355 research outputs found

    Origins of Primates – Debates and controversies

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    Most current scenarios of primate origins depict small nocturnal animals feeding on insects and/or fruit, flowers, and nectar in the complex small-branch environments of tropical forests. Some of these elements, however, have been challenged, and still need to be comprehensively tested through formal comparative analyses or supported by fossil data. Key contextual elements of primate origins that require clarification include the phylogenetic relationships between primates, colugos, tree shrews, and plesiadapiforms, and the divergence times of associated clades. In addition, a consensus regarding patterns of phyletic size change in the primate stem lineage and the size of the last common ancestor of extant primates would help clarify both the likely physical environment that ancestral primates inhabited and their dietary behavior

    Contextualising primate origins - an ecomorphological framework

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    Ecomorphology - the characterisation of the adaptive relationship between an organism's morphology and its ecological role - has long been central to theories of the origin and early evolution of the primate order. This is exemplified by two of the most influential theories of primate origins: Matt Cartmill's Visual Predation Hypothesis, and Bob Sussman's Angiosperm Co-Evolution Hypothesis. However, the study of primate origins is constrained by the absence of data directly documenting the events under investigation, and has to rely instead on a fragmentary fossil record and the methodological assumptions inherent in phylogenetic comparative analyses of extant species. These constraints introduce particular challenges for inferring the ecomorphology of primate origins, as morphology and environmental context must first be inferred before the relationship between the two can be considered. Fossils can be integrated in comparative analyses and observations of extant model species and laboratory experiments of form-function relationships are critical for the functional interpretation of the morphology of extinct species. Recent developments have led to important advancements, including phylogenetic comparative methods based on more realistic models of evolution, and improved methods for the inference of clade divergence times, as well as an improved fossil record. This contribution will review current perspectives on the origin and early evolution of primates, paying particular attention to their phylogenetic (including cladistic relationships and character evolution) and environmental (including chronology, geography, and physical environments) contextualisation, before attempting an up-to-date ecomorphological synthesis of primate origins

    Phylogeny, phylogenetic inference, and cranial evolution in pitheciids and Aotus

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    Pitheciids, one of the major radiations of New World monkeys endemic to South and Central America, are distributed in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, and include Callicebus, Cacajao, Chiropotes, and Pithecia. Molecular phylogenetics strongly support pitheciid monophyly, whereas morphological analyses infer a range of phylogenies including a sister relationship between Aotus and Callicebus. We collected geometric morphometric cranial data from pitheciids and Aotus, and used cranial data for distance-based phylogenetic analysis and tests of phylogenetic signal. Phylogenetic analyses of pitheciids were repeated with Lagothrix, Callimico, and Saimiri outgroups for Procrustes shape with and without Aotus based on the whole cranium and six anatomical regions. All phylogenetic signal tests were significant, and tree lengths were shortest and had the least morphological change over the phylogeny for Procrustes residuals from the cranial base and palate. The majority of phylogenetic analyses of Procrustes shape for pitheciids without Aotus supported the molecular phylogeny, and with Aotus included the majority inferred an Aotus–Callicebus clade, although three analyses with Callimico as outgroup supported the molecular phylogeny. The morphological similarity of Aotus and Callicebus is likely a mix of plesiomorphy, allometry, and homoplasy, and future phylogenetic inference of living and extinct platyrrhine taxa should consider the impact of these factors alongside outgroup selection and cranial region

    Interrogating Boundaries against Animals and Machines: Human Speciesism in British Newspapers

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    Humans favor and venerate their ingroups, while disregarding outgroups to the degree of dehumanizing them. We explore the social construction of such boundaries and its associated speciesism toward two nonhuman outgroups: animals and machines. For this, we analyzed UK newspaper coverages of the binaries Human–Animal and Human–Machine between 1995 and 2010. We quantified if and how tolerance toward ambiguous concepts that challenge and expand definitions of humanness (e.g., nonhuman primates, cyborgs) varied across time as well as with journalist gender, political leaning, and expertise. In this analysis, the ca. 1100 individual journalists stood as proxies for the British public and therefore as a human-ingroup subset. We found more tolerance toward intermediaries in broadsheet newspapers, females, and subject experts, as opposed to tabloids, males, and subject novices. Moreover, ambiguity tolerance hit a low during the year 2000, likely due to Western sociopolitical turbulence—potentially including wider societal stress over the landmark millennium year itself—attesting that ingroups become more closed during stressful times. Compared with the plasticity of the Human–Animal dichotomy, the Human–Machine binary was more rigid, indicating that the relative novelty of IT developments triggers increased caution and anxiety. Our research suggests that cognitive mechanisms facilitating human-ingroup protection are deep-rooted, albeit malleable according to changing socioeconomic conditions

