10 research outputs found

    11-14. gebelik haftalarında alınan maternal serumda ölçülen plasental growth faktör (PIGF) düzeyinin gestasyonel diyabet için tarama testi olarak kullanılabilirliğinin araştırılması

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır. Yayınlanma izni olmayan tezlerin basılı kopyalarına Üniversite kütüphaneniz aracılığıyla (TÜBESS üzerinden) erişebilirsiniz.[Abstarct Not Available

    Diagnosis and Management of the Benign Diseases of Vulva

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    Vulva, genital, gastrointestinal ve üriner traktın birleştiği, tüylü ve tüysüz keratinize ciltten mukozal yüzeylere geçişin olduğu özel bir cilt bölgesidir. Vulvaya ait benign hastalıklar, yaşam kalitesini oldukça düşürmekle birlikte, hayati önem arz etmemeleri ve sıklıkla kronik bir süreci takip etmeleri nedenleri ile hasta tarafından sıklıkla göz ardı edilmekte ve hekime başvurmakta geç kalınmaktadır. Biz hekimlerin de vulvar hastalıkları sorgulamakta ve tedavi etmekte geri planda kaldığımız yadsınamaz bir gerçektir. Bu makalede güncel literatür ışığında öncelikle vulvanın genel bakımına ait önerilerde bulunulacak, vulvaya ait belli başlı semptomlar olan vulvar kaşıntı ve ağrıya değinilecek ve ardından da sık görülen vulvar dermatozlar olan liken sklerozus, liken simpleks kronikus ve liken planus ile psöriazis ve vulvar atrofi durumlarında tanı ve yönetimden bahsedilecektir.The vulva is the area comprising the external genitals. It contains several different structures, including labia majora, labia minora, clitoris and vestibule. Vulvar symptoms such as pain and itching usually progresses slowly and can occur in any of these structures. Effective treatment strategies for benign vulvar diseases are still lacking despite their prevalence and their significant effect on quality of life. In this review article, we first aimed to provide recommendations on daily vulvar care, secondly focusing on obtaining relevant, in-depth information about vulvar symptoms and lastly discuss the differential diagnosis and management of common vulvar dermatoses such as lichen sclerosus, lichen simplex chronicus, lichen planus, psoriasis and vulvar atrophy

    Comparison of Subcuticular Suture Materials in Cesarean Skin Closure

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    Aim. Comparison of the rate of wound complications, pain, and patient satisfaction based on used subcuticular suture material. Methods. A total of 250 consecutive women undergoing primary and repeat cesarean section with low transverse incision were prospectively included. The primary outcome was wound complication rate including infection, dehiscence, hematoma, and hypertrophic scar formation within a 6-week period after operation. Secondary outcomes were skin closure time, the need for use of additional analgesic agent, pain score on numeric rating scale, cosmetic score, and patient scar satisfaction scale. Results. Absorbable polyglactin was used in 108 patients and nonabsorbable polypropylene was used in 142 patients. Wound complication rates were similar in primary and repeat cesarean groups based on the type of suture material. Skin closure time is longer in nonabsorbable suture material group in both primary and repeat cesarean groups. There was no difference between groups in terms of postoperative pain, need for additional analgesic use, late phase pain, and itching at the scar. Although the cosmetic results tended to be better in the nonabsorbable group in primary surgery patients, there was no significant difference in the visual satisfaction of the patients. Conclusions. Absorbable and nonabsorbable suture materials are comparable in cesarean section operation skin closure

    The association of HLA-G and immune markers in recurrent miscarriages

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    WOS: 000377257600028PubMed ID: 26513380Objective: To determine role of human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-G, CD8, CD16, CD56, interferon (IFN)-gamma, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha for recurrent miscarriages in feto-maternal interface. Method: Chorion and decidua samples were obtained from 11 women with unwanted pregnancies (healthy pregnancy, HP) and 10 women with missed abortion diagnosis after at least two pregnancy losses (recurrent miscarriage, RM). In addition, endometrial tissues were obtained from 10 non-pregnant women (NonP). The expressions of markers were evaluated using the Western blot analysis. The values obtained between different groups were compared. Results: The highest protein expression of CD56 was found in the HP compared to NonP and RM. Meanwhile, the lowest protein expression of CD16 was observed in the NonP compared to HP and RM. The HLA-G expression exhibited the highest level in HP; however, there was no statistically significant difference between groups. CD8 and IFN gamma expressions were lowest in the NonP group; however, TNF-alpha was highest in the RM group. Conclusions: The CD56 expression of uterine NK cells may be an indicator of a HP. However, not statistically significant, the increased expression of CD16, CD8, and also significantly increased expression of TNF may be associated with the predominant cytotoxic activity in the maternal immune system in patients with RM. Although there was no change in the expression of HLA-G, this finding may mean that the maternal immune system is unresponsive to HLA-G-mediated immunosuppressive signals originating from the fetus in these cases.Scientific Research Projects Commission of Celal Bayar UniversityCelal Bayar University [2013/125]The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. The Scientific Research Projects Commission of Celal Bayar University supported the project for this study, whose reference number is 2013/125