cells, likely astrocytes, increased spontaneous network activity, and depolarizing GABAergic transmission. Cortical brain organoid models show an increased number of glial cells, and bigger organoid size. Our findings demonstrate that FMRP is required to correctly support neuronal and glial cell proliferation, and to set the correct excitation/inhibition ratio in human brain development

    Misure cross-layer per la caratterizzazione di reti wireless 802.11

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    In questa memoria, vengono evidenziate, mediante misure ed un opportuno banco di test, possibili relazioni tra misure a livello applicativo e fisico al variare delle condizioni di trasmissione di una rete wireless, in particolare della potenza di trasmissione

    Updates on Larynx Cancer: Risk Factors and Oncogenesis

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    Laryngeal cancer is a very common tumor in the upper aero-digestive tract. Understanding its biological mechanisms has garnered significant interest in recent years. The development of laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) follows a multistep process starting from precursor lesions in the epithelium. Various risk factors have been associated with laryngeal tumors, including smoking, alcohol consumption, opium use, as well as infections with HPV and EBV viruses, among others. Cancer development involves multiple steps, and genetic alterations play a crucial role. Tumor suppressor genes can be inactivated, and proto-oncogenes may become activated through mechanisms like deletions, point mutations, promoter methylation, and gene amplification. Epigenetic modifications, driven by miRNAs, have been proven to contribute to LSCC development. Despite advances in molecular medicine, there are still aspects of laryngeal cancer that remain poorly understood, and the underlying biological mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. In this narrative review, we examined the literature to analyze and summarize the main steps of carcinogenesis and the risk factors associated with laryngeal cancer

    Retinal and brain organoids: bridging the gap between in vivo physiology and in vitro micro-physiology for the study of Alzheimer’s diseases

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    Recent progress in tissue engineering has led to increasingly complex approaches to investigate human neurodegenerative diseases in vitro, such as Alzheimer's disease, aiming to provide more functional and physiological models for the study of their pathogenesis, and possibly the identification of novel diagnostic biomarkers and therapeutic targets. Induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical and retinal organoids represent a novel class of in vitro three-dimensional models capable to recapitulate with a high similarity the structure and the complexity of the native brain and retinal tissues, thus providing a framework for better mimicking in a dish the patient's disease features. This review aims to discuss progress made over the years in the field of in vitro three-dimensional cell culture systems, and the benefits and disadvantages related to a possible application of organoids for the study of neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer's disease, providing a promising breakthrough toward a personalized medicine approach and the reduction in the use of humanized animal models

    Modulation of Neural Network Activity through Single Cell Ablation: An in Vitro Model of Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery

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    The technological advancement of optical approaches, and the growth of their applications in neuroscience, has allowed investigations of the physio-pathology of neural networks at a single cell level. Therefore, better understanding the role of single neurons in the onset and progression of neurodegenerative conditions has resulted in a strong demand for surgical tools operating with single cell resolution. Optical systems already provide subcellular resolution to monitor and manipulate living tissues, and thus allow understanding the potentiality of surgery actuated at single cell level. In the present work, we report an in vitro experimental model of minimally invasive surgery applied on neuronal cultures expressing a genetically encoded calcium sensor. The experimental protocol entails the continuous monitoring of the network activity before and after the ablation of a single neuron, to provide a robust evaluation of the induced changes in the network activity. We report that in subpopulations of about 1000 neurons, even the ablation of a single unit produces a reduction of the overall network activity. The reported protocol represents a simple and cost effective model to study the efficacy of single-cell surgery, and it could represent a test-bed to study surgical procedures circumventing the abrupt and complete tissue removal in pathological conditions