    Misalignment factors to affect the fatigue of welded load-carrying joints

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    To assess the effects of misalignment on the weld fatigue, we present experimental fatigue test results of load- carrying cruciform joints which are subjected to axial variable amplitude loading. The welds were produced from steel AH36 grade and fatigue strength improved by high-frequently mechanical impact treatment. We identify several misalignment factors affecting the fatigue by considering the real and reference welded joint geometries. Our methodology includes proposals for the empirical calibration functions and local stress analyses by using the Structural Hot Spot Stress, Effective Notch Stress and Peak Stress Method. Additionally, we apply our methodology to other sixteen data sets which are extracted from the literature for load-carrying cruciform and butt welded joints subjected to constant amplitude loading. Finally, we present the resultant calibration functions with respect to corresponding fatigue test data

    Testing the Properties of Radon Barrier Materials and Home Ventilation to Mitigate Indoor Radon

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    Indoor radon is the second cause of lung cancer. Mitigation strategies are based on (i) building protection with radon barrier materials, (ii) increasing home ventilation or (iii) room pressurization. A scale model room created with a porous ignimbrite rich in radon precursors was used as an analogue to test the indoor radon reduction ability of various radon barrier materials in a real room. The properties of these materials were tested with and without room pressurization by introducing outdoor air at different flow rates. The best materials reduced indoor radon up to 80% and, when the highest pressurization was applied, to 93%

    Calculating the axes of rotation for the subtalar and talocrural joints using 3D bone reconstructions

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    Orientation of the subtalar joint axis dictates inversion and eversion movements of the foot and has been the focus of evolutionary and clinical studies for a number of years. Previous studies have measured the subtalar joint axis against the axis of the whole foot, the talocrural joint axis and, recently, the principal axes of the talus. The present study introduces a new method for estimating average joint axes from 3D reconstructions of bones and applies the method to the talus to calculate the subtalar and talocrural joint axes. The study also assesses the validity of the principal axes as a reference coordinate system against which to measure the subtalar joint axis. In order to define the angle of the subtalar joint axis relative to that of another axis in the talus, we suggest measuring the subtalar joint axis against the talocrural joint axis. We present corresponding 3D vector angles calculated from a modern human skeletal sample. This method is applicable to virtual 3D models acquired through surface-scanning of disarticulated ‘dry’ osteological samples, as well as to 3D models created from CT or MRI scans

    Sagittal crest formation in great apes and gibbons

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    The frequency of sagittal crest expression and patterns of sagittal crest growth and development have been documented in hominoids, including some extinct hominin taxa, and the more frequent expression of the sagittal crest in males has been traditionally linked with the need for larger-bodied individuals to have enough attachment area for the temporalis muscle. In the present study, we investigate sagittal cresting in a dentally mature sample of four hominoid taxa (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, Gorilla gorilla gorilla, Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus and Hylobates lar). We investigate whether sagittal crest size increases with age beyond dental maturity in males and females of G. g. gorilla and Po. pyg. pygmaeus, and whether these taxa show sex differences in the timing of sagittal crest development. We evaluate the hypothesis that the larger sagittal crest of males may not be solely due to the requirement for a larger surface area than the un-crested cranial vault can provide for the attachment of the temporalis muscle, and present data on sex differences in temporalis muscle attachment area and sagittal crest size relative to cranial size. Gorilla g. gorilla and Po. pyg. pygmaeus males show significant relationships between tooth wear rank and sagittal crest size, and they show sagittal crest size differences between age groups that are not found in females. The sagittal crest emerges in early adulthood in the majority of G. g. gorilla males, whereas the percentage of G. g. gorilla females possessing a sagittal crest increases more gradually. Pongo pyg. pygmaeus males experience a three-fold increase in the number of specimens exhibiting a sagittal crest in mid-adulthood, consistent with a secondary growth spurt. Gorilla g. gorilla and Po. pyg. pygmaeus show significant sex differences in the size of the temporalis muscle attachment area, relative to cranial size, with males of both taxa showing positive allometry not shown in females. Gorilla g. gorilla males also show positive allometry for sagittal crest size relative to cranial size. Our results suggest that although patterns of sagittal crest expression have limited utility for taxonomy and phylogeny reconstruction, they could be useful for reconstructing aspects of social behaviour in some extinct hominin taxa. In particular, our results in G. g. gorilla and Po. pyg. pygmaeus, which suggest that the size of sagittal crests in males cannot be solely explained by the surface area required for attachment of the temporalis muscle, offer partial support for the hypothesis that large sagittal crests form in response to sexual selection and may play a role in social signalling

