8 research outputs found

    Meteorological drought analysis using copula theory and drought indicators under climate change scenarios (RCP)

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    AbstractThe study was carried out to assess meteorological drought on the basis of the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) evaluated in future climate scenarios. Yazd province, located in an arid region in the centre of Iran, was chosen for analysis. The study area has just one synoptic station with a long‐term record (56 years). The impact of climate change on future drought was examined by using the CanESM2 of the CMIP5 model under three scenarios, that is, representative concentration pathways RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. Given that a drought is defined by several dependent variables, the evaluation of this phenomenon should be based on a multivariate analysis. For this purpose, two main characteristics of drought (severity and duration) were extracted by run theory in a past (1961–2016) and future (2017–2100) period based on the SPI and SPEI, and studied using copula theory. Three functions, that is, Frank, Gaussian and Gumbel copula, were selected to fit with drought severity and duration. The results of the bivariate analysis using copula showed that, according to both indicators, the study area will experience droughts with greater severity and duration in future as compared with the historical period, and the drought represented by the SPEI is more severe than that associated with the SPI. Also, drought simulated using the RCP8.5 scenario was more severe than when using the other two scenarios. Finally, droughts with a longer return period will become more frequent in future

    Observed and projected trends of extreme precipitation and maximum temperature during 1992–2100 in Isfahan province, Iran using REMO model and copula theory

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    AbstractMeteorological extreme events have a major impact on water resources, economic development, and ecosystem health. In this study, maximum precipitation and maximum temperature indices were derived for Isfahan province, in central Iran, over the historical (1992–2017) and future (2020–2100) periods. Precipitation and maximum temperature data from the REMO model under RCP4.5 scenario were used to investigate changes in extreme values over the future period. The results showed that extreme precipitation in the historical and future periods has respectively a decreasing and increasing trend. Based on the extreme indices, temperature in the study area has a significant increasing trend in the baseline and future period. Various combinations of extreme precipitation indicators were created for joint modeling by copula theory. Copula modeling for the three weather stations for which REMO had satisfactory performance in simulating extremes over the historic period showed that the average return period of extreme precipitation combinations will be reduced in the future period compared to the historical period at Daran and Shahreza, while the average return period of combinations will have both increasing and decreasing trends at Naeen.Recommendations for Resource Managers Knowing information about the probability of occurrence of extreme precipitation with a certain value that exceeds a certain threshold will help planning for water resource systems under drought conditions and future increasing temperature. The joint return period of extreme precipitation can help to know the return period of extreme events such as floods and droughts. The findings of this study are important to assess the prediction of climate extreme. Also, these results can be useful to provide the appropriate strategies for water resources managers in drought conditions under future increasing temperature

    Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions Influenced Vertical Dust Flux: A Case Study in Iran Using WRF-Chem Model

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    Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters affecting dust emission flux. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of soil moisture on vertical dust flux in the central plateau region of Iran. In this study, the WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecast with Chemistry) model, with the GOCART (Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport) scheme, was used to estimate the dust emission flux during a major storm from 19 to 21 July 2015, and to discriminate between dust sources. The results showed that the Kyrgyz deserts in Turkmenistan, the Arabian deserts in Saudi Arabia, the deserts of Iraq, and the Helmand region in Afghanistan are sources of foreign dust. Additionally, the central desert plain was identified as an internal dust source, where the dust level reached 7000 µg m−2 s−1. The results of WRF-Chem simulation were verified with reanalysis data from MERRA2 and AERONET data from Natanz station, which showed good agreement with the simulation. Based on the GLDAS reanalysis, soil moisture content varied between 2.6% and 34%. Linear and nonlinear regression of vertical dust flux values and soil moisture showed nonlinear behavior following the exponential function, with a correlation coefficient of 0.8 and a strong negative association between soil moisture and vertical dust flux

    Synoptic–Dynamic Patterns Affecting Iran’s Autumn Precipitation during ENSO Phase Transitions

