8 research outputs found

    Video-Rate Fluorescence Molecular Tomography for Hand-held and Multimodal Molecular Imaging

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    In the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death following heart disease. Although, a variety of treatment regimens are available, cancer management is complicated by the complexity of the disease and the variability, between people, of disease progression and response to therapy. Therefore, advancements in the methods and technologies for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic monitoring are critical to improving the treatment of cancer patients. The development of improved imaging methods for early diagnosis of cancer and of near real-time monitoring of tumor response to therapy may improve outcomes as well as the quality of life of cancer patients. In the last decade, imaging methods including ultrasound, computed tomography: CT), magnetic resonance imaging: MRI), single photon emission computed tomography: SPECT), and positron emission tomography: PET), have revolutionized oncology. More recently optical techniques, that have access to unique molecular reporting strategies and functional contrasts, show promise for oncologic imaging This dissertation focuses on the development and optimization of a fiber-based, video-rate fluorescence molecular tomography: FMT) instrument. Concurrent acquisition of fluorescence and reference signals allowed the efficient generation of ratio-metric data for 3D image reconstruction. Accurate depth localization and high sensitivity to fluorescent targets were established to depths of \u3e10 mm. In vivo accumulation of indocyanine green dye was imaged in the region of the sentinel lymph node: SLN) following intradermal injection into the forepaw of rats. These results suggest that video-rate FMT has potential as a clinical tool for noninvasive mapping of SLN. Spatial and temporal co-registration of nuclear and optical images can enable the fusion of the information from these complementary molecular imaging modalities. A critical challenge is in integrating the optical and nuclear imaging hardware. Flexible fiber-based FMT systems provide a viable solution. The various imaging bore sizes of small animal nuclear imaging systems can potentially accommodate the FMT fiber imaging arrays. In addition FMT imaging facilitates co-registering the nuclear and optical contrasts in time. In this dissertation, the feasibility of integrating the fiber-based, video-rate FMT system with a commercial preclinical NanoSPECT/CT platform was established. Feasibility of in vivo imaging is demonstrated by tracking a monomolecular multimodal-imaging agent: MOMIA) during transport from the forepaw to the axillary lymph nodes region of a rat. These co-registered FMT/SPECT/CT imaging results with MOMIAs may facilitate the development of the next generation preclinical and clinical multimodal optical-nuclear platforms for a broad array of imaging applications, and help elucidate the underlying biological processes relevant to cancer diagnosis and therapy monitoring. Finally, I demonstrated that video-rate FMT is sufficiently fast to enable imaging of cardiac, respiratory and pharmacokinetic induced dynamic fluorescent signals. From these measurements, the image-derived input function and the real-time uptake of injected agents can be deduced for pharmacokinetic analysis of fluorescing agents. In a study comparing normal mice against mice liver disease, we developed anatomically guided dynamic FMT in conjunction with tracer kinetic modeling to quantify uptake rates of fluorescing agents. This work establishes fiber-based, video-rate FMT system as a practical and powerful tool that is well suited to a broad array of potential imaging applications, ranging from early disease detection, quantifying physiology and monitoring progression of disease and therapies

    Noninvasive imaging of focal atherosclerotic lesions using fluorescence molecular tomography

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    Insights into the etiology of stroke and myocardial infarction suggest that rupture of unstable atherosclerotic plaque is the precipitating event. Clinicians lack tools to detect lesion instability early enough to intervene, and are often left to manage patients empirically, or worse, after plaque rupture. Noninvasive imaging of the molecular events signaling prerupture plaque progression has the potential to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with myocardial infarction and stroke by allowing early intervention. Here, we demonstrate proof-of-principle in vivo molecular imaging of C-type natriuretic peptide receptor in focal atherosclerotic lesions in the femoral arteries of New Zealand white rabbits using a custom built fiber-based, fluorescence molecular tomography (FMT) system. Longitudinal imaging showed changes in the fluorescence signal intensity as the plaque progressed in the air-desiccated vessel compared to the uninjured vessel, which was validated by ex vivo tissue studies. In summary, we demonstrate the potential of FMT for noninvasive detection of molecular events leading to unstable lesions heralding plaque rupture

    Video-rate fluorescence diffuse optical tomography for in vivo sentinel lymph node imaging

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    We have developed a fiber-based, video-rate fluorescence diffuse optical tomography (DOT) system for noninvasive in vivo sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping. Concurrent acquisition of fluorescence and reference signals allowed the efficient generation of ratio-metric data for 3D image reconstruction. Accurate depth localization and high sensitivity to fluorescent targets were established in to depths of >10 mm. In vivo accumulation of indocyanine green (ICG) dye was imaged in the region of the SLN following intradermal injection into the forepaw of rats. These results suggest that video-rate fluorescence DOT has significant potential as a clinical tool for noninvasive mapping of SLN

    Detection of enzyme activity in orthotopic murine breast cancer by fluorescence lifetime imaging using a fluorescence resonance energy transfer–based molecular probe

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    Cancer-related enzyme activity can be detected noninvasively using activatable fluorescent molecular probes. In contrast to “always-on” fluorescent molecular probes, activatable probes are relatively nonfluorescent at the time of administration due to intramolecular fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). Enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of peptide linkers results in reduced FRET and increase of fluorescence yield. Separation of signal from active and inactive probe can be difficult with conventional intensity-based fluorescence imaging. Fluorescence lifetime (FLT) measurement is an alternative method to detect changes in FRET. Thus, we investigate FLT imaging for in vivo detection of FRET-based molecular probe activation in an orthotopic breast cancer model. Indeed, the measured FLT of the enzyme-activatable molecular probe increases from 0.62 ns just after injection to 0.78 ns in tumor tissue after 4 h. A significant increase in FLT is not observed for an always-on targeted molecular probe with the same fluorescent reporter. These results show that FLT contrast is a powerful addition to preclinical imaging because it can report molecular activity in vivo due to changes in FRET. Fluorescence lifetime imaging exploits unique characteristics of fluorescent molecular probes that can be further translated into clinical applications, including noninvasive detection of cancer-related enzyme activity

    Numerical Response Surfaces of Volume of Ablation and Retropulsion Amplitude by Settings of Ho:YAG Laser Lithotripter

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    Objectives. Although laser lithotripsy is now the preferred treatment option for urolithiasis due to shorter operation time and a better stone-free rate, the optimal laser settings for URS (ureteroscopic lithotripsy) for less operation time remain unclear. The aim of this study was to look for quantitative responses of calculus ablation and retropulsion by performing operator-independent experiments to determine the best fit versus the pulse energy, pulse width, and the number of pulses. Methods. A lab-built Ho:YAG laser was used as the laser pulse source, with a pulse energy from 0.2 J up to 3.0 J and a pulse width of 150 μs up to 1000 μs. The retropulsion was monitored using a high-speed camera, and the laser-induced craters were evaluated with a 3-D digital microscope. The best fit to the experimental data is done by a design of experiment software. Results. The numerical formulas for the response surfaces of ablation speed and retropulsion amplitude are generated. Conclusions. The longer the pulse, the less the ablation or retropulsion, while the longer pulse makes the ablation decrease faster than the retropulsion. The best quadratic fit of the response surface for the volume of ablation varied nonlinearly with pulse duration and pulse number