    Indoor Radon Surveying and Mitigation in the Case-Study of Celleno Town (Central Italy) Located in a Medium Geogenic Radon Potential Area

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    Indoor radon surveying and remediation were implemented in a single-family home affected by high levels of indoor radon in the Celleno municipality (central Italy) with the aim of identifying the contribution of radon sources, evaluating the factors affecting radon entry into the building, and reducing radon risk. Average radon levels were relatively low at the ground floor (286 ± 202 Bq m−3) and first floor (167 ± 84 Bq m−3) in autumn when the temperature was still warm and the windows were open, but increased up to 2776 ± 1768 Bq m−3 and 970 ± 202 Bq m−3 in the first half of December, when the heating system was on and the windows were closed. The inner walls of the pilot room at the ground floor, semi buried on one side, were then treated with a waterproof product (a silane terminated polymer) and the average radon was halved (1475 ± 1092 Bq m−3) in the following month, which was still characterised by winter conditions. Radon entry in the room was identified and sealed with the same product, and a radon accumulation space behind a NE-SW oriented wall was naturally ventilated, reducing radon below the reference level in April with northerly winds conditions

    The impact of COVID-19 pandemic on pornography habits: a global analysis of Google Trends

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    As the COVID-19 spread globally, social distancing, self-isolation/quarantine, and national lockdowns have become crucial to control the pandemic. However, these measures may also lead to increases in social isolation, loneliness, and stress, which can alter the consumption of pornography habits. The aim of the study was thus to explore the interest pattern in pornography and coronavirus-themed pornography during the COVID-19 outbreak. Google Trends\uae was employed to determine the most popular porn websites (Porn, XNXX, PornHub, xVideos, and xHamster), and coronavirus-themed pornography worldwide and in six nations with different COVID-19 outbreak and self-isolation recommendations. We analyzed every search trend on Google\uae from January 9, 2020 to May 25, 2020 using \u201cjoint point regression analysis\u201d. Comparisons of week relative search volume (WRSV) and temporal patterns were analyzed to assess the change of interest in search terms during nations lockdowns. Paired t-test was used to compare WRSV values among the porn websites during the national lockdowns and the equivalent timespan of the weeks in the previous 4 years. The research trend of almost every keyword increased with significant inflection points for those nations with a straight \u201cstay at home orders\u201d (China, Italy, Spain, and France). \u201cPornHub\u201d and \u201cPorn\u201d showed the highest increase of interest worldwide with an average weekend percentage change (AWPC) of 4.9 and 3.8, respectively. The mean WRSV for keywords in USA and Sweden did not show a similar increase as the other nations. The WRSV percentage change with the historical data had a peak during the straight nations\u2019 lockdowns (p < 0.01). All the nations had a significant increase in WRSV coronavirus-themed pornography for each keyword (p < 0.01) with an AWPC, ranging worldwide between 18.5 and 61.8 (p < 0.01), after the beginning of self-quarantine. As strengths this study uses a big data technology to collect worldwide trend of interest, however, data are anonymous and do not allow analysis of subpopulation groups. In conclusion, we demonstrated an increased interest in pornography and coronavirus-themed pornography after the outbreak of COVID-19 in nations with a straight \u201cstay at home orders\u201d
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