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    We compared the effect on autumn (October, November, December) precipitation over Iran during two types of El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phase transitions from the perspective of anomalies in wave activity flux and sea level pressure along the Atlantic–Mediterranean storm track, as well as precipitation. We used Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) to identify the transition phases of ENSO (El Niño to La Niña and also La Niña to El Niño, referred to as type 1 and type 2, respectively). Climate data during the period of 1950 to 2019 used in this study is derived from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. In order to investigate the intensity and direction of Rossby wave trains in different ENSO transitions, we used the wave activity flux parameter, and to evaluate the statistical significance of values, we calculated Student’s t-test. The impact of the Atlantic storm track on the Mediterranean storm track was shown to be greater in type 2 transitions. Further, the existence of a stronger wave source region in the Mediterranean region during type 2 transitions was established. Results also showed the weakening of the Iceland low and Azores high pressure in type 1 transitions and the reinforcement of both in type 2, with the differences being significant at up to a 99% confidence level. Pressure values over Iran were at or below normal in type 1 years and below normal in type 2. Finally, the composite analysis of precipitation anomaly revealed that during ENSO type 1 transitions, most regions of Iran experienced low precipitation, while in type 2, the precipitation was more than average, statistically significant at 75% confidence level or higher over the northern half of the country

    Regional Analysis of Dust Day Duration in Central Iran

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    The duration of dust days (DDD) is one of the most important parameters that may worsen the effects of the presence of dust in the affected areas. Persistent pollution over consecutive dusty days can have particularly negative effects on the human respiratory system. The present analysis was conducted in Central Iran, where the phenomenon of dust is one of the most important problems. In this study, using dust codes recorded at 35 synoptic stations, the homogeneity of DDD across the region was investigated using the L-moments method. Then, characteristics of DDD over the period 1999–2018 were calculated. The results showed that the region is statistically homogeneous. Furthermore, Zabol and Zahdan are the stations worst affected, with the longest durations of 22 and 21 days in 2014. Additionally, the values of DDD with return periods of 5, 10, 25, and 50 years were calculated using fitted statistical distributions and kriging and mapped. Finally, using the K nearest neighbor method the most important factor affecting DDD of the spatial characteristics, including longitude, latitude, elevation, average daily temperature (tm), dew point (td), wind altitude (u), maximum wind speed (ffmax), and direction of the fastest wind (ddmax), was determined. It was found that the southeastern parts of the study area are affected by the longest dust storm duration in all return periods; over longer return periods, long dust storms are also found in the central parts, especially the central desert of Iran. Therefore, these areas should be given priority in fighting and controlling wind erosion. Furthermore, the results showed that the maximum wind speed has the greatest effect on DDD

    Comparison of statistical and machine learning approaches in land subsidence modelling

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    This study attempted to predict ground subsidence occurrence using statistical and machine learning models, specifically the evidential belief function (EBF), index of entropy (IoE), support vector machine (SVM), and random forest (RF) models in the Rafsanjan Plain in southern Iran to investigate 11 possible causative factors: slope percent, aspect, topographic wetness index (TWI), plan and profile curvatures, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), land use, lithology, distance to river, groundwater drawdown, and elevation. The Boruta algorithm was applied to determine the importance of the possible causative factors. NDVI, groundwater drawdown, land use, and lithology had the strongest relationships with land subsidence. Finally, we generated land subsidence maps using different machine learning and statistical models. The accuracy of these models was assessed using the AUC value and the true skill statistic (TSS) metrics. The SVM model had the highest prediction accuracy (AUC = 0.967, TSS = 0.91), followed by RF (AUC = 0.936, TSS = 0.87), EBF (AUC = 0.907, TSS = 0.83), and IoE (AUC= 0.88, TSS = 0.8)

    Antecedent Soil Moisture Conditions Influenced Vertical Dust Flux: A Case Study in Iran Using WRF-Chem Model

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    Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters affecting dust emission flux. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of soil moisture on vertical dust flux in the central plateau region of Iran. In this study, the WRF-Chem (Weather Research and Forecast with Chemistry) model, with the GOCART (Global Ozone Chemistry Aerosol Radiation and Transport) scheme, was used to estimate the dust emission flux during a major storm from 19 to 21 July 2015, and to discriminate between dust sources. The results showed that the Kyrgyz deserts in Turkmenistan, the Arabian deserts in Saudi Arabia, the deserts of Iraq, and the Helmand region in Afghanistan are sources of foreign dust. Additionally, the central desert plain was identified as an internal dust source, where the dust level reached 7000 ”g m−2 s−1. The results of WRF-Chem simulation were verified with reanalysis data from MERRA2 and AERONET data from Natanz station, which showed good agreement with the simulation. Based on the GLDAS reanalysis, soil moisture content varied between 2.6% and 34%. Linear and nonlinear regression of vertical dust flux values and soil moisture showed nonlinear behavior following the exponential function, with a correlation coefficient of 0.8 and a strong negative association between soil moisture and vertical dust flux