907 research outputs found

    Protein transport in chloroplasts

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    The fructose-2,6-bis phosphate system in C-4 plants

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    Rapidly vanishing hyperthyroidism

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    Adenylate effects on protein phosphorylation in the interenvelope lumen of pea chloroplasts

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    A 64-kilodalton (kDa) protein, situated in the lumen between the inner and outer envelopes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts (Soll and Bennett 1988, Eur. J. Biochem., 175, 301–307) is shown to undergo reversible phosphorylation in isolated mixed envelope vesicles. It is the most conspicuously labelled protein after incubation of envelopes with 33 nmol·1-1 [-32P]ATP whereas incubation with 50 mol·1-1 [-32P]ATP labels most prominently two outer envelope proteins (86 and 23 kDa). Half-maximum velocity for phosphorylation of the 64-kDa protein occurs with 200 nmol·1-1 ATP, and around 40 mol·1-1 ATP for phosphorylation of the 86- and 23-kDa proteins, indicating the operation of two distinct kinases. GGuanosine-, uridine-, cytidine 5-triphosphate and AMP are poor inhibitors of the labelling of the 64-kDa protein with [-32P]ATP. On the other hand, ADP has a potent influence on the extent of labelling (half-maximal inhibition at 1–5 mol·1-1). The ADP-dependent appearance of 32P in ATP indicates that ADP acts by reversal of kinase activity and not as a competitive inhibitor. However, the most rapid loss of 32P from pre-labelled 64-kDa protein occurs when envelope vesicles are incubated with ATP t1/2=15 s at 20 molsd1-1 ATP). This induced turnover of phosphate appears to be responsible for the rapid phosphoryl turnover seen in situ

    A guanosine 5′-triphosphate-dependent protein kinase is localized in the outer envelope membrane of pea chloroplasts

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    A guanosine 5-triphosphate (GTP)-dependent protein kinase was detected in preparations of outer chloroplast envelope membranes of pea (Pisum sativum L.) chloroplasts. The protein-kinase activity was capable of phosphorylating several envelope-membrane proteins. The major phosphorylated products were 23- and 32.5-kilo-dalton proteins of the outer envelope membrane. Several other envelope proteins were labeled to a lesser extent. Following acid hydrolysis of the labeled proteins, most of the label was detected as phosphoserine with only minor amounts detected as phosphothreonine. Several criteria were used to distinguish the GTP-dependent protein kinase from an ATP-dependent kinase also present in the outer envelope membrane. The ATP-dependent kinase phosphorylated a very different set of envelope-membrane proteins. Heparin inhibited the GTP-dependent kinase but had little effect upon the ATP-dependent enzyme. The GTP-dependent enzyme accepted phosvitin as an external protein substrate whereas the ATP-dependent enzyme did not. The outer membrane of the chloroplast envelope also contained a phosphotransferase capable of transferring labeled phosphate from [-32P]GTP to ADP to yield (-32P]ATP. Consequently, addition of ADP to a GTP-dependent protein-kinase assay resulted in a switch in the pattern of labeled products from that seen with GTP to that typically seen with ATP

    Pilonidalsinus und Analfistel: Indikationen und Methoden der chirurgischen Therapien

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    Zusammenfassung: Fisteln im Analbereich werden unterteilt in Pilonidalfisteln in der Rima ani und Analfisteln als Verbindung zwischen Anus und perianaler Haut. Bei der Pilonidalfistel erfolgt bei unkompliziertem Befund nach Abheilung akuter Abszesse die minimalinvasive Fistelexzision in Lokalanästhesie. Konservative Therapiekonzepte sowie die radikale Exzision mit offener Wundbehandlung haben sich nicht bewährt. Bei ausgeprägtem, großem Befund erfolgt eine weite Exzision mit plastischer Deckung mittels Limberg-Lappen. Bei der Analfistel muss unterschieden werden zwischen subkutanen und tiefen intersphinktären Fisteln ohne Sphinkterbeteiligung einerseits und hohen intersphinktären, transsphinktären, suprasphinktären und extrasphinktären Fisteln andererseits. Erstere können mit geringer Morbidität und hoher Heilungsrate fistulotomiert werden. Bei der zweiten Gruppe besteht ein erhebliches Inkontinenz- und Rezidivrisiko. Ohne Inkontinenzrisiko, bei allerdings hohem Rezidivrisiko, kann die Fistel mittels "Anal Fistula Plug" verschlossen werden. Bei Versagen dieser Therapie bietet sich eine Fistulektomie mit Verschluss der inneren Fistelöffnung durch einen anorektalen Verschiebelappen a

    Role of serotonin in the hepato-gastroIntestinal tract: an old molecule for new perspectives

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    Abstract.: Beside its role as a neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, serotonin appears to be a central physiologic mediator of many gastrointestinal (GI) functions and a mediator of the brain-gut connection. By acting directly and via modulation of the enteric nervous system, serotonin has numerous effects on the GI tract. The main gut disturbances in which serotonin is involved are acute chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, carcinoid syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome. Serotonin also has mitogenic properties. Platelet-derived serotonin is involved in liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy. In diseased liver, serotonin may play a crucial role in the progression of hepatic fibrosis and the pathogenesis of steatohepatitis. Better understanding of the role of the serotonin receptor subtypes and serotonin mechanisms of action in the liver and gut may open new therapeutic strategies in hepato-gastrointestinal disease

    A pilot comparative study of fissurectomy/diltiazem and fissurectomy/botulinum toxin in the treatment of chronic anal fissure

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    Background: Treatment of chronic anal fissure (CAF) by fissurectomy with botulinum toxin A (BTA) injection results in a healing rate of greater than 90%. BTA injection, however, can cause incontinence and perianal sepsis. The decrease in sphincter pressure following topical treatment with 2% diltiazem cream (DTC) is comparable to that following BTA injection but with potentially fewer complications and at less cost. We report the shortterm results of a pilot study comparing fissurectomy with BTA and fissurectomy followed by DTC for the treatment of CAF. Methods: The recorded outcomes of CAF following treatment with the two methods were analysed retrospectively. Patients underwent either fissurectomy followed by injection of 40 U BTA into the internal sphincter (group A) or fissurectomy followed by the perianal application of DTC twice daily for 8 weeks (group B). Symptom resolution and treatment side effects at the initial follow-up were compared. Results: Demographics, fissure characteristics and the number of multiparous women between the two groups were comparable. At a median follow-up of 12 weeks (range 8-20 weeks), the two groups had similar rates of complete symptom resolution (group A, 25/28, 89.3%; group B, 19/23, 82.6%; p=0.7739), with minor side effects. Conclusions: In this small pilot study fissurectomy combined with chemical sphincterotomy resulted in high short-term fissure healing rates. The study also suggested that fissurectomy followed by 8 weeks of topical DTC may be as good as fissurectomy with BTA injection in the treatment of CAF. A prospective study, adequately powered to determine the significance of differences